X-MEN Apocalypse (Official Thread)

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I have 0 passion about this film, so if you want to :cape: for it's mediocrity and borderline poor writing/directing, go for it, I can't even pretend to have the energy to engage.

I, think you know you make up the readership.
that marvel jettisoned the old readership guard for and you know what I am speaking is real. Apocalypse was never a great story or villaiN.
Plus the source material is the worst in the entire history of the xmen.
Singer straight played fox and the apocalypse readership guard exactly how they asked according to what was present.

nikka got every under-developed character/villain/readership point that was present and it even featured actually making apocalypse the villain. that got his ass kicked by the mutants at the end anyway.
Where we finally get to see the xmen cut lose and demonstrate their full super saiyan reached power levels. That the readership asked for and is present like they asked.
As apocalypse was just a horrible villain like venom was.
Overprocesssd by a new readership guard, influenced by prison industrial complex readership guard content and direction
That asked and received what they campaigned to get.
The movie is as good a popcorn memorial day movie as you could get and the readership and fans who campaigned.
got a movie indicative of what was present in the source material given the principals present..

plus, singer remade the moments from xmen II and closed out any bullshyt from xmen III.
Complete with excellent new age readership based content models and direction. Just hoe your readership guard likes it.

If you went into basically this rehab or die picture.
thinking you were gonna see this great apocalypse story.
For one which was never written and never existed.
Plus, based on when xtitles all lost there way.
you got exactly what you asked for with this movie.

This shyt was like gangsta rap and the rap industry.
Y'all kept saying you wanted it that way,...so, singer gave it to you how you wanted and now it is there you complaining.
When that is exactly what you asked for ...singer pleased all parties if you look at the principals.
Just like in batman v supes, they pleased all the principals as well.
There is no argument to complain about this movie,...
They even gave y'all the actor y'all wanted as the villain.
Who been ripping people off with headfake gangsta movies about trucking too.
Who was an awful pick if you peeped just what apocalypse is anyway.

The people got what they campaigned for as far as the general box office and people who expressed their interest to like fc and the reboot.
I am not even complaining about the shyt and I passionately probably care more than all y'all and even I knew,..
They made xmen into some FX nursing home channel watched shyt a whole trilogy ago and made a promising original triology from the jump into a memorial day popcorn movie.
That followed the cartoon and a bunch of idiot boardroom decision to begin with.
In that the pedo director somehow with fox made xmen ii and there was hope.
For the studio to make this to as big a trilogy capper.
as they made with other properties, and it ruins the perception of the entire franchise.
You asked for it to be changed, and the new readership guard said they wanted it to be like the comics they currently read.
Where Scott takes over and is given precedence and the original team is mixed with giant size international diverse team of xmen.
Singer did that with first class and then actually used a plot device the readership praised again with days of future past prematurely.
yet, nonetheless y'all asked for that shyt and since phoenix was ruined, they needed an old nostalgic xmen style villain.
to be made a focal point for a movie and started to really rehab the franchise.
This movie just held it all together and gave the post 96 age of apocalypse style xmen readership what they wanted and how they arose to this point with amalgamated good from the past.

The general gateway cartoon fan and post 96 age of apocalypse fan got what they wanted.
Judged upon that, I don't see all the complaining or their gripes as having merit.
As those reviewers asked for that shyt to happen and singer delivered it.

This fanboy contingent and gateway movie goer asked for this apocalypse shyt and he gave it to you.
Plus fixed all that shyt from the other trilogy in one fell swoop.

So, I know why you tapped out on this, cause you don't have a point to argue in general about this film.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
The movie was meh, not awful but not great neither

I really liked night crawler and quick silver(I'm not gonna lie Fox has a better Quick Silver than Disney/Marvel version)

Apoc I didn't like because his not the Apoc from the cartoons or comics, if they named a different name I would have liked the character better but that's not Apoc.

