Dat logic tho.
you claim that all the majority of black men who date inter racially bash black women. (which would mean you were listening to the trolls all over the net).
But when i say that said trolls are obviously having an effect on your self esteem, now interracial dating doesn't effect you and i'm a women bashing troll myself?

You can't be serious right now? Can you?
Either way you sound dumb. I'm not gonna have this conversation with a dumb person. You're just gonna bring me down to your level (of dumbness) and then beat me with experience.
At the end of the day when someone chooses to bash a whole race of people it says more about their own self esteem and thought process then anything else. Just because they get a whole lot of attention for their ignorant views doesn't mean they're advocates for all black men. Spend less time on the racial side of the internet, get out into real life, and the difference will AMAZE YOU.