Women punches 4 year old child during fight

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I'm not pretending that no one is condemning these videos, but people are questioning me for doing exactly that. If you look a few pages back in this very thread, I acknowledged that I watched Sotomayor's video and agree with a lot (not everything) of what he said in it.

yes, White people will have justification to kill innocent Black people because of this. when white jurors reflect back to videos like the one in the OP while deliberating on whether or not a white person is guilty for killing an unarmed black child, it's that much easier for them to empathize with the white killer and hand down the not guilty.

I have nothing to apologize for and stand by everything I've said.


So you basically believe whites have always had and will always have justification to kill innocent black people since instances like this will ALWAYS exist and always have? And it will always be fine for them to put the blame on us because black people like the girl in the video will always exist?Just checking:manny:

Just want posters to see that you're an advocate for white supremacy. I've always suspected as much but thanks for the confirmation.

Nah, you should stick to being honest and wearing your c00n stripes proudly. You can't advocate for white supremacy and be pro black at the same time. You can't justify/rationalize white racism and be pro black at the same time. Black people are in the crosshairs due to having dark complexioned brown skin. This "we is our own worst enemy" shyt that you're on is c00n/cracker shyt 101. Whites haven't targeted us with their system of oppression because we've "deserved" it. Whites are racist because whites are racist. Blacks bear none of that blame. You're no different than the c00ns who try to deflect from white supremacy by telling blacks to just stop sagging their pants. "Well well Emmett Till shouldn't have been whistling".

This video isn't anti-black, it's anti-the people in it who are individuals that represent themselves. I as a black person have nothing to do with this shyt and fukk you and anybody else that thinks I oee some kind of apology. You're trying to make a false equivalence. I'm not even a supporter of that #blacklivesmatter bullshyt but that hashtag is in response to the legally sanctioned killing of black people in this country. Blacks aren't complaining about individual white people doing shyt that are eventually caught and punished by the legal system. Blacks are complaining about law enforcement murdering unarmed blacks while being protected by the system/public and absolved of punishment. There's no chance that this girl is not going to be protected by the system and not punished because we all know #whitelivesmatter. Seriously bruh, check yourself.


If @Matt504 is the man he claims he is he will offer his apology in the near future here after realizing the error in his statements:sas1:..


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Just want posters to see that you're an advocate for white supremacy. I've always suspected as much but thanks for the confirmation.

I live in the real world, anyone who thinks that white people shouldn't act in their own interest no matter how they do it is absolutely insane, I'll say it again: White people should use incidents like this to justify their anti Black racism, this shyt isn't about what's fair, it's a fukking war and anything goes, including them painting all of us with the same brush.

Nah, you should stick to being honest and wearing your c00n stripes proudly. You can't advocate for white supremacy and be pro black at the same time. You can't justify/rationalize white racism and be pro black at the same time. Black people are in the crosshairs due to having dark complexioned brown skin. This "we is our own worst enemy" shyt that you're on is c00n/cracker shyt 101. Whites haven't targeted us with their system of oppression because we've "deserved" it. Whites are racist because whites are racist. Blacks bear none of that blame. You're no different than the c00ns who try to deflect from white supremacy by telling blacks to just stop sagging their pants. "Well well Emmett Till shouldn't have been whistling".

I'm not advocating for white supremacy it all, what I AM doing is recognizing what white supremacy is and how it operates, that's not the same thing as advocating for it, am I supposed to say that "white people should stop trying to protect it's interests"? that's utter insanity. Yes, white people are racist because they're racist, but when we give them examples to point at and say "this is why we don't like those ******s", we are indirectly complicit in our own self destruction. In the past I've spoken against respectability politics, "don't sag", now I'm saying: Black people should do what they can to minimize the probability of them being seen as a threat that needs to be taken down, for example: If a Black unarmed man is shot and killed while wearing a business suit, it's much harder to paint that Black man as a thug in the White media that will showcase that Black body, that doesn't mean every Black man should walk around in a suit but it does mean that depending on where you are, you should be more mindful or aware of how you might be perceived, not only because of what white people might think, but because you're acting in your own self preservation.