Overall is alright but this movie easily forgettable:manny:

Apocalypse always sucked and that is the apocalypse readers liked, except his powers were put in proper context and made sense, exactly.
for how they overpowered a hall of horrible wack ass villain.
Apocalypse got the fate he should have gotten.
back in xfactor like 25 or some shyt.
instead of the continued wack xfactor eighties cartoon villains laughs off yelling retreat in the distance and gets away.
Lol fiendishly hinting at another master evil plan

Apocalypse is cartoon 80's horrifically bad villain.
where every episode this fool shows up with some bullshyt.
Except he was overpowered in the nineties from wack gangsta rap prison industrial complex semantics, content and direction.
Where the bad guy got to be cooler than the good guy for no apparent reason but to appease prison industrial complex marketed remedial content minded kids.
Where it ruined comics, xmen and Spiderman especially.
As xmen had to have a cool antihero best the unbeatable villain with no weakness.
except for a superman 1950's here I come to save the day conclusion.
that was picked up off the cutting room floor in the dumb ass hell pile and actually used in the comic. In wolvie beats apocalypse master plan, all because apocalypse really only deals with xfactor and is all knowing.
Yet, does not know the mutant powered secret about wolverine.
who been around the supposed longest in all comic book continuity and mythos.
Just plain fukkin stoopid as fukk and why anyone talking positively.
about apocalypse as a villain was just a cartoon viewer and from age of apocalypse readership.
When marvel grasped at straws and needed an excuse to try to latch onto growing dragonball viewership.
Who needed a frieza or unbeatball cell type villain to dial in the xmen.
When dragonballz is phoney dc superman meets cultural appropriation style anime and not based on any marvel semantics whatsoever.
So mixing those semantics fukked marvel and specifically the xmen titled mags.
Including the marvel flagship mag in xmen all the way the fukk up after jim lee left.

Also we know the choices marvel made to try to be anime is indicative of wack ass indie hack jeph Loeb.
assailing up the executive framework with that fat indie hack Quesada.
Who basically ran marvel to the poor house and straight to the bicepless mouse's weirdo embrace.
That turns kids into some unexplained shyt vibe. That is so far from long term positive child rearing.
I fear for the moral sanctity of all kids moving forward.
All, I know is,.. in all that shyt.
Singer made an actual movie.
that fixed the xmen and all the parties that brought us here, politic'd and campaigned to get us here can not complain.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Disney stans being shameless hoe ass nikkas all over this thread, surprises no one :mjpls:

It is easy to be Disney/marvel in all this and make great movies.
All becauee disney/marvel have all the properties at marvel nobody read or liked for forty plus years or so.
Nobody read avengers outside westcoast avengers. Which we know because all the avengers movies have been about the readership reboot era.
that took place cause john bryne fukked up Scarlett witch and vision in westcoast avengers.
That even if thanos shows up they still stick to the post heroes reborn readership content that includes the stoopid ass civil war sorry arc.
Which was made as a buzzword title to pop fanboys for the movie.
that was present to fix the westcoast avengers bryne fukk UPS, that carried over to all avengers shyt to the present day.
Which only caught steam because of the reboot from Byrne destroying the marvel universe with vision and Scarlett witch.
A reboot that took them like twenty years to address by the way to be honest. Whereas in xmen and spidey, their content and direction changes were made in real time and actually HAD A REAL READERSHIP.
until thanos showed up nobody gave a fukk about any marvel b tier characters, or the mags. Even after thanos nobody cared. Until they fixed the b tier bryne fukk UPS all in the same action later on.
till after the John bryne issues were handled twenty years later.

As now all avengers stories are written like movie adaptations in the main monthly mag.
Instead of marvel launching a movie adaptation mag for avengers and ruining the ability to revenue grab and not have readership get lost in conversion to film.

So, disney/marvel should not get so much high praise either.
As they are working with properties..marvel fukked up eons ago and were forced to make a quality read.
To hopefully keep from being acquired by a larger entity and they were still acquired by Disney and the bicepless mouse.
So, real talk marvel which is Disney is no better.
They just have properties nobody gives one iota of a fukk about legacy wise and can just go make a movie.
that hits all the movie bells and whistles for a blockbuster with recognizeable gateway characters that date back to world war nostalgia readership points.
Plus have no fanboys opposition cause those mags have no real fanboys or readership to appease.
As all marvel characters that are not spidey or xmen.
never drew in the past like thirty to forty years anyway.
So, marvel/disney gets to make a blank slate movie wise about characters that have no readership legacy wise and basically no one gives a fukk about.
As they sucked so long ago their is no fanboy vitriol for fukking jt ul.
So, Disney got basically marvels whole roster to make movies about and change whatever they like.
All because marvel became so assinine and stoopid content and quality wise.
They had no properties outside the mutants and spidey anyone gave a fukk about.

