Y’all be flying abroad for sex


Dec 16, 2016
I'm so sorry prostitutes are your only options in life for fulfillment. Real men > John's with micro p@nis syndrome contributing to trafficking

Foreign >


All Star
Jul 31, 2015
Maybe if you clarified your point more i'd be inclined to agree with you

Allow me to me quote myself for a moment........

Saltmoney said:
Going over into third world countries where the standard of living for many people is so monumentally different, meaning people tend to be so poor that they don't feel like they have other options or they would be homeless crosses that line. People turning to sex work because otherwise their family won't have enough to eat for the next week or because a family member needs health care etc is horrific and people taking advantage of that is going against everything I believe in.

Being fine with paying a girl $30-$50 for fukking you when you know that that's essentially throwing another human being crumbs for dealing with you makes me sick. They don't care that some of these girls throw up right after they get their nut and leave or have to consume lots of alcohol or other drugs so they con portray to be the bubbly happy chick that's here to give you a good time.

The same way that sex tourism is set up in Southeast Asia and men flock over there to take advantage of the poor, those "men" that fly over there to "vacation" with women and children (!!!) are scum of the earth. Why can't they pay for sex with women in their own countries that don't get neglected by their government to those extends? Because they know that the power dynamic is skewed and they get off on it. Why pay more or deal with other women when there's Ivana who takes $30 who will let you put it anywhere because she's trying to provide for her family. All of this hidden behind the facade of palm trees, "having fun" and just letting loose.

lol that bytch dont care about women & children she is just dikkwatching beleive me. As soon as these women come to America and date an AA man these dikkwatching divester types start hating on the same women they were trying to “help”.

Got people in here talking about MY country & only been once to a tourist area or even worse never even been tryna speak for these hoes:mjlol: trust me when I tell u the majority dont have to sell ass they WANT to . Im talking designer clothes high class condos etc all paid for off SIMPS and sometimes they dont even have to fukk the simps to get money:russ: I feel like they are the ones actually victimizing men.

Anytime u see a woman complaining about this, it’s fake self righteous virtue signaling. These hoes dont care about nobody but themselves but alla sudden they wanna change the world:laff::piss: eat a dikk

Saltmoney said:
Like I would give a flying f**k about who some random on the internet is messing with AS LONG AS nobody is being exploited.

Are there women among them who do this out of their own free will for purses and shoes? HELL YES! Are there a lot of women (including underage girls) who fall through the cracs and are there out of desperation/needing to survive? HELL YES!

Do I think the average Joe can make or even want to make that distinction when their d**k his hard and the only thing in the way are a few $$ bills? HELL NO! The average human is egotistical and has the IQ of a potato so people have to protected from them!


So your problem is that you feel bad that the whore who's selling her body, ain't having actual fun doing it.

Lol you dudes are something else.

Saltmoney said:
I have a problem with the whore who's selling her body having to resort to such measures for basic human needs that should be covered by a good system in place provided by their government. As in, options of education and employment that will ensure a certain standard of living can be sustained for everyone. And yes, I think it's crazy that people can get their rocks of while the person they're fukking with is praying for the shyt to be over.

Some real psycho sh*t. :francis:

Sex tourism has always existed breh.

White men from first world countries go to Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Korea etc) just to fukk & some come back with a mail order bride.

Old white women are known for going to Jamaica & other parts of Africa to fukk with some brothas.

Black men just started partaking in the fukkery in the last 10-15 years, but it's been happening

Saltmoney said:
I'm pretty sure we're all aware of the fact that prostitution has been the oldest profession all over the world but why does nobody consider the SOURCE?
Why go to underprivileged countries where widespread poverty makes people resort to things they otherwise wouldn't put their selves through?

So you're basically saying because white people have been acting like degenerates for eternity black men should be allowed to stoop to their level?

White people have proven to be some of the most cruel creatures on this earth and y'all are aspiring to be like them? Aspire to be like Satan's ass mite brehs

Its a lot of hating going on here. Nikkas sound like bitter baby mommas.

Im military so Ive been and lived all over the world. Anybody that has traveled know that the Americanized version of chicks in the country you are in are the WORST chicks to deal with. American women are not the gold standard. Most guys I know go overseas and get married.

Saltmoney said:
Is it really hating or much more criticizing the circumstances that surround the sex trade today? You can find American women as trashy as you'd like but why is your solution to your perceived drought of good women buying women in underprivileged countries?

I grew up in a European country so I know for a fact you could find women there who would get with you without having to hide their true inner disgust FOR FREE.

Life is NOT fair shawty. The clothes that you are wearing right now are probably made in China/India by a kid paid peanuts a day.

Saltmoney said:
True BUT why play into the degeneracy? That just shows me that morals are directly tied to ones financial standing meaning that if the people who are on the bottom now gained power in social standing and financially they would act the same way as their oppressors are now.

All of that in light of people on this board posting thread after thread wondering at what point humanity got lost and how evil the upper 1% are. Morals and how we respect human values shouldn't be so easily compromised and I think it's just crushing to see that so many people are out here acting confused as to why society is going down the drain but as soon as the lights turn off their true nature reveals itself. People aren't upset that supremacy in itself exists and has been allowed for so long but rather they're upset that they can't be the ones on top enforcing it.

meanwhile nobody is pressing lines on the cac elites ordering and raping young kids as we type rn . Shut yall ol hating fake angry asses up.

Stop poccet watchin and dicc policing . broke nikka shyt


Saltmoney said:
Bu bu buut the white man's doing it so why shouldn't IIIII....


In addition the documentaries posted on page 2 confirm my concerns.


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The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Who here been to South Africa - I’m booking a trip to Soweto next year

A nibba only going off of bubblin butt club rn :mjlit:


Apr 24, 2016
Allow me to me quote myself for a moment........


Is that Mindy? :mjtf:

Moving on...

I see what you're saying, but I don't think the line between enthused woman and exploited borderline underage girl is as blurred as you're making it.

We're on the same page. Sex exploitation is horrible. No one should have to hoe for basic amenities like food and basic shelter.

It's a small amount of people who travel (either exclusively or as part of a wider trip) to target this group of women, because they thrive off the fukked up power dynamic.(Mostly white men, mind) That's the documentaries you refer to. They deserve all the condemnation. But trust me, anyone who's trying to figure out where their next meal will come from, won't be in an upscale club in Johannesburg or Zurich or Tokyo (I'm just rattling off random cities at this point). You have to go find that niche, and if you do, certified scumbag. We agree.

I think my issue with the OP and your posts is

1. Overstating the idea that many countries apart from the US are underprivileged, stripping their citizens of any personal agency. That could not be further from the truth. There may not be government established social nets but informal family and friend networks go a long way towards filling the gaps. Most major cities across the world have a burgeoning middle class (including women) that can afford basic amenities, and can make choices devoid of desperation as you put it.

2. Ignoring the extent to which sex, even here in America, has been made a commodity. I don't give a fukk what a wannabe mack thinks, you ain't mouthpiece-ing your way into class p*ssy today. You're providing something of value (it may be money, dinner, time, alcohol, whatever). I think now, with that dynamic, it's nearly impossible to eliminate any sort of doubt that the woman you're engaging in casual relations with, is not doing it just for the benefits because she has to. What's the solution here? Ban all casual sex encounters? Set a minimum price/benefit floor to minimize the behavior?

Having had this conversation with other women, it seems a major gripe (not you, just in general) is that someone can catch a flight and in another country, get all kinds of strange thrown at them without going through the bullshyt men here have to go through here. But that's a function of

a. The dollar going further. Imagine how many women throw themselves at Future in the club in Atlanta because of wealth? The average man can experience that in the club in Prague. The former is accepted as what it is, the latter should too

b. sex being way more of a commodity overseas. They don't give a fukk about this bullshyt macking. That's why Nigerians in Houston are seen as tricks. Because that's what it is in Lagos. Ain't much of this "let me talk her panties off with $2 in my pocket". It's a symbiotic thing overseas.

I think for the most part we're on the same page regarding people who go to exclusively prey on underage/poverty stricken women. Just don't think that speaks for the majority of interactions between American men and foreign women overseas.



Dec 15, 2019
No you couldn’t... that’s the point of foreign things, they ain’t found in abundance here.
I said “major city center” in my original post. I’m not faulting you if you live in Biloxi, Mississippi but major cities like ATL, NYC, Houston, etc have an abundance of Brazilians, Colombians, Easter Europeans, etc. I remember Colombians had their own section of town on Cobb parkway in the ATL metro.

Not to mention theses cities have home grown dimes that dont have hunger cramps motivating them to talk to you.:yeshrug:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
If I ever met a guy in real life that told me he flew to other states or countries for the primary purpose of having sex with women, I’d probably laugh in his face, lol. Men are so sad