Do they typically show footage they aren't proud of at Comicon
?Im not being sarcastic I'm really asking because I don't know,but you would think people at comicon we be harsher critics than anybody....Which is the only reason I question people saying "It was only for the comicon people",if it didn't leak wouldn't word have still gotten out how horrible it looked which would've been just about as bad as people seeing for themselves how bad it looks?
And for the record Quicksilver still looked ridiculous but had a scene that made up for it...Maybe the idea is to lower peoples standards so low once again based on shytty costumes,its easier to make a hit when people go in skeptical,than when they go in with high expectations
...But now is the time to complain like hell since they only 5 weeks in aint it?Maybe they can go back to the drawing board with that bullshyt