So, of course they can Pixar marvel characters into a movie.
They don't have any readership guards to answer to.
The people who read avengers or b tier books just get to bask back like j told you.
Knowing damn well there books were bullshyt crap for thirty to forty years.
On some looking at a proud father and the only son who makes it bullshyt,....
So, trying to prop marvel over dc or Warner is bogus.
If you know the story of these properties and how they are/were acquired.

Art Barr
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Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
I have never liked the X-men films at all, except for First Class. I don't like Wolverine, and was always more of a Cyclops fan, though i know thats not the popular thing to be.
So from day 1, back in 1999, Fox hasn't done right by the X-men property.
Outside of Wolverine and Magneto, they've never truly cared about any of the other characters in the X-men saga, until Xavier got added to the pair and it became a trio in First Class.
The characters have nothing of their comic personalities, motivations or shortcomings.
They're glorified cameos, useful only for their powers and as a nod to longtime fans as if to say "Guess who this guy/girl is!"
Thats why you can have Havoc in a sixties era X-men movie, or a Cyclops in Xmen Origins who does nothing.
Thats why you've got heroes being villains and mostly being mute, or just not there at all for anything besides cool power displays.
Think of the fights in these movies. Its just big showup, and then every hero picks a villain and they tussle.
No teamwork, no strategies, just boredom.

None of these movies make a lick of sense continuity wise, or characterwise, and thats why X-men Apocalypse is so blah to me.

That was ok between 1999 and 2006, but the comic book genre has grown and matured drastically since then.

Everybody doesn't have to like what Marvel is doing, but the product they're putting out these days is head and shoulders above what Fox is doing imo.
And i honestly feel secure in saying that the reviews and probably the turnout will bear that truth out.


Apr 20, 2015
Lol at people thinking Fox is happy at making 400-500 million mediocre money just to keep the x-men rights:mjlol:

Sony amazing Spiderman made more money than any other fox x-men film(I think besides deadpool) and still give Marvel back the rights

Keep thinking Fox won't smarted up:heh:
Sony had major financial issues at the time which the primary reason they sold Spider-Man

Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
Sony had major financial issues at the time which the primary reason they sold Spider-Man

I don't think Fox will go to a deal with Marvel the way Sony did, but i do think they're going to look at the drastic growth of the MCU turnout, and then try to bring X-men to the next level.

I mean, lets be real.
This franchise has never tasted the highs that the Marvel films have.
Most of the flicks are in the MCU phase 1 tier, box office wise.

Meanwhile, Captain America joins the billionaire boys club, and X-men: Apoc is projected to bring in 500 million WW. They can't be happy with mediocre returns, while the competition just gets bigger and better.

I do think that Singer is done, and Fox'll work to turn the X-men franchise into something better landing in the mainstream.


Apr 20, 2015
I don't think Fox will go to a deal with Marvel the way Sony did, but i do think they're going to look at the drastic growth of the MCU turnout, and then try to bring X-men to the next level.

I mean, lets be real.
This franchise has never tasted the highs that the Marvel films have.
Most of the flicks are in the MCU phase 1 tier, box office wise.

Meanwhile, Captain America joins the billionaire boys club, and X-men: Apoc is projected to bring in 500 million WW. They can't be happy with mediocre returns, while the competition just gets bigger and better.

I do think that Singer is done, and Fox'll work to turn the X-men franchise into something better landing in the mainstream.
Yeah and Fox just like WB need to just get over the fact that they're not going to do Marvel numbers. 500-800M is a good number.

But I thought this did 103 international first weekend? That would be a floor of 500M wouldn't it?