Now here's the thing...everything you said here is true, in theory.
But in real life, the fact is it does come to this. And so:
1. If you agree to the fucced up chit and get what was agreed upon, you took part in the corruption.
2. Like you said: "Does every women do it, no".
So what is all of y'alls' opinion on the women who didn't do it?? Are they fools because they didn't?
Or do they just not love their kids enough? Or if they (*gasp*) found a way to move out, are they unicorns?
I get what you're saying but the choices these women haven't aren't really choices, these repairs and appliances are crucial to living, I mean these women have to choose between not getting a gas leak fixed, or walls repainted properly or mold being taken out of the apartment or a properly working refrigerator to preserve their food. These landlords know this and take advantage.