Women punches 4 year old child during fight


Just another post by
May 26, 2012
Once again , why to do people feel the need to record and release the shyt they do. And once again their are males present watching females fight and cheering on. Jail time will be in her future


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Once again , why to do people feel the need to record and release the shyt they do. And once again their are males present watching females fight and cheering on. Jail time will be in her future

because they need other people to see it to feel validated.


May 1, 2012
If someone harms my family, I want to go the extra mile, I wouldn't be concerned with anyone's perception of the lengths I go to.
This isn't what I asked you. I asked you a specific question.
it's true, and we're exceeding at our self hate to our own detriment, Black people who do shyt like this might as well strap a suicide bomb to themselves and press the button in the middle of the project, because all they're doing is screaming "we deserve to be killed"

I'm hoping from site to site reading comments and it's just unbelievable some of the things white people are saying out of anger over this, but one thing I've noticed, they're organized, they're contacting media outlets, literally threatening journalists and coercing them to run this story, getting all of the girls information, address etc, and Black people are looking like hypocrites. We were all up in arms about some cacs singing a song a few days ago, but we see one of our own beating the shyt out of two white children and the #Blacklivesmatter gang is silent, the same gang who cries to white people that "we matter too" when one of ours is killed by a white person.

tough decisions will be made in the future regarding shyt like this, Black people might wanna take a few moments out of their busy schedules to ponder the potential implications.
:snoop: Kt's like you're schizophrenic. One day you're pro black the next you're a c00n.

What the fukk does what whoever in this video has done have to do with any other black person? Are you seriously cosigning whites using incidents like these to justify their anti black racism? Get the fukk outta here with this "some of y'alls is making us look bad" shyt. c00ns always feel the need to apologize for other blacks to whites. fukk all of that. Any white person who uses incidents like this to try and rationalize and justify anti-black racism was already a racist. Blacks shouldn't feel obligated to condemn shyt because whites don't do it. Whites don't even apologize for they're cold blooded murderes. They protect them. You're talking about people who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to killers like Zimmerman, Wilson, ect. Come back with this c00n shyt when black people start up a collection fund for this girl and she is protected by the system legally absolved of punishment.


Feb 11, 2014
this gif still gets me:russ:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
it's true, and we're exceeding at our self hate to our own detriment, Black people who do shyt like this might as well strap a suicide bomb to themselves and press the button in the middle of the project, because all they're doing is screaming "we deserve to be killed"

I'm hoping from site to site reading comments and it's just unbelievable some of the things white people are saying out of anger over this, but one thing I've noticed, they're organized, they're contacting media outlets, literally threatening journalists and coercing them to run this story, getting all of the girls information, address etc, and Black people are looking like hypocrites. We were all up in arms about some cacs singing a song a few days ago, but we see one of our own beating the shyt out of two white children and the #Blacklivesmatter gang is silent, the same gang who cries to white people that "we matter too" when one of ours is killed by a white person.

tough decisions will be made in the future regarding shyt like this, Black people might wanna take a few moments out of their busy schedules to ponder the potential implications.

So white people can go out of they way to say evil shyt about us out of anger,and even when they have no reason to be angry:patrice:? Yet if we say nothing we still wrong and hypocrites:wtb:

And if you go to the chicks instagram its plenty of black people going in on this girl,not to mention the people like you and other coli memebers who want to see her strung up and "hoodrats" all shot in the head and exterminated....Theres never a shortage of black people ready to become the white mans pitbull on command,im sure she will have plenty of support:sas1:

This chick is disgust me slightly more than you overdramatic nikkas:scust:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
This isn't what I asked you. I asked you a specific question.
:snoop: Kt's like you're schizophrenic. One day you're pro black the next you're a c00n.

What the fukk does what whoever in this video has done have to do with any other black person? Are you seriously cosigning whites using incidents like these to justify their anti black racism? Get the fukk outta here with this "some of y'alls is making us look bad" shyt. c00ns always feel the need to apologize for other blacks to whites. fukk all of that. Any white person who uses incidents like this to try and rationalize and justify anti-black racism was already a racist. Blacks shouldn't feel obligated to condemn shyt because whites don't do it. Whites don't even apologize for they're cold blooded murderes. They protect them. You're talking about people who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to killers like Zimmerman, Wilson, ect. Come back with this c00n shyt when black people start up a collection fund for this girl and she is protected by the system legally absolved of punishment.

if we're not going to condemn these kinds of acts, then we shouldn't have #Blacklivesmatter campaigns which are nothing more than pleas to white america that "Black lives matter", nor should we complain about shyt like frats singing songs about lynching Black people. White people should use incidents like this to justify their anti Black racism, this shyt isn't about what's fair, it's a fukking war and anything goes, including them painting all of us with the same brush.


Black people like the girl in this video are putting Black lives in the crosshairs by doing what she did, so she's basically an enemy to me and I wouldn't shed a single tear if she was killed today. I'm pro Black every day of the week which is why I'm condemning this video as it is very much anti-Black, anything that's done to harm the interests of Black people is anti Black, this isn't about bad Blacks vs. good Blacks as we're virtually indistinguishable to the white people who want to kill us, it's about unacceptable behaviors in our community that we MUST publicly condemn or our silence is tantamount to complicity.



YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
So white people can go out of they way to say evil shyt about us out of anger,and even when they have no reason to be angry:patrice:? Yet if we say nothing we still wrong and hypocrites:wtb:

And if you go to the chicks instagram its plenty of black people going in on this girl,not to mention the people like you and other coli memebers who want to see her strung up and "hoodrats" all shot in the head and exterminated....Theres never a shortage of black people ready to become the white mans pitbull on command,im sure she will have plenty of support:sas1:

This chick is disgust me slightly more than you overdramatic nikkas:scust:

If we do not condemn these acts and cry #Blacklivesmatter when a Black child is killed, then yes, we ARE hypocrites.

it's as simple as that.

