Now you see why I said the Nokia Lumia 900 is by far the best phone. The phone's UI and interface is so buttery smooth and eye pleasing its rediculous. Nearly every app looks fantastic due to metro theme apps are required to comply too. The entire OS just performs so much better than Android or IOS its not even funny.
i mean i haven't used it on phones but am take yall word for it and say it runs smooth , this OS on the EVO/ONE X type of screen must be
the pc version runs great too, i dunno why that much hate for , makes me wonder if its just these other manufacturer and apple on the low bytching just to bytch cause MS went futuristic on us
they got a lot of things right on this , this looks and feel so smooth that you can throw this on a tablet,phone shyt even a tv and it would just feel right, this is something i think not even apple or android has achieved yet, they just have the lead in the units sold and hardware specs
next xbox going to be a problem