just watched the new trailer
I know a lot of folks are excited for this movie, but if Apocalypse was born in EGYPT, which is in AFRICA he more than likely would be black right?
The way he was drawn in the comics(from the images I've seen) he certainly looked more like a brother.
maybe it's just me
and please believe me, I'm not trying to be a contrarian Hotep or whatever, I just find it kinda odd, ya know
yes, he's blue/grey and he's a mutant and at the end of the day he's a fictional character. but in light of the fact that there are "Egyptologists" of Arab annd Caucasian descent that spend their entire careers trying to prove that Egypt WASN'T black, and the long and storied history(and quite recent history in fact, i.e., Gods of Egypt) of Hollywood and the dominant culture in general whitewashing black people out of everything of significance we were a part of I find it troubling.
I'll still watch it tho