Women are programmed to never give men the advantage in the dating game


Apr 2, 2018
If you've ever been in the friend zone, or been around sisters, female cousins, aunt's etc... Notice how they never gave you the 1 up in the dating world. You had to just pick up on shyt.

The things alpha male strategies talks about and preaches is stuff that women already know. But you'll rarely ever meet a woman in your life that will put you on game. Even your own momma.

Perfect example, every female wants a husband (beta male provider) and a nikka on the side (alpha) who she really wants to be with but can't cuz of how he is. But 98% of women will deny this and tell you you're crazy and that it's not true. This is just another reason why you can't take women's words seriously and why you should never talk about women with women.

Women are not programmed to not help you in the game, it's just that they don’t understand the game the same way you do and that’s due to privilege. Since Men are hunters we have to deal with all sorts of shenanigans such as: mixed signals, low interest level, rejection, gives number never answer, friend zone and etc; let’s label all of the above “disenfranchisement”. Seeing that women are not hunters in modern US dating culture they are never disenfranchised. They do not even perceive the issues that we have as Men because disenfranchisement does not exist in THEIR reality and there lies their privilege.

Expecting a woman to understand this privilege and then communicate strategies to subvert it is like expecting the average White person to understand White privilege and then be able to communicate said privilege to a Black person to help them get ahead. This is very rare in society because it takes an exceptional person to step outside of their own reality to see someone else’s point of view. So to sum it up, Women are not trying to hide the game or make you suffer...they just kick the game to you based on their privileged reality. Their perspective is so jarring to us as Men because it does not take into account any of OUR realities.

This thread is doing something that the White establishment does to Black people all day every day. It takes something all humans suffer from and attributes it to a particular subset of humanity to shyt on em. Humans historically have been blind to their privileges, I’m sure you’re blind to many of your own privileges like male privilege, hetero privilege, able bodied privilege, and so on.
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Apr 2, 2018
I only act like a simp when I need an easy way of letting a girl down I dont want.

Shyt dries that p*ssy up so fast and it works. And it doesnt make you look like a bad guy.

Like when you're trying on purpose to get a girl to break up with you and you just act like a pushover to turn her off on purpose


Ain’t nothing alpha about this at all. If you want a bytch off the roster just tell her and keep it pushing. I can’t even type “acting like a s...” because that shyt is despicable. If you are able to lower yourself to the standards of a simp to avoid telling a bytch to kick rocks then you were never an alpha in the first place. You may be Chief Master Beta Sergeant around a bunch of Lance Betas and Beta First Class but definitely not an Alpha. But let’s keep it real...you have never done that bullshyt before, you was just dap fishing.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Women are not programmed to not help you in the game, it's just that they don’t understand the game the same way you do and that’s due to privilege. Since Men are hunters we have to deal with all sorts of shenanigans such as: mixed signals, low interest level, rejection, gives number never answer, friend zone and etc; let’s label all of the above “disenfranchisement”. Seeing that women are not hunters in modern US dating culture they are never disenfranchised. They do not even perceive the issues that we have as Men because disenfranchisement does not exist in THEIR reality and there lies their privilege.

Expecting a woman to understand this privilege and then communicate strategies to subvert it is like expecting the average White person to understand White privilege and then be able to communicate said privilege to a Black person to help them get ahead. This is very rare in society because it takes an exceptional person to step outside of their own reality to see someone else’s point of view. So to sum it up, Women are not trying to hide the game or make you suffer...they just kick the game to you based on their privileged reality. Their perspective is so jarring to us as Men because it does not take into account any of OUR realities.

This thread is doing something that the White establishment does to Black people all day every day. It takes something all humans suffer from and attributes it to a particular subset of humanity to shyt on em. Humans historically have been blind to their privileges, I’m sure you’re blind to many of your own privileges like male privilege, hetero privilege, able bodied privilege, and so on.

