Women In Baltimore Public Housing Were Forced To Trade Sex For Basic Repairs

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
Idk how it works in Baltimore, but you’re not even supposed to be buying fridges and stoves for your apt. It’s actually not allowed. All that is supplied by landlords, so I don’t understand the “they should’ve just bought new ones” comments.

I don’t even live in housing and my landlord recently replaced everyone’s fridges and stoves in my building just because. Hell, they replace my lights for me when they blow out. I don’t even have to buy lightbulbs:yeshrug:

This is disgusting, and all those men should lose their jobs. Someone really had to exchange sex to fix a gas leak? Her and her kids could’ve died. Hell a fire could’ve started and destroyed the entire building, but the landlord is worried about getting his dikk sucked?:scust:


Jun 21, 2012
I keep seeing this lazy argument that ALL of these women choose thugs or bad guys to procreate with, which is why they found themselves in such a predicament. Has it ever occurred to some of you that maybe, just maybe some of them may have

Conceived from rape
Are widowed
Taking care of a relative's child(ren)
Had men present themselves as upstanding men but dipped
Were in abusive relationships (in most of these relationships, the violence does not start from jump)

Did some of these women make bad decisions? Sure...making a poor decision is a human thing, not a ghetto thing, not a hoodrat thing, a human thing...so please cut the bullshyt and not use this to push your agenda that women want thugs because some chickenhead in HS gave you the :camby:

Some of you also missed the part where it stated that a woman who told a higher up was subsequently ignored by the entire staff out of retaliation. Would I have chosen to go through with the sexual acts, absolutely not because for starters I have the background and the means to not be that desperate. Unfortunately for some of these women, there is (in their minds at least) no way out. You have no money to move, no one to borrow from, no means of finding alternative solutions. Some may not be physical or mentally capable of getting an average job. Accordingly, if they're faced with the choice to perform a sexual act for a few minutes to get potential LIFE saving maintenance (mold, gas leaks, lead paint, etc.) for you and any children they have, and they take door #1, I'm not going to scorn them. It is under duress, which under the law IS FORCING.

Its a damn shame there is more anger shown towards the women here than the bozos who abused their power because they either can't get p*ssy by their own merit or get a kick out of taking advantage of people. Sad state of affairs.
Hey some of what you say is true...and I can't speak for every project in the country or for every PJ in NY for that matter--but I've worked in the social work field here years ago...and IMO, alot of the people in the hood and in the PJs specifically are a byproduct of just irresponsible behavior. And yes, dare I say, many are just plain LAZY. As taboo as it may be to say that about women in our society (and women of color at that), many of them are just there by their own doing.I've tried to hook up many with job programs, child care programs, educational programs, mental health services etc etc...and some did appreciate the help and followed through with it, and eventually created a better situation for themselves...but the overwhelming majority did not want ANYTHING that you were offering if it wasn't in some way alleviating them from their responsibilities .

I washed my hands from it years ago--I'm done with it.
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Jan 17, 2013
The Comfort Zone
Hey some of what you say is true...and I can't speak for every project in the country or for every PJ in NY for that matter--but I've worked in the social work field here years ago...and IMO, alot of the people in the hood and in the PJs specifically are a byproduct of just irresponsible behavior. And yes, dare I say, many are just plain LAZY. As taboo as it may be to say that about women in our society (and women of color at that), many of them are just there by their own doing.

I washed my hands from it years ago--I'm done with it.

Your earlier posts were bullshyt, but what you're saying here is not taboo. I see your point as working in education I too have encountered irresponsible and lazy behavior (for example, generations of families in the projects is ridiculous) hence my wording of some. However, there are multiple in here not doing the same and the lack of disdain for the people who found it fit to do this is disturbing.

Point blank, how they got to these projects is NOT relevant.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Hey some of what you say is true...and I can't speak for every project in the country or for every PJ in NY for that matter--but I've worked in the social work field here years ago...and IMO, alot of the people in the hood and in the PJs specifically are a byproduct of just irresponsible behavior. And yes, dare I say, many are just plain LAZY. As taboo as it may be to say that about women in our society (and women of color at that), many of them are just there by their own doing.I've tried to hook up many with job programs, child care programs, educational programs, mental health services etc etc...and some did appreciate the help and followed through with it, and eventually created a better situation for themselves...but the overwhelming majority did not want ANYTHING that you were offering if it wasn't in some way alleviating them from their responsibilities .

I washed my hands from it years ago--I'm done with it.

You can be a black person with no criminal record and college education and still be un/underemployed. People those environments have even tougher odds.


Jun 21, 2012
Your earlier posts were bullshyt, but what you're saying here is not taboo. I see your point as working in education I too have encountered irresponsible and lazy behavior (for example, generations of families in the projects is ridiculous) hence my wording of some. However, there are multiple in here not doing the same and the lack of disdain for the people who found it fit to do this is disturbing.

Point blank, how they got to these projects is NOT relevant.
I don't know what part of what I said is BS, but how they got there is very relevant, because it speaks to a pattern of behavior. Like I said before, working as a former Social Worker in the PJs, in NYC, I got alot of insight into what brought many of the people into that living environment. Now in order to help them out in my field, we had to understand how they got to that point in their lives in the first place. And they all had unique situations, but much of it was not accidental, and most of it was avoidable.
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Jun 21, 2012
You can be a black person with no criminal record and college education and still be un/underemployed. People those environments have even tougher odds.
yeah, all true, but that wasn't the case for the vast majority or the people that I came across. Many of them had children at a time when they weren't mature enough of financially responsible enough to handle it. Many of them repeatedly made the same mistakes whether it came to having more children, or refusing to keep employment. Many of them looked at you crazy when you attempted to get them to change their behavior. Like I said, my outlook on the situation, did a 180 when I got the hands on experience to see it at the ground level.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
Why didnt they snitch to the state in the first place?

