Women In Baltimore Public Housing Were Forced To Trade Sex For Basic Repairs

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
The bolded is the difference. There is a long list of New Yorkers living in NYCHA properties with mold, no heat, broken appliances, Pest problems, the ceiling caving in, leaks, ETC and they filed complaint a year ago. just google "throgs neck houses" for one example. I'm not sure that NYC is any better than Baltimore as far as public housing
My point is they shouldn't have to "pay" for anything that is supposed to be provided for them.
May 5, 2012
My point is they shouldn't have to "pay" for anything that is supposed to be provided for them.
we agree that they shouldn't have to. but in the case that the system is failing and the options are handle it your self or offer up your vagina and you chose the later :yeshrug:


Mar 26, 2014
And how did that mentality start? Cause you dummies don't protect them so they build resentment. Even in slavery the "Nat Turners' were rare and far in between and most of us were allowing the women to be taken and raped. Like for real why yall always being weak?

Along with not protecting them after the gains made by the civil rights movement you didn't build an economy.

You talk about other races yet leave out these other races of men have their own economies so their women don't need to lash out like that

So after this comment you still gonna play dumb? And don't tell me "But they burned down Black Wall Street...crack generation...prison system etc"...why are yall the only men who aint build shyt then be shocked women talk shyt about you ? You should be lucky they fight in the streets how they do in regards to police brutatlity

And they do this even after the type of c00ning yall make in this thread.

Wrong black women have never wanted to submit to the leadership of good and righteous black men

Eve rebelled against adam
And black women rebelled against tje black man during the civil rights movement becauase she did not want to submit to a black mans authority.

She chose the state over playing her natural role as mother and wife

Stop lying on black men to deflect from your rebelliousness. You chose whoredom of a kingdom


Apr 18, 2013
coli cacs and c00ns in here caping for their brethren :mjpls:

yeah negro lady with multiple kids, no father in house, no support, low income, scare opporunity why dont you just save your negro dollars up and move nobody is forcing you to stay :skip:
Lmao, but yeah its par for the course with some folks here :mjpls:.


Mar 26, 2014
And how did that mentality start? Cause you dummies don't protect them so they build resentment. Even in slavery the "Nat Turners' were rare and far in between and most of us were allowing the women to be taken and raped. Like for real why yall always being weak?

Along with not protecting them after the gains made by the civil rights movement you didn't build an economy.

You talk about other races yet leave out these other races of men have their own economies so their women don't need to lash out like that

So after this comment you still gonna play dumb? And don't tell me "But they burned down Black Wall Street...crack generation...prison system etc"...why are yall the only men who aint build shyt then be shocked women talk shyt about you ? You should be lucky they fight in the streets how they do in regards to police brutatlity

And they do this even after the type of c00ning yall make in this thread.

Have you ever thought that the reason the black man has not conquered tue economy because he has yet to conquer his woman?

Every other race puts forth an effort to keep his woman under control and henceforth control his environment

My theory is you will never get black men to build for you until you submit to the leadership of the righteous black man

We know you will never submit so dont expect to be blessed. In fact god has commanded the black man to control you in the book of genesis.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
What's unstated is that all of these women had children but none had men in their life to protect them.

Where were the men? The fathers, the lovers?

How can you call yourself a man, and leave your women to be preyed upon like this?

And in jail isn't a complete answers. Once they're out of jail then what?
Two sides to every story.

Poor educational system, broken family system, ignorant hood rat attitudes that drive people apart instead of together. They aren't going to usually have traditional relationships that bear children. Their children are from one night stands, hookups, flings etc. This is why they don't have men to protect them and why their baby daddies aren't fathers.

It's easy to blame the men but them women aren't blameless either. The real problem is the system that creates this cycle. The machine that creates projects and and abandons the people. It takes a combination of them rising up and people coming in from the outside to help them through volunteer efforts and local politics to get anything done. Yeah the lawsuit helps but its just a small bandaid.


Feb 12, 2015
Some of these responses are cringeworthy, I mean some of the vitriol some of you guys have against women is disturbing, more so because a good chunk of you were raised by single moms and I would a little money that while no one would admit it on this site, their mom or someone close to them may have had to so some things to get services that should be available to them as part of the lease contract. This has been going on for years and yes the appropriate term that these slumlords do is 'prey' upon these women by with holding neccessities in exchange for sex. Does every women do it, no but it shouldn't have to even come to this and that is the problem.
That's really what this all boils down to. But haters can't pass up an opportunity to shyt on a human being simply she's a female and they on some woman-hating bullshyt.

