Raven & Jesse Peterson are both c00ns, who were dragged up and down the internet for that foolishness. MJ & Kim had self hate issues, but Ive never heard them say they were "not black."
Now I want you to be completely honest,
is there or is there not a portion of non-AA's, living in America who dislike being considered black, because they associate the label with African American "ghetto / thug / underachieving / gang" culture, and prefer to distance themselves, by being labeled by ethnicity / nationality / their parent's nationality?
If the answers is yes, the whole point of what Ive been saying this entire thread is, that some non-AA's DO NOT WANT TO BE CALLED BLACK, so Im not gonna slap a label onto these people that they clearly don't want. If some says they identify as being black, I respect it, but if they don't, I gotta respect that too, so I don't assume.
I don't know why people are so in their feelings about this, its literally the most politically correct statement of all time