JahFocus CS
Get It How You Get It
They are Black but they are also non-African. Black is a broader term than African.
Africans would like to have a word with you
They are Black but they are also non-African. Black is a broader term than African.
I often meet Black people from other countries and they always present themselves as such, never heard anyone say "I'm not Black I'm Haitian" or something like that.
My wife and in-laws are all from Mozambique, they call themselves Black.
I would if they self-identified as/were African descendent. Look at the two women in the back, they look a lot like the rest of the people you posted but they're from the Siddi ethnic group, it's been thousands of years since their ancestors were stolen from Africa and they likely have extensive admixture but they're black just the same
Also, see the Paniya people. India's more diverse than many Indians would have you believe.
@endlesslyidle Which South American countries did you go to, and when and where did the locals inform you that they prefer to not be referred to as black?
well how can you consider somebody black that never wants to go back to the motherland not even for a holiday visit![]()
i consider myself black american, not african. why would i want to go there, when they're drowning themselves trying to get over western civilization
This nikka said "i consider myself black american, not african".Black Americans are scared to death of Africa... it's so sad.
alright marcus keep telling yourself that
Dude said the reason why Africans refer to themselves ass black is because of AAs. Which is completely false. The whole concept was created by cacs. If that's not the case than why do actual black people and cacs in England refer to African and West Indian immigrants as black also. You gonna tell me, it's because of AA influence? Nope. Can't accept that. If African immigrants would have came in America even if there weren't AAs, white folk by enlarge would have refer to us as Negros and black and with that, African and WI immigrants would have still considered themselves black just like what AAs do. The concept of the words negro and black did not come from AAs. So with that being said, they are NOT the reason that Africans refer to themselves ass black even though most will still refer to their nationality first.
Have you seen the movie Sapphires?
They called them aboriginal girls BLACK all through the movie.
To be fair, most people in the horn of Africa, except southern somalis have never met a non horner before so theyre a bit sensitive to the difference in features despite the fact that they share the same skin colour and origin with other Africans. Africa is still incredibly diverse. Most Ethiopian/Somali/Eritrean migrants realize they do belong to the black race after exposure to other races and there are many pro black Ethiopians in the states such as legendary director Haile Girma whove contributed alot to black movements. Its all about exposureMost sub-saharan africans with a grasp on the Western concepts of race would never deny that they're "black" based on phenotype (they often fit the perceived true "negro" stereotypes) but there are Horn of Africa, Africans, who have their own concepts of race inside Africa, that will deny that they are "black".
nope, gotta check out that movie. but you can tell theyre not BLACK, Black just by looking at them. People can be "Black" but still not Black. You know what I mean?![]()
Wrong. It's probably been said in here already but they identify themselves as black..and the men positively greet eachother and refer to their brothers/other aboriginal men as "black fellas"I'm willing to bet that you won't come across an Aborigine who considers themselves "black".![]()
They damn sure are considered Black by the people of Australia.
Same as the Negrito's in Asia.
AA's or Americans in general don't have a monopoly on the term "Black".
I hate that we act like we do. Because it show arrogance and privilege.
The term/concept as we know it today, was created in America by Aframs:conusher: Clown.
Im African so apparently I'm not black?
I could slap that same shyt on you, AA's who are like 20-30 percent white who are they to decide what is "black" and what isn't
Won't even entertain this, just get that neg clown
My best friend and I went backpacking in Peru a few years ago, and Ive also visited Argentina and Brazil. Does some one really need to craft a powerpoint presentation, or write in big letters in the the sky for you to notice the obvious social and economic disparities between people who are considered "white" and people who are considered"black." Being black is considered "poor," "dirty," and "uncivilized." You don't think that has any affects at all on the minds of people in these countries? People downplaying any african ancestry in favor of elevating their nonblack genetics.
Please tell me you're not this naive to not know just how deeply anti-blackness and white supremacy has affected people throughout the Americas?