X-MEN Apocalypse (Official Thread)


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
It's my biggest fear B:mjcry: he'll look like the mutant love child of the Stargate Villain and Xerxes:scust:.

I have no idea what they're going to do with him. It may be and probably will be all mo cap like the hulk that way they can make him imposing and hopefully non effeminate because that would be a damn travesty


May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland
didn't see it, nor am I going to see it.That movie seems to be all anyone ever mentions, u never hear and 2 faces of January, if that's all 1 can go off that kind of proves my point. As for your other q the thing is we haven't, in the past they let box office receipts dictate who ran the gamut now the studio and execs choose who should be a star and we the consumers are playing catch up? That's ass backwards

people really should check out Two Faces Of January w/ him and Vigo Mortensen..one of my favorite movies of the year.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Oscar Isaac is a good actor so it'll be fine. They're gonna CGI the hell out of him anyway, if they actually plan to do him justice (it's still Fox so you'll never know).

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
He's not being presented as a megastar though, he's someone that's had some great performances in some smaller films that was selected by a 2 directors to be in their big movies.

And Issac hasn't already piqued interest with his roles?

Mainstream weren't talking about Hunger or Eden Lake before he got his big break in IB.
playing a recasted Magnus isn't the same as playing the x-men's biggest villian

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Well the system has changed with more independent directors now working for studios. Those men and women aren't just looking to fill roles with people who are going to make them box office but rather people who are the best for the roles.
I can assure you studio execs could give a rat's ass about artistic integrity if there is money to be had they are going to do what needs doing. They could have got lelee soblienski to play mystique and we all would have been non the wiser of what could have been. We are living in a time as u say where movie stars are nonexistent in its place we have these class of actors that think they are jacks of all trades. In turn they are interchangeable, while fassbender was a great choice black ops simp from homeland could've got the role and the franchise isn't dented or propelled in any way, so this thing about right person for the job is flawed.
Fassbender was great in those roles but he wasn't a "star" yet and neither was Jennifer Lawrence at the time; she got the role based on acclaimed roles she'd had in smaller movies. They look to create stars now and also get the best actors. Gone are the days of casting Arnold and Uma Thurman and Tommy Lee Jones in your movies just for the name value even if they're terrible for the roles. And that's why I say it's better now as opposed to then. Especially since there are very few movie "stars" these days meaning they can open a movie and it's a guarantee 100 million. Audiences seem to identify more with franchises and properties now rather than stars which can be both good and bad. We still decide though breh.

But as a lifelong James Bond fan, that's how they've always done business. Bond is the star, we just get the right actor to play him and make him a household name. Sean Connery was far from a household name when he was cast as Bond. Roger Moore was probably the closest thing to a household name when he got the role because he was on the saint and on maverick but mostly everyone else, even Pierce Brosnan, weren't quite there yet, they were on the cusp. Daniel Craig was far from the cusp but he got the role because he was the best man for the job
anyone can play bond breh they just need a British accent (preferably middle to upper class) be caucasian and look sharp in a suit. Its no different to doctor who, there will always be someone that thinks that's was the perfect bond


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I can assure you studio execs could give a rat's ass about artistic integrity if there is money to be had they are going to do what needs doing. They could have got lelee soblienski to play mystique and we all would have been non the wiser of what could have been. We are living in a time as u say where movie stars are nonexistent in its place we have these class of actors that think they are jacks of all trades. In turn they are interchangeable, while fassbender was a great choice black ops simp from homeland could've got the role and the franchise isn't dented or propelled in any way, so this thing about right person for the job is flawed.
anyone can play bond breh they just need a British accent (preferably middle to upper class) be caucasian and look sharp in a suit. Its no different to doctor who, there will always be someone that thinks that's was the perfect bond

Aye I'm not disagreeing with a thing you're saying breh. I'm just saying I'd much rather get good actors to play the roles rather than sticking to people who are names because that doesn't always work well and there is plenty of evidence on both sides of the equation to back up either argument

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
He was at worst second billing in a popular movie franchise
who was? Fassbender? Hell Jennifer Lawrence could damn well be the main character in the next movie doesn't change mystique's place in the comics :mjpls:
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I can assure you studio execs could give a rat's ass about artistic integrity if there is money to be had they are going to do what needs doing. They could have got lelee soblienski to play mystique and we all would have been non the wiser of what could have been. We are living in a time as u say where movie stars are nonexistent in its place we have these class of actors that think they are jacks of all trades. In turn they are interchangeable, while fassbender was a great choice black ops simp from homeland could've got the role and the franchise isn't dented or propelled in any way, so this thing about right person for the job is flawed.
anyone can play bond breh they just need a British accent (preferably middle to upper class) be caucasian and look sharp in a suit. Its no different to doctor who, there will always be someone that thinks that's was the perfect bond