These janitors are state employees. I thought these men were the building owners but that wasnt true
The chick who did snitch was retaliated against, and now her health is so bad she coughs up blood.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
only reason sex for maint was on the table is because the state was slacking to begin with. not providing the bare mins for their tennants
This right here. The money was there, the money was misappropriated. Sex don't pay for shyt in a barterless society, and never has.

Dude A wants to humiliate someone. He had the tools and the parts all along. Chick B is broke. Dude A raises the prices on Chick B. If Chick B pays, Dude A keeps the extra without reporting. If Chick B doesn't pay, well.... Dude A still keeps the 'extra'.

State doesn't check in because they don't have enough people to check, and rich people take up resources over stupid shyt themselves.
May 5, 2012
This aint Panama breh. Let you not have a fridge in NYC and see how things turn out for you:heh:
It would be easier than it was in panama.

you had to go to the butcher that was closed by 6 PM and you had to walk about 0.4 mile to get there. I have an actual grocery store on my block and could pick up 2 chicken thighs for a few dollars and be cooking them 5 mins later. you may not understand, im assuming you never did that. But no fridge would be merely an inconvenience for me. one that i would adapt to with out trading in my dignity for.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
It would be easier than it was in panama.

you had to go to the butcher that was closed by 6 PM and you had to walk about 0.4 mile to get there. I have an actual grocery store on my block and could pick up 2 chicken thighs for a few dollars and be cooking them 5 mins later. you may not understand, im assuming you never did that. But no fridge would be merely an inconvenience for me. one that i would adapt to with out trading in my dignity for.
Thing is they not rent and shouldn’t have to go without appliances in the first place. But that’s not even the biggest issue. Mold, has leaks, and lead paint are immediate health concerns. These women obviously couldn’t
fix these problems on their own and they were taken advantage of
May 5, 2012
Idk how it works in Baltimore, but you’re not even supposed to be buying fridges and stoves for your apt. It’s actually not allowed. All that is supplied by landlords, so I don’t understand the “they should’ve just bought new ones” comments.

I don’t even live in housing and my landlord recently replaced everyone’s fridges and stoves in my building just because. Hell, they replace my lights for me when they blow out. I don’t even have to buy lightbulbs:yeshrug:

This is disgusting, and all those men should lose their jobs. Someone really had to exchange sex to fix a gas leak? Her and her kids could’ve died. Hell a fire could’ve started and destroyed the entire building, but the landlord is worried about getting his dikk sucked?:scust:

The bolded is the difference. There is a long list of New Yorkers living in NYCHA properties with mold, no heat, broken appliances, Pest problems, the ceiling caving in, leaks, ETC and they filed complaint a year ago. just google "throgs neck houses" for one example. I'm not sure that NYC is any better than Baltimore as far as public housing
May 5, 2012
Thing is they not rent and shouldn’t have to go without appliances in the first place. But that’s not even the biggest issue. Mold, has leaks, and lead paint are immediate health concerns. These women obviously couldn’t
fix these problems on their own and they were taken advantage of
I agree with that, I said the state is slipping and those employees should be fired at min. I'm also saying that something is wrong with you if you would rather barter your mouth/vagina than make some shyt happen for yourself when the system fails you. again you already not paying rent. if you THAT dependant on this white mans system which is obviously failing you then i dont know what to tell you.


May 1, 2012
Imagine thinking sexual assault against women doesn't occur in places where patriarchy exist brehs :heh:

Talk about posting empty "thats fukked ups" then type an essay brehs :dead:

Think there are no Black men in those public housing units who can take justice into their own hands brehs :pachaha:

You don't even know if any of these women kicked men out. They could be doing a bid, could be dead, or they could have left on his own volition :rudy:

Some of yall are so detached from reality and live in a world built on coli logic. Yes, some black women have bought into destructive ideology, yes men being in the homes would be nice, but thats not some guarantee women and children would not be raped and whats done is done and needs to be handled either in court or on the streets. You a p*ssy if you say otherwise.
Be a passive aggressive bytch who doesn’t have the courage to respond directly to someone who challenged you directly, Internet c00n-trolls.


Aug 12, 2012
That may be true but black women have shown us over the last 40 years that they are not our women

Thats the difference other races of men don't have their women on a i dont need no man campaign. Therefore they are protected

And how did that mentality start? Cause you dummies don't protect them so they build resentment. Even in slavery the "Nat Turners' were rare and far in between and most of us were allowing the women to be taken and raped. Like for real why yall always being weak?

Along with not protecting them after the gains made by the civil rights movement you didn't build an economy.

You talk about other races yet leave out these other races of men have their own economies so their women don't need to lash out like that

So after this comment you still gonna play dumb? And don't tell me "But they burned down Black Wall Street...crack generation...prison system etc"...why are yall the only men who aint build shyt then be shocked women talk shyt about you ? You should be lucky they fight in the streets how they do in regards to police brutatlity

And they do this even after the type of c00ning yall make in this thread.