I keep seeing this lazy argument that ALL of these women choose thugs or bad guys to procreate with, which is why they found themselves in such a predicament. Has it ever occurred to some of you that maybe, just maybe some of them may have

Conceived from rape
Are widowed
Taking care of a relative's child(ren)
Had men present themselves as upstanding men but dipped
Were in abusive relationships (in most of these relationships, the violence does not start from jump)

Did some of these women make bad decisions? Sure...making a poor decision is a human thing, not a ghetto thing, not a hoodrat thing, a human thing...so please cut the bullshyt and not use this to push your agenda that women want thugs because some chickenhead in HS gave you the :camby:

Some of you also missed the part where it stated that a woman who told a higher up was subsequently ignored by the entire staff out of retaliation. Would I have chosen to go through with the sexual acts, absolutely not because for starters I have the background and the means to not be that desperate. Unfortunately for some of these women, there is (in their minds at least) no way out. You have no money to move, no one to borrow from, no means of finding alternative solutions. Some may not be physical or mentally capable of getting an average job. Accordingly, if they're faced with the choice to perform a sexual act for a few minutes to get potential LIFE saving maintenance (mold, gas leaks, lead paint, etc.) for you and any children they have, and they take door #1, I'm not going to scorn them. It is under duress, which under the law IS FORCING.

Its a damn shame there is more anger shown towards the women here than the bozos who abused their power because they either can't get p*ssy by their own merit or get a kick out of taking advantage of people. Sad state of affairs.
It's that culture of cowardice I was speaking about. Hell take the fact that these are women from your own race out of the equation. I wouldn't want to see any human being subjected to these conditions. Point blank period.

You don't get to rationalize how somebody got in dire straights when calling out wrong happening to them. Residents of Flint, Michigan should've just moved on, even tho it takes money and resources to do so. Blacks on the corridor of shame in Jasper, SC should just shut up and move along. People in dire poverty shoulda, coulda, woulda,Trayvon shoulda, every blk person who has ever suffered injustice in these shythole circumstances shoulda...

All of these excuses that push straight to the victims of these systems b/c we too shook to address the hegemonic leviathans or perpetrators of this evil. The culture of cowardice makes us docile in the face of extreme injustice done to us. We fold basically or find excuses not to confront it. We end up blaming the vulnerable b/c we feel hopeless against larger entities who instigate these issues.

The real deal is that this situation should never have even gotten to this point at all. I don't care if the victim is an upstanding Mother Teresa or a two-bit crack hoe. That still doesn't give landlords the right to kick somebody while they are down.

When they enact more stop and frisk laws to lock up even more blk boys even when they not doing anything heinous other than pushin a fukkin dyme bag of weed that is legal in several states, what type of excuses people gon come up with b/c they too scared to address how fukked up the system is.

There are a million different solutions that could have been put forth: putting a lot of press on this to blow this out of the water, creating non-profits to teach people in poverty about their rights, creation of financial literacy and employment neighborhood committees to put people on a path to homeownership, community gardens to stave off food insecurity and make people less desperate, counseling about sexual abuse and providing services for depression that makes these people feel desolate.

All solutions I've seen work in very poor communities. A million solutions could have been given other than snide, simpering, tongue in cheek petulant ass racist remarks about blks in poverty.


Feb 12, 2015
You can be a black person with no criminal record and college education and still be un/underemployed. People those environments have even tougher odds.
Right! And since when did blacks start looking at others who have less with disdain?!
As if they forgot that we live in a country of systemic racism that has fukked with our community from day one.


Aug 12, 2012
That's really what this all boils down to. But haters can't pass up an opportunity to shyt on a human being simply she's a female and they on some woman-hating bullshyt.

It's that culture of cowardice I was speaking about. Hell take the fact that these are women from your own race out of the equation. I wouldn't want to see any human being subjected to these conditions. Point blank period.

You don't get to rationalize how somebody got in dire straights when calling out wrong happening to them. Residents of Flint, Michigan should've just moved on, even tho it takes money and resources to do so. Blacks on the corridor of shame in Jasper, SC should just shut up and move along. People in dire poverty shoulda, coulda, woulda,Trayvon shoulda, every blk person who has ever suffered injustice in these shythole circumstances shoulda...

All of these excuses that push straight to the victims of these systems b/c we too shook to address the hegemonic leviathans or perpetrators of this evil. The culture of cowardice makes us docile in the face of extreme injustice done to us. We fold basically or find excuses not to confront it. We end up blaming the vulnerable b/c we feel hopeless against larger entities who instigate these issues.

The real deal is that this situation should never have even gotten to this point at all. I don't care if the victim is an upstanding Mother Teresa or a two-bit crack hoe. That still doesn't give landlords the right to kick somebody while they are down.

When they enact more stop and frisk laws to lock up even more blk boys even when they not doing anything heinous other than pushin a fukkin dyme bag of weed that is legal in several states, what type of excuses people gon come up with b/c they too scared to address how fukked up the system is.

There are a million different solutions that could have been put forth: putting a lot of press on this to blow this out of the water, creating non-profits to teach people in poverty about their rights, creation of financial literacy and employment neighborhood committees to put people on a path to homeownership, community gardens to stave off food insecurity and make people less desperate, counseling about sexual abuse and providing services for depression that makes these people feel desolate.

All solutions I've seen work in very poor communities. A million solutions could have been given other than snide, simpering, tongue in cheek petulant ass racist remarks about blks in poverty.