Although I won't say "anyone" can be Bond because there is a certain thing he has to have in the role but that's just me being very nerdy and particular about Bond

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Although I won't say "anyone" can be Bond because there is a certain thing he has to have in the role but that's just me being very nerdy and particular about Bond
to be honest I don't think Craig has that thing to be bond, ppl say Fleming's original characterisation was of a blonde bruiser, yeah ok he has muscles and he's not a pretty boy so what? He still has zero chemistry with female leads and doesn't inject any charisma into the the role, not 1 iota. But ppl swear up and down he's this and that which strengthens my argument about perception


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
to be honest I don't think Craig has that thing to be bond, ppl say Fleming's original characterisation was of a blonde bruiser, yeah ok he has muscles and he's not a pretty boy so what? He still has zero chemistry with female leads and doesn't inject any charisma into the the role, not 1 iota

Meh agree to disagree on that one and I've had that argument so many times Im tired of having it. Minds won't be changed on that one. You're either down with him as Bond or you're not. :whoknows:


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Because your assumption is that because he's not known to you, that he can't bring gravitas to the part and that's not true. Perfect example back to X men..Fassbender, at the time, was not known to me, that's me speaking personally. But when I saw him in X Men First Class, I was hooked. Dude owned that role, and was the best thing about that movie in my eyes. He was perfect and did everything with that role to make it great and make him standout. Then when it comes to James Bond, at the time, I'd only seen Daniel Craig in one thing, that Tomb Raider movie, and that's far from anything to highlight on a resume and he was barely in the movie so really I had no idea what to expect from his Bond but I was going to see the movie anyway and he was perfect. But there were people who'd seen him in Layer Cake who knew exactly what he could do with the role and I'm sure there expectations were met or surpassed. Because I love the character of Bond, I'm going to see the movie. Because I'm a fan of x men as a franchise, which includes movies and comics, I'm going to see it.

Well we disagree on that then. Yeah there were plenty of issues with it but I believe the buzz he got from one role made him a bigger star but the question is always is it the role that's making you big or are you making the role big? There are certain stars who are going to get their movies in wide release regardless of the situations because the studios know they'll make money off of it. That movie not only had his last role but also Johnny Depp and the studio would've pushed it out to the moon if they knew it would make money. There's a method to movie releases and a lot of it is audience research and sometimes the audience just doesn't care about people in certain roles no matter how big of a star we think they are. Sam Jackson has done a lot of movies and a good number of them have been direct to video but I think we'd all agree he's a household name definitely. But there are certain films he does that the studios know aren't going to pull in major dollars so they don't push them out to a wide audience, which is why they pop up on netflix or on demand.

Hollywood is driven now by franchises breh. Christian Bale is a star sure but Batman and the terminator are bigger stars. Even Robert Downey Jr., the highest paid man in the business, seems to have an issue opening a movie that's not an existing property. Sherlock Holmes? Hit. Iron Man? Hit. The Judge? Flop. The Soloist? Flop. The one movie he's got in between the big franchises that was a hit for him is Due Date and that was an ensemble more than just about him.

I'm not saying you're completely wrong or even saying that your personal reasons are wrong because they're personal, but what I am saying is that the era of big name stars being the sole reason for a movie's success or even the sole reason a mass audience will go see something now is over and it's been discussed and written about ad nausuem for the past few years.
I'm saying in this case it would be a good idea to cast someone more well known to play Apocalypse. Yes, most times it is not necessary. But in this case it would be closer to guaranteeing gravitas over this Isaac guy who is not very well known.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I'm saying in this case it would be a good idea to cast someone more well known to play Apocalypse. Yes, most times it is not necessary. But in this case it would be closer to guaranteeing gravitas over this Isaac guy who is not very well known.

Gravitas is something anyone can bring to it just through their ability though thats why I'm not getting what you're saying on that front. A great actor can command the screen and command attention especially in a role where he will no doubt be buried under makeup or CGI


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Gravitas is something anyone can bring to it just through their ability though thats why I'm not getting what you're saying on that front. A great actor can command the screen and command attention especially in a role where he will no doubt be buried under makeup or CGI
And I'm saying I don't know for sure this guy is a great or even a good actor. I saw him in one thing and completely didn't bother to look up his name after the fact. I see he is getting a lot of work which is a good sign but that doesn't automatically mean he is good. Hayden Christensen was getting a lot of work at one time and was plucked from obscurity to be the face of Star Wars and we see that didn't really work out. I'm saying go for someone more well known, it is less of a risk and gravitas is more likely.