I agree with this, only thing is there's a very very super small percentage of women that will be honest with you about the game. Usually they're older and just at a point in their life they're like "fukk it :yeshrug:" so I don't think it's due to their lack of awareness. There's coli brehettes who are checking this thread as we speak and avoiding to post in here like the plague when they can easily just be honest about this code amongst women.

I think most of us here who are male, hetero, and healthy are well aware of our advantages and privileges against those who aren't like us so that's where I'd have to disagree.

It's like being a veteran driver and telling someone who's new at driving to slow down at all yellow lights, always let other cars go before you at a stop sign even if you're in the right, always let drivers cut in front of you, always keep both hands on the wheel (10+2), never go above the speed limit, etc etc when you know damn well people do whatever the hell they want on the road. Really the only real advice should be stay safe and watch out for pedestrians, bikes and cops. But you got some people programmed to tell you the bs that they don't abide by themselves.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014

Ain’t nothing alpha about this at all. If you want a bytch off the roster just tell her and keep it pushing. I can’t even type “acting like a s...” because that shyt is despicable. If you are able to lower yourself to the standards of a simp to avoid telling a bytch to kick rocks then you were never an alpha in the first place. You may be Chief Master Beta Sergeant around a bunch of Lance Betas and Beta First Class but definitely not an Alpha. But let’s keep it real...you have never done that bullshyt before, you was just dap fishing.

Nah bruh... Him being honest and kicking her to the curb is an alpha move and would just keep her on his dikk some more. Plus women can be Petty. Last thing you want is your number getting put on a registered offenders list or some bullshyt just cuz you weren't interested in a chick. Women can't handle rejection.

And there's a beta male inside all of us just like there's a hoe inside every woman. That mafukka be fighting to come out of you every day or every other day depending on the circumstances and situations. Get the biggest alpha #HOH #GMB general drunk in the strip club and see if that nikka don't start making beta gestures and movements. Probably start hugging up on every bytch that walk by him.


Apr 2, 2018
I agree with this, only thing is there's a very very super small percentage of women that will be honest with you about the game. Usually they're older and just at a point in their life they're like "fukk it :yeshrug:" so I don't think it's due to their lack of awareness. There's coli brehettes who are checking this thread as we speak and avoiding to post in here like the plague when they can easily just be honest about this code amongst women.

I think most of us here who are male, hetero, and healthy are well aware of our advantages and privileges against those who aren't like us so that's where I'd have to disagree.

It's like being a veteran driver and telling someone who's new at driving to slow down at all yellow lights, always let other cars go before you at a stop sign even if you're in the right, always let drivers cut in front of you, always keep both hands on the wheel (10+2), never go above the speed limit, etc etc when you know damn well people do whatever the hell they want on the road. Really the only real advice should be stay safe and watch out for pedestrians, bikes and cops. But you got some people programmed to tell you the bs that they don't abide by themselves.

They are not telling you the game because they just said “fukk it”...you keep making it a sinister plot. They are telling you the game because they are older and wiser and finally understand it! They probably have been married, divorced, had brothers who were the same, and so they got exposed to how dating is from a male perspective. Trust me, behettes are avoiding this thread cuz they have nothing to add cuz they don’t understand it.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
They are not telling you the game because they just said “fukk it”...you keep making it a sinister plot. They are telling you the game because they are older and wiser and finally understand it! They probably have been married, divorced, had brothers who were the same, and so they got exposed to how dating is from a male perspective. Trust me, behettes are avoiding this thread cuz they have nothing to add cuz they don’t understand it.

Bullshyt. By the time the average girl finishes high school or college they been ran thru enough to understand what works and what doesn't. Women are very good at playing dumb. That alone should be its own thread. Women be in school manipulating nikkas all the time. You can't manipulate someone if you don't know wtf you're doing. A girl will date all the drug dealers and thugs and sit around telling you that "women want a guy that really cares for her and does nice things for her" when the nicest thing that nikka ever does for her is respond to her text within 5 minutes once in a blue moon. Women are not dumb. Dumb people can't manipulate a whole group of logical creatures to take care of them.