This video isn't anti-black, it's anti-the people in it who are individuals that represent themselves. I as a black person has nothing to do with this shyt and fukk you and anybody else that thinks I oee some kind of apology. You're trying to make a false equivalence. I'm not even a supporter of that #blacklivesmatter bullshyt but that hashtag is in response to the legally sanctioned killing of black people in this country. Blacks aren't complainin about individual white people doing shyt that are eventually caught and punished by the legal system. Blacks are complaining about law enforcement nurse ring unarmed blacks while being protected by the system/public and absolved of punishment. There's no chance that this girl is not going to be protected by the system and not punished because we all know #whitelivesmatter. Seriously bruh, check yourself.

once again, Black people in America do NOT have the luxury of being seen as individuals in most instances, I've never suggested that anyone apologize for anything, all I've said is that the kinds of behaviors displayed in this video should be CONDEMNED, if you disagree, fine. the law enforcement that Black people are complaining about is an extension of white supremacy, the system is white supremacy, and of course it's going to protect white people, that's exactly what it's designed to do, but if we're complaining about instances of white racism such as the SAE incident and attacks like this Black girl brutalizing TWO white people in a system of white supremacy aren't getting the same kind of attention in the media, it looks very hypocritical, and judging by what I've been reading across multiple websites from white people, that's exactly the argument they're raising.



YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
So you basically believe whites have always had and will always have justification to kill innocent black people since instances like this will ALWAYS exist and always have? And it will always be fine for them to put the blame on us because black people like the girl in the video will always exist?Just checking:manny:


If @Matt504 is the man he claims he is he will offer his apology in the near future here after realizing the error in his statements:sas1:..

I don't mean that it's okay that white people are using these kinds of events as justification, but the fact of the matter is that they ARE using these events as justification. I've said time and time again, that whites hate us because we're Black, but they racism has evolved to the point where it's not okay to outright say that, so they use events like this video to justify their hatred for us, even if that's not the real reason they hate us. it's a deflection tactic, and a tactic that only works when we're behaving like the child in this video.

My point is that her actions put innocent Black lives in danger.

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
saw the vid on Twitter. Good luck to her because the comeup for that one will be brutal


Apr 30, 2014
Fight should have ended after the mom walked away, attacking someone from behind like that(after you had already whooped their ass) and then attacking their kid is some straight up bytch shyt.


Mar 6, 2015
fukking disgraceful :francis:
These girls are young so they must've grown up seeing behavior like this. This is typical in the hood so I can't even say I'm surprised.

what are you talking about? i'm in the hood right now homie, RIGHT NOW. aint no buckethead putting there hands on lil kids like that in my hood homie


Dec 12, 2014
this matt05 guy is a real moron. cant even read his drivel anymore. lol "whites should use this as an excuse to kill us"u know u r on a black website right?


May 1, 2012
I live in the real world, anyone who thinks that white people shouldn't act in their own interest no matter how they do it is absolutely insane, I'll say it again: White people should use incidents like this to justify their anti Black racism, this shyt isn't about what's fair, it's a fukking war and anything goes, including them painting all of us with the same brush.
Saying that whites should use incidents like this to justify their racism is the definition of advocating for white supremacy. I certainly don't agree that whites should try to use incidents like this to justify their racism because it's bullshyt that doesn't fly. Incidents like this don't justify white racism, that's just a weak excuse.

I'm not advocating for white supremacy it all what I AM doing is recognizing what white supremacy is and how it operates, that's not the same thing as advocating for it
Recognizing something and agreeing with are two completely different things. I recognize how white supremacy works but I would never agree with it like you're doing.

am I supposed to say that "white people should stop trying to protect it's interests"? that's utter insanity.
Im not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't say. I'm just commenting on what you're saying.

