you all mad about the past, but forgettin that PRESENTLY WE ARE ALL SLAVES.
stop acting like a thirsty 8 yr old that just seen ass for the 1st timeWhere'd my post with dat ass quoted go
This the clown some idiots were trying to defend in the Lord Jamar threads. Sh!t is funny.
sup sexy :cheff:
This is untrue. The confederate flag means racism everywhere.i'm from the north and if you have a confederate flag everyone just assumes you're from the south, not that you're racist. TO ME this is an example of the south's inability to progress with the rest of the US; mostly everywhere else, people would accept you as someone who just likes a flag if you had a confederate flag. as for the swastika, most people from my town wouldn't have an issue, and if there was they would at least ask if its for buddhism
thoroughly convinced anyone fake hurt by this has an incredibly simplistic thought process. so since gunplay has a swastika tattooed onto the back of his neck is he racist?
It is a symbol of the confederacy, but it is also a symbol of racism. Racism and certain areas in the South are still synonymous.really, because the confederate flag is a symbol of the confederate states. not of slavery, or racism for that matter. the mindset of the south not wanting to progress is that the south is currently the lowest cost of living region of the united states, and has been for some time. not that the south is racist, although this was the view in previous years, most people in the north and west consider the south a place full of white trash individuals on welfare, who own lots of guns and live in trailers