Apr 2, 2018
Nah bruh... Him being honest and kicking her to the curb is an alpha move and would just keep her on his dikk some more. Plus women can be Petty. Last thing you want is your number getting put on a registered offenders list or some bullshyt just cuz you weren't interested in a chick.

And there's a beta male inside all of us just like there's a hoe inside every woman. That mafukka be fighting to come out of you every day or every other day depending on the circumstances and situations. Get the biggest alpha #HOH #GMB general drunk in the strip club and see if that nikka don't start making beta gestures and movements. Probably start hugging up on every bytch that walk by him.


Everything you posted in your response is an example of a man who does not control his space. If I tell a woman to get lost, it doesn’t matter what she feels or if her attraction increases...she is finito. I will block her from all channels of communication if it comes down to it and she’d know better than to come by unannounced. All this shape shifting bullshyt from Alpha to Beta to push her away is fukking stupid...like do nikkaz not have real shyt to worry about? I have so much real shyt to worry about that I can’t even take time to play games like that.

Secondly, your second scenario about the strip club is one of a man captivated and led by p*ssy which again is not alpha. An alpha in a strip club is gonna advocate for his own best interest at all times...if he drop 10 stacks it’s cuz he he has 6 figures in the bank. If you’re really well adjusted, mature, focused on yourself and advocate for your own interesrs then that bullshyt we call beta is gone. Beta is a lifestyle, no one is doomed to it there is no one characteristic that defines if.

No offense but you sound like you’re 22/23. Like last year you was rocking with Corey Wayne and now you on to AMS cuz it’s the “in” thing.


Dec 27, 2017
@ItsGhost y’all don’t want women posters in this thread. All it takes is someone to counter what you are saying and you guys will be ready to have the mods on their back. So why would anyone come in here. Just speak among yourselves and leave the minority out of it cause y’all just want a sausage fest. You aren’t interested in seeing other perspectives.

Women and men are different and see things differently because they operate differently. They can only give you advice according to the perspective that they share in this world. The same way men will give advice to women according to their perspective and the space that they share in this world. Some advice from either sexes is always going to be self serving. No one advocates against their self interest (unless they are dumb). It’s for the benefit of men to want women to remain chaste but to believe that men are incapable of it. Likewise, it is in women best interest to advocate for men to be a gentleman at all times. Smart people see through the BS and only give what they get in return.


Oct 9, 2012
Bullshyt. By the time the average girl finishes high school or college they been ran thru enough to understand what works and what doesn't. Women are very good at playing dumb. That alone should be its own thread. Women be in school manipulating nikkas all the time. You can't manipulate someone if you don't know wtf you're doing. A girl will date all the drug dealers and thugs and sit around telling you that "women want a guy that really cares for her and does nice things for her" when the nicest thing that nikka ever does for her is respond to her text within 5 minutes once in a blue moon. Women are not dumb. Dumb people can't manipulate a whole group of logical creatures to take care of them.
:mjcry: gospel


Dec 27, 2017
They are not telling you the game because they just said “fukk it”...you keep making it a sinister plot. They are telling you the game because they are older and wiser and finally understand it! They probably have been married, divorced, had brothers who were the same, and so they got exposed to how dating is from a male perspective. Trust me, behettes are avoiding this thread cuz they have nothing to add cuz they don’t understand it.

They are avoiding this thread because you guys don’t want them here. I shared my perspective. Like any advice that is given there is an always an element of self interest it is up to you with you ability of deduction to see through what applies to you and what doesn’t.


Oct 9, 2012
They are avoiding this thread because you guys don’t want them here. I shared my perspective. Like any advice that is given there is an always an element of self interest it is up to you with you ability of deduction to see through what applies to you and what doesn’t.
Who said that?


Dec 27, 2017
Who said that?

It’s not said, it’s implied and past threads such as these always devolve into arguments in which they get more penalized then the male posters. So they stay out. We are in a male space remember we have to tread carefully. If you are really interested to have female perspectives than perhaps a disclaimer inviting the ladies to add their opinions would be nice. Otherwise, unless they are fast track for getting banned they won’t come.