No. This is demonstrably false. All you’ve done is reduce my criteria to a single factor.
I didn't reduce it to a single factor.
No. This is demonstrably false. All you’ve done is reduce my criteria to a single factor.
And neither of you have provided proof of it flopping. Flops are not saved by singles.
Breh, I am not the one who was questioning why another poster mentioned her. Then when he explained why, you went on about Missy flopping, which is the first time I replied to any of your posts about Missy.
youre making a mountain out of a molehill.
he was under the impression that missy had a huge year, when in fact it was the opposite.
and he fell back afterwards, so I don't know why you keep bringing him up, hoping that hes gonna come to your defense.![]()
more than enough proof has been provided.
the fact of the matter is that one of your childhood nostalgic ideologies is being ruined, and youre not taking to it very well.
DMX flesh of my flesh album dropped with no video.
the slippin video dropped like a month or so after the album's release.
the 2nd video didn't drop until like 7-8 months later.
just a lil perspective there.
Ok. I must have missed that. What are your other factors?My criteria had more factors than one. Besides, how many factors isn't the point.
You are correct about the singles.Your criteria included singles and none of the singles from FOMFBOMB were bigger than the ones from IDAHIH ("Slippin" is an all time great song though). IDAHIH went 4X platinum and FOMFBOMB went 3X platinum. It took two years for FOMFBOMB to reach 3X platinum when it only took IDAHIH less than a year. And on top of this, you were arguing that an album selling less than the previous one was a flop. Based on ALL of this, this album flop by your standard unless your criteria exclusively applies to Missy.
No. To the contrary, you selectively applied the criteria to make your case and ignored the criteria that didn’t support your case.You deviated from your own criteria to say FOMFBOMB was NOT a flop, but are using the same metrics to say Missy's album was.
I’m really surprised Slipping didn’t chart higher.DMX flesh of my flesh album dropped with no video.
the slippin video dropped like a month or so after the album's release.
the 2nd video didn't drop until like 7-8 months later.
just a lil perspective there.
I am not hoping anyone comes to my rescue. I never needed help in debating any of you. Only reason I mentioned him is because I was summarizing how it all started. I wasn't in here throwing up the bat symbol to call in the "calvary". You don't see me in here talking about the "calvary has arrived" or talking about "we tried to tell you".
Breh, no proof has been given. It is his "criteria", which doesn't mean much when the poster who created the criteria is under the impression that debut albums can't flop.
Lies =/= perspective
"No Love For Me" had a video
"Slippin" ain't drop no 7-8 months later.