Why would the USA lie about the earth being round or the moon landing?

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012

It's a flat plane, live I've been saying since I started posting here...

What is hard to understand about that?
like a coin? :dead:

and the moon is just hanging in the sky pointing right at us, like a coin facing another coin at an exact certain angle so we're looking at that coin head on. instead of the obvious, simple explanation that they're both spheres?


Dec 29, 2016
im sure this is easy to look up :dead: first of all, they do move around the sky. they change positions :what:
They move around with relation to US, LOOKING AT THEM

But not to EACHOTHER

The star map should look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from night to night if we're really moving through nothing at millions of mph on a 3 dimensional trajectory
Jun 23, 2014
you believe the bible is true, but you call me a fukkin sheep :mjlol:

and again, i'll take the word of scientists who make cell phones and the internet work, over some shythead who thinks he's illuminati because he watched an alex jones video

The core components of the illuminati conspiracy is historical verifiable and talked about by a few ex presidents.
Incorrect pseudo-intellectual gibberish

I read that like wtf? It costs something like billions of dollars in todays money adjusted for inflation, but would have been substantially less to fake using Stanley Kubrick and there movie studios to fake it then actually going to the moon. Since they admitted they cant get past the Van Allen belts now because of the lack of proper radiation shielding. But how did the do it back then with inferior tech supposedly?


Dec 29, 2016
like a coin? :dead:

and the moon is just hanging in the sky pointing right at us, like a coin facing another coin at an exact certain angle so we're looking at that coin head on. instead of the obvious, simple explanation that they're both spheres?
The simple explanation is that the sun and moon are the same size and they circle above us, just like the stars

What YOU believe is convoluted and illogical

Again, I proved that in the last flat earth thread with eclipses

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
They move around with relation to US, LOOKING AT THEM

But not to EACHOTHER

The star map should look COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from night to night if we're really moving through nothing at millions of mph on a 3 dimensional trajectory
wrong, look what napoleon says

The motion of stars is quite small at a few or a few tens of km/s. However, they are situated several light years away from us. let us take an example. Let a star be situated about 10 light years away from us (note that this is a nearby star) and move at 10 km/s. Then, in 100 years, the movement is approximately 30 billion km. The distance of the star from us in comparison is 90,000 billion kilometers. So its motion in 100 years is so small compared to its distance that we see the star in the same spot in the sky. However, if one waits for a few hundred thousand years, then one can definitely see the constellations change.


Jagadheep D. Pandian
Jagadheep built a new receiver for the Arecibo radio telescope that works between 6 and 8 GHz. He studies 6.7 GHz methanol masers in our Galaxy. These masers occur at sites where massive stars are being born. He got his Ph.D from Cornell in January 2007 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Insitute for Radio Astronomy in Germany. After that, he worked at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii as the Submillimeter Postdoctoral Fellow. Jagadheep is currently at the Indian Institute of Space Scence and Technology.



Dec 29, 2016
wrong, look what napoleon says

The motion of stars is quite small at a few or a few tens of km/s. However, they are situated several light years away from us. let us take an example. Let a star be situated about 10 light years away from us (note that this is a nearby star) and move at 10 km/s. Then, in 100 years, the movement is approximately 30 billion km. The distance of the star from us in comparison is 90,000 billion kilometers. So its motion in 100 years is so small compared to its distance that we see the star in the same spot in the sky. However, if one waits for a few hundred thousand years, then one can definitely see the constellations change.


Jagadheep D. Pandian
Jagadheep built a new receiver for the Arecibo radio telescope that works between 6 and 8 GHz. He studies 6.7 GHz methanol masers in our Galaxy. These masers occur at sites where massive stars are being born. He got his Ph.D from Cornell in January 2007 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Insitute for Radio Astronomy in Germany. After that, he worked at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii as the Submillimeter Postdoctoral Fellow. Jagadheep is currently at the Indian Institute of Space Scence and Technology.
Do you see how you can't even prove what you believe in??

You literally had to google a 2nd 3rd hand article that just reaffirms that they assume you're dumb enough to believe their nonsensical juelzing smh


Dec 29, 2016
neither can you :yