TriumphTriumph vs. Notorious Thugs
Impossible vs. Miss U (close)
Little Ghetto Boys vs. Another
Deadly Melody vs. Going Back to Cali
The City vs. Ten Crack Commandments
The Projects vs. Playa Hater
Bells of War vs. Nasty Boy
The M.G.M. vs. Sky's the Limit (super close)
Dog shyt vs. The World is Filled
Duck Seazon vs. My Downfall
Hellz Wind Staff vs. Long Kiss Goodnight
Heaterz vs. You're Nobody
Little Ghetto Boys
Going Back to Cali
Ten Crack Commandments
Bells of War
World is Filled
My Downfall
Long Kiss Goodnight
Heaterz v. Youre Nobody is a tossup for me
So Wu barely edges this one out

I wouldn't have counted Player Hater though

That's more of a skit to me