i said it a few months back with the firs trailer, but in this day and age the fight choreography/cinematography in these x-films isOkay, here's my thing. I just watched the second trailer and it's a good trailer. Anyone saying it sucked or whatever is doing too much. That said, I can understand why some are feeling underwhelmed because this movie feels DATED. I think it'll be a very good movie. I'm not sure if it'll be Days of Future Past good but it'll be worth the watch.
But it's dated. You realize we've been seeing this version of the X-Men now for 16 years. Case in point, if Nolan were to make another Batman, as great as the trilogy was, I wouldn't want it. I want a fresh look, a new take..
This movie while I think it'll be good, could have come out in 2002 and we wouldn't know the difference. That shows me two things. First, that Singer was ahead of his time with this comic book shyt. But secondly, that he hasn't evolved.. whereas DC has a fresh new universe and even Marvel with all the films they've done now, it all started in 2008. This X-Men started in 2000 fam. I was still in grade school.

Deadpool was with a different creative team and they had the right idea for Colossus (even on a restricted budget). Compare that to the character version we saw back in X2, or juggernaut in x3, or Apocalypse in this one.