This girl is putting Black lives in danger with her actions and me bringing that to your attention is somehow dramatic, that's fine, but I'll wait to see the reactions when the next Black person is inevitably shot by a white person.


Jan 20, 2015
Why do these people just stand and record? Especially after the child being hit, your respond is oooooh.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
If we do not condemn these acts and cry #Blacklivesmatter when a Black child is killed, then yes, we ARE hypocrites.

it's as simple as that.

This girl is putting Black lives in danger with her actions and me bringing that to your attention is somehow dramatic, that's fine, but I'll wait to see the reactions when the next Black person is inevitably shot by a white person.

You are being dramatic by pretending no black people are condemning this girl when you have two pages of black people doing it,and her instagram is full of black people doing it,cosigning Tommy Sotamayor who has a video and the type of viewers who im SURE will condemn the girl....When you ignore these things makes people wonder if you might have an agenda....What your basically saying is that cops and random white people will always have the justification to kill innocent black people because of videos like this:heh:...yes you heard it,videos of random black people doing fukked up things....Since no videos of white people doing fukked up things exist....maybe this black girl just saw video of a random white woman and child smiling at a lynching,or making fun of Trayvon and decided this should be okay for her to do:mjlol:

Sorry but you pulled a deflection tactic that you would call anybody else a c00n for on any other day....you should just apologize and say you was caught up in your emotions and started typing,its not a big deal,it happens:manny:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Lots of disgusting comments on Tommy's video. The dude is a full blown black white supremacist.

However this pathology of single mothers in the hood raising wild kids is what is destroying the black community. People need to raise their fukking kids.


May 2, 2012
Why do these people just stand and record? Especially after the child being hit, your respond is oooooh.
cause recording it is the only way justice will be obtained

im hoping this woman was charged with assault and assaulting a minor


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
You are being dramatic by pretending no black people are condemning this girl when you have two pages of black people doing it,and her instagram is full of black people doing it,cosigning Tommy Sotamayor who has a video and the type of viewers who im SURE will condemn the girl....When you ignore these things makes people wonder if you might have an agenda....What your basically saying is that cops and random white people will always have the justification to kill innocent black people because of videos like this:heh:...yes you heard it,videos of random black people doing fukked up things....Since no videos of white people doing fukked up things exist....maybe this black girl just saw video of a random white woman and child smiling at a lynching,or making fun of Trayvon and decided this should be okay for her to do:mjlol:

Sorry but you pulled a deflection tactic that you would call anybody else a c00n for on any other day....you should just apologize and say you was caught up in your emotions and started typing,its not a big deal,it happens:manny:

I'm not pretending that no one is condemning these videos, but people are questioning me for doing exactly that. If you look a few pages back in this very thread, I acknowledged that I watched Sotomayor's video and agree with a lot (not everything) of what he said in it.

yes, White people will have justification to kill innocent Black people because of this. when white jurors reflect back to videos like the one in the OP while deliberating on whether or not a white person is guilty for killing an unarmed black child, it's that much easier for them to empathize with the white killer and hand down the not guilty.

I have nothing to apologize for and stand by everything I've said.



May 1, 2012
if we're not going to condemn these kinds of acts, then we shouldn't have #Blacklivesmatter campaigns which are nothing more than pleas to white america that "Black lives matter", nor should we complain about shyt like frats singing songs about lynching Black people. White people should use incidents like this to justify their anti Black racism, this shyt isn't about what's fair, it's a fukking war and anything goes, including them painting all of us with the same brush.
Just want posters to see that you're an advocate for white supremacy. I've always suspected as much but thanks for the confirmation.


Black people like the girl in this video are putting Black lives in the crosshairs by doing what she did, so she's basically an enemy to me and I wouldn't shed a single tear if she was killed today. I'm pro Black every day of the week which is why I'm condemning this video as it is very much anti-Black, anything that's done to harm the interests of Black people is anti Black, this isn't about bad Blacks vs. good Blacks as we're virtually indistinguishable to the white people who want to kill us, it's about unacceptable behaviors in our community that we MUST publicly condemn or our silence is tantamount to complicity.

Nah, you should stick to being honest and wearing your c00n stripes proudly. You can't advocate for white supremacy and be pro black at the same time. You can't justify/rationalize white racism and be pro black at the same time. Black people are in the crosshairs due to having dark complexioned brown skin. This "we is our own worst enemy" shyt that you're on is c00n/cracker shyt 101. Whites haven't targeted us with their system of oppression because we've "deserved" it. Whites are racist because whites are racist. Blacks bear none of that blame. You're no different than the c00ns who try to deflect from white supremacy by telling blacks to just stop sagging their pants. "Well well Emmett Till shouldn't have been whistling".

This video isn't anti-black, it's anti-the people in it who are individuals that represent themselves. I as a black person have nothing to do with this shyt and fukk you and anybody else that thinks I oee some kind of apology. You're trying to make a false equivalence. I'm not even a supporter of that #blacklivesmatter bullshyt but that hashtag is in response to the legally sanctioned killing of black people in this country. Blacks aren't complaining about individual white people doing shyt that are eventually caught and punished by the legal system. Blacks are complaining about law enforcement murdering unarmed blacks while being protected by the system/public and absolved of punishment. There's no chance that this girl is not going to be protected by the system and not punished because we all know #whitelivesmatter. Seriously bruh, check yourself.