Yes, white people are racist because they're racist, but when we give them examples to point at and say "this is why we don't like those ******s", we are indirectly complicit in our own self destruction.
This is c00n logic plain and simple. Whites don't need justification to be racist against blacks. Being black is the only justification. There is no way that you can rationalizing upholding a system that oppresses a people as a whole due to the actions of individuals of that people.

In the past I've spoken against respectability politics, "don't sag", now I'm saying: Black people should do what they can to minimize the probability of them being seen as a threat that needs to be taken down
Well now you're officially a c00n.

for example: If a Black unarmed man is shot and killed while wearing a business suit, it's much harder to paint that Black man as a thug in the White media that will showcase that Black body, that doesn't mean every Black man should walk around in a suit but it does mean that depending on where you are, you should be more mindful or aware of how you might be perceived, not only because of what white people might think, but because you're acting in your own self preservation.
More bytchmade c00n talk. If an unarmed black person is unjustly murdered but whites/police/whoever then it's wrong regardless of what he/she had on. Whites can and have painted any black person as a thug regardless of whether the black person is a thug or not. It's never hard to do either, being black makes it easy enough for whites.

once again, Black people in America do NOT have the luxury of being seen as individuals in most instances, I've never suggested that anyone apologize for anything, all I've said is that the kinds of behaviors displayed in this video should be CONDEMNED, if you disagree, fine.
I don't disagree with you condemning the acts in the video, I disagree with you feeling the need to apologize to whites on black people's behalf. I disagree with you condemning this video just to appease whites in fear of what they might think/do. I disagree with being a gotdamn c00n.

the law enforcement that Black people are complaining about is an extension of white supremacy, the system is white supremacy, and of course it's going to protect white people, that's exactly what it's designed to do, but if we're complaining about instances of white racism such as the SAE incident and attacks like this Black girl brutalizing TWO white people in a system of white supremacy aren't getting the same kind of attention in the media, it looks very hypocritical, and judging by what I've been reading across multiple websites from white people, that's exactly the argument they're raising.
You're making a false equivalence. That fraternity story represents systematic anti-black discrimination. It wasn't one white boy who happens to be in a fraternity caught being racist. It was a whole fraternity caught being systematically racist. Those kind of fraternites produce policy makers and people who wield major power in our country's system. This video is just of one young powerless hood girl who's caught on camera whooping ass. And people are condemning her and her behavior. Blacks aren't defending her like whites do their own when ther caught bashing blacks. You're c00ning for no reason.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012


Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
if we're not going to condemn these kinds of acts, then we shouldn't have #Blacklivesmatter campaigns which are nothing more than pleas to white america that "Black lives matter", nor should we complain about shyt like frats singing songs about lynching Black people. White people should use incidents like this to justify their anti Black racism, this shyt isn't about what's fair, it's a fukking war and anything goes, including them painting all of us with the same brush.


Black people like the girl in this video are putting Black lives in the crosshairs by doing what she did, so she's basically an enemy to me and I wouldn't shed a single tear if she was killed today. I'm pro Black every day of the week which is why I'm condemning this video as it is very much anti-Black, anything that's done to harm the interests of Black people is anti Black, this isn't about bad Blacks vs. good Blacks as we're virtually indistinguishable to the white people who want to kill us, it's about unacceptable behaviors in our community that we MUST publicly condemn or our silence is tantamount to complicity.


You're a pure bytchass nikka bruh no ifs and or buts about it. You got the spine of a fukking snail. You're literally bout the blackest nikka on this whole site and hold the title for being the biggest fukking c00n :dead:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
You're a pure bytchass nikka bruh no ifs and or buts about it. You got the spine of a fukking snail. You're literally bout the blackest nikka on this whole site and hold the title for being the biggest fukking c00n :dead:

you're an online shyt talker who doesn't live in reality, I don't have to "put on" for coli nikkas and act like I don't have to walk these streets, you can be super Black online all you want, but I'll be over here in the real world.

I'll wear the title c00n proudly, most of you nikkas are so "pro Black" that you're willing to cut your own noses to spite your face.
