I'm actually hoping all that damage is Storms doing

....Weve seen enough of Magneto lifting heavy shyt,but seeing Storm hit a big city with a F12 Tornado,Flood,hail,thunder all at the same damn time
And X1 and X2 haven't aged well at all for people who keep hyping those up as testimony to SInger imo....they was dope because superhero movies was new,but outside of that they don't tell a great xmen story.action overall stinks(yes I remember the nightcrawler scene),and the actors playing the characters all stink outside of Wolverine,and even he aint the raw uncut wolverine

..But Rogue?that aint my Rogue

?Storm?I luv Halle but

....Cyclops?laughing stock,no respect from the squad?Magneto,flabby and not as good as young Magneto....Proffesor X was good too,i forgot about him,still not as good as young Xavier....Mystique was good too,and what she was supposed to be.
Looks like we might have a final showdown between Mystique and Apacalypse,after all she does appear to be the leader of the Xmen now,that Cyclops never got to be