And honestly we talking about the men but lets not forget i gotta be real...it is some mothers who also make these dummies grow up to think like this. The same mothers and grandmothers are harsher on the young women than the young men instead of being equal.

Telling them things like if a woman dresses a certain way they are asking for it if they are harassed.

Fathers gotta stop deserting the youth to jeopardize them making ignorant comments like this and Mothers gotta stop the favoritism and giving more passes to the young men over young women

Have you ever thought that the reason the black man has not conquered tue economy because he has yet to conquer his woman?

Every other race puts forth an effort to keep his woman under control and henceforth control his environment

My theory is you will never get black men to build for you until you submit to the leadership of the righteous black man

We know you will never submit so dont expect to be blessed. In fact god has commanded the black man to control you in the book of genesis.

No i never thought that because its not true...Why are you trying so hard to cape? What you are saying is utter nonsense.

First you get the money ....then you get the woman.

Not the other way around dummy. You can't go to the woman empty handed and expect everything to be alright. You guys can talk all day 24/7 about monogamy is not natural for you but then you cannot comprehend the same way that it is BIOLOGICAL nature the same way for a woman to want a man who is financially secure.

Hispanic men can have low income areas just like us but they still have somewhat of their own economy and businesses and therefore their women are more cooperative

2+2=4 what is hard for you guys to get about this?


Dec 24, 2014
Wow forgot all about this story.

Disabled THOTS?


Not saying that disabled women can't slang p*ssy, but I doubt that's what you really meant :laugh:, we are just using "Thot" interchangeably with women now.

I need to find a new planet to live on.

Lol I'm saying, these are some disturbed motherfukkers on this world.


Oct 31, 2017
West Coast
Why didnt they snitch to the state in the first place?

These janitors are state employees. I thought these men were the building owners but that wasnt true


Since when has snitching to any authority figure garnered the majority of black woman swift justice? And some of these women actually did take steps to report this behavior, yet all they got in return is an entire maintenance staff refusing to complete ANY repairs. Tell me again how snitching helps your cause...

The state had ALREADY failed them, hence why giving into some perverted cac's sexual demands seemed like a viable option. Some of y'all are so sick and hurt over not having p*ssy fall in your lap that you've developed a hatred of ALL women and will blame them for anything.

NO...BRUH, if you living somewhere and it comes to your attention that it's muthafuccas like that around,
why isn't your first idea "I need to find a way to get my CHILDREN AWAY FROM HERE"?

That is a choice you can make.

How does someone up and make that choice when they don't have the funds to do so? Although frankly I don't even expect a coherent reply from you given that you're the very same nikka who declared not paying rent was a viable option because "landlords are too lazy to evict".

you already only payin $50 a month for rent if you chose to let some ragedy super penetrate you for an appliance instead of getting it yourself you clearly have no self worth. The employees that got caught having sex with tennants in exchange for maintenance should be fired at minimum but them chicks coulda said no. you can survive with out a refrigerator fukk that

Do you know what projects even are? If a chick lets someone fukk for an appliance repair then chances are, she HAD no other way. It's that simple. Any chick who actually had it like that would not a) be in the projects and b) have given into sexual demands from maintenance workers.I know a lot of y'all have convinced yourselves that most women actually ENJOY fukking for next to nothing, and would trade it for a pair of movie tickets but I can assure you that's not the case.
May 5, 2012

Since when has snitching to any authority figure garnered the majority of black woman swift justice? And some of these women actually did take steps to report this behavior, yet all they got in return is an entire maintenance staff refusing to complete ANY repairs. Tell me again how snitching helps your cause...

The state had ALREADY failed them, hence why giving into some perverted cac's sexual demands seemed like a viable option. Some of y'all are so sick and hurt over not having p*ssy fall in your lap that you've developed a hatred of ALL women and will blame them for anything.

How does someone up and make that choice when they don't have the funds to do so? Although frankly I don't even expect a coherent reply from you given that you're the very same nikka who declared not paying rent was a viable option because "landlords are too lazy to evict".

Do you know what projects even are? If a chick lets someone fukk for an appliance repair then chances are, she HAD no other way. It's that simple. Any chick who actually had it like that would not a) be in the projects and b) have given into sexual demands from maintenance workers.I know a lot of y'all have convinced yourselves that most women actually ENJOY fukking for next to nothing, and would trade it for a pair of movie tickets but I can assure you that's not the case.
I know people that could afford not to live in the projects but do anyway because they don’t want to pay market rent. So to say nobody lives in the projects unless they absolutely have to is false.

I said nothing about enjoyment. “No other way”. Pligga nease. There’s a million ways to get money in the hood. Sell nutcrackers, bootleg cigarettes, let someone clam ya kids on taxes,sell Avon, flip concert/event tickets, sell fake merch in front of shows, numbers,sell candy, the list goes on!

I’m not talkin. I’m actually from the jects and if you can’t get money there your retarded