Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Another thread of bickering. I will say that @PS4 is making sense on the issue that Sony isnt selling as much as they say..but id be inclined to think that units shipped will sell eventually, as retailers do not keep stock on hand for long. They also only buy as many as they need. It can be said that shipped = sales because once Walmart orders it, its paid for. But ill agree, the money numbers dont back up Ps3 passing the Xbox.
This is the whole truth so help me GOD

Look, for some strange reason somebody made that lie up and you guys been repeating that as gospel.
I worked in retail. When the PS2 and Xbox launched, I was working at todays equivalent to gamestop.
The stores only make pre-orders for lanuches, and the stores never get enough.
After all that dies down, they don't order how much they need like you saying. And they can return unsold systems. They don't buy them and sony collects the fee. If that was true, then there would be no reason to use the term "Shipped" na mean :hula:

Thats some lame shyt some fanboy years ago made up, and ppl who don't work in the industry believed it :heh:
There is no way they can judge how many systems they'll sell because its random as fukk. Now what you also have to take into account is SONY has had no problem all gen capitalizing off the lies. I can tell you why they even started to lie. First couple of years, PS3 wasn't selling too good. Industry experts were all saying Sony should abandon the PS3 :leon:
This is how real and close it got to actually happening (fanboys don't seem to remember this tho)
Sony pleads with developers not to abandon PS3 for Wii and Xbox - GAMER.BLORGE
:damn: they had to beg? Basically they was in the same position the Wii-U is in right now (Story Tru)
Sony just like how it won the Blu-ray war (by paying off the rival companies for exclusivity) they bought MGS4 from Konami. Why you think that game never been ported after all this time :ld:
That game alone gave the PS4 hope, and Konami back then said if it couldn't sell 1million copies on PS3 then they would make it multiplat. I guess that was in the contract or whatever. Around this same time Sony stopped reporting "systems sold" :birdman:

Wait, it gets funkier... I just posted an article which says sony is FINALLY making money off of the PS3.
Good for them. But they said this exact same thing 3yrs ago
After Nearly Four Years, The PS3 Finally Turns A Profit
These dudes basically have been lying since 2008 to avoid pressure from people who have stock in sony, because the pressure was mounting for them to abandon the PS3 to save from going bankrupt. Here's how much money sony has lost over the years...

2008 = 1 billion lost

2009 = 439 million lost

2010 = 3.17 billion lost

2011 = 5.57 billion lost

2012 = 6.40 billion lost

I personally became hip to sony's practices when the PS2 dropped and literally 70% of the launch systems we got were faulty. And a sony rep (a rep from each company would randomly visit to ask questons about sales) told us that sony was aware of the problem (Disc read error) and had no current plans to do anything about it. They settled with a fluke ass $25 refund and a free repair "if you still had a system, that was faulty" :stopitslime: This was late 2005, like 2months before the Xbox 360 came out. So they got away with that and gamers on the sony side act like this didn't happen. the Xbox RROD was not as widespread as the DRE, FACT. DRE was allowed to go on for the entire gen basically. RROD was a 2yr engagement. More PS2's were sold right, so then I'm right about DRE if thats the case. Just showing you why I dislike sony, why my beef is valid and not based on "Im broke and this is all I know"

PS3 comes out, they lying about everything out the gate. Its why I was able to predict the price and release date. Because I was at that point able to read thru there lies/bullshyt. And have been doing it ever since. Now some report has it that xbox will outsell the PS4 3 to 1? Who is saying this, how do they know this? Sounds like something I been saying all along doesn't it :ohhh: I wonder why...


All Star
May 29, 2012
This is the whole truth so help me GOD

Im not about to do any fact checking, but this is interesting if true, but it wont stop me from getting a ps4 when they get good shyt, any company that makes billions doesn't get there by being nice and truthful, and they sure as hell are looking out for the customer...Thats why i chuckle at people who talk like sony cares about gamers and yada yeah they care about your money :lolbron:

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Why are people pushing this shipped nonsense? I don't get promoting shipped,, especially total shipped did not help Microsoft on their RT tablets.

Analysts have generally been concerned for months about Windows RT and Surface RT sales since first quarter sales reach just 200,000 Windows RT tablets, including Surface RT -- just 0.4% of the 49.2 million tablets shipped overall, according to IDC. Microsoft reports its quarterly earnings today when more insights on Surface RT may be forthcoming.


No point in having all that hardware sitting in a warehouse. :heh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Why are people pushing this shipped nonsense? I don't get promoting shipped,, especially total shipped did not help Microsoft on their RT tablets.


No point in having all that hardware sitting in a warehouse. :heh:
Not sure what your post has to do with this threads topic but zippity doo dah :confused:


All Star
May 29, 2012
Why are people pushing this shipped nonsense? I don't get promoting shipped,, especially total shipped did not help Microsoft on their RT tablets.


No point in having all that hardware sitting in a warehouse. :heh:
Shipped matters in this case because they both will sell out, so whoever ships more will sell more like I said earlier, but its is not an indication of anything really except that one was able to make more than the other

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Not sure what your post has to do with this threads topic but zippity doo dah :confused:

Thread title: Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year

My post: Why focusing on shipped numbers are bad.

Your post: Useless as always.

Shipped matters in this case because they both will sell out, so whoever ships more will sell more like I said earlier, but its is not an indication of anything really except that one was able to make more than the other

It isn't guaranteed that either will be selling out, namely Microsoft after their big PR hit.

Whoever ships more won't exactly sell more.

What you're trying to say is whoever ships more, has the capacity to sell more. And I agree with that.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Thread title: Xbox One could outship PS4 3-to-1 this year

My post: Why focusing on shipped numbers are bad.

Your post: Useless as always.

It isn't guaranteed that either will be selling out, namely Microsoft after their big PR hit.

Whoever ships more won't exactly sell more.

What you're trying to say is whoever ships more, has the capacity to sell more. And I agree with that.
I get it, my post is useless :obama:
Your post has nothing to do with Xbox or PS4, its about windows tablets and your connection is the word "shipped"

How about, you ship your dumbass out this thread now :manny:


Feb 9, 2013
I get it, my post is useless :obama:
Your post has nothing to do with Xbox or PS4, its about windows tablets and your connection is the word "shipped"

How about, you ship your dumbass out this thread now :manny:

Oh please, don't act like his link isn't relevant.

This thread: Xbox will outSHIP PS4 :win:

His link: Lots of shipped items didn't sell

Meaning of his link: shipped =/= sell

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Rice & beans comin thru with logic
Please tell me you are trolling

EDIT: OMG he isn't :snoop:

Plenty of companies have overstocked before. How the fukk is that relevant to a console launch?
I'm guess this is your first one? Well let me tell you how it works EVERYTIME since as far back as anyone can remember.

Consoles never have enough systems at launch. Supposedly there are over 50milliion active XBL members right now. Lets say they all are interested in a new system, lets say half. Lets say half of that even. Now we at 12.5million systems. M$ nor Sony will have anywhere near that many systems at launch, or in YEAR ONE. Probably not even by the end of year two :ufdup:
You gotta be beyond naive to not know this. Seriously, when the fukk did you guys start paying attention to this gaming shyt? Its laugh out loud retarded what you are entertaining bruh.

Now his article which I didn't click on, but since I read alot I already know they have like 3million or so extra tablets RIGHT NOW and they about to let them go for the low (Tru Story)
You know why that happened? It wasn't for launch, they SOLD OUT of launch units
Standalone Surface RT Tablets Sell Out in One Day, Windows 8 Pro Models 'Coming Soon' | Maximum PC

And those tablets was never expected to catch on and be the next big thing in tablets. It tried, it failed so far :manny:
Xbox is already an established brand. It has the better games as of right now, it has the better features from a system standpoint, and Kinect 2.0 will be the catalyst for why its a system people will want. Plus the biggest factor which is you can't even buy one anymore. They already sold out, so what the fukk :mindblown:

Now if you want to take Rice n Beans word over mine? Ok, but I know you know you trust my word on things like this. He don't even post here like that, and I just destroyed his bullshyt angle. The choice is yours breh :shaq:
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