It aint like Fox has a great track record in being accurate when it comes to characters so yea Apocalypse being a point guard in that shot got me worried. His voice better be fukking intimidating also but I doubt it. Watch he sound like some type of fairy with a high pitched voice like Freeza. I see you Singer
This movie was kindve doomed from the start being that Bane basically stole Apocalypse whole soul in Dark Knight

....Marvel could've been savages and just took that shyt back

.....Weve seen enough shytty Brian Singer costumes to know most likely this will be what Apocalyps looks like,this trailer is what he sounds like...He actually thinks this shyt looks good
Best reason to see this movie will once again be Magneto and Wolverine if he's even in it,to see what they do with Cyclops....and lowkey I'ma say Storm now

....The girl they got playing her took it upon herself to get a tan,maybe she'll even attempt the accent

....I never saw the Aaliyah movie and never will,i saw a lil bit of her in that Drumline movie,shes not as bad as people said as an actress....I thought she was pretty good and she got a likeable quality outside of looking good...As long as I wanted to fukk Halle Berry I cant say she ever had that in any movie
She's looking like Apocalypse right hand,maybe she'll get some real screentime,and really show her powers instead of Magneto getting all the shine....How you don't have a cool scene yet when you got a character that can control the weather,Magneto got about 5...Can Storm get one

?Acting like a Tornado,Flood, and a Hurricane aint shyt.
Everybody trust Singer again after DOFP,even though apparently he had a lot of help with that from the guy who made First Class which is the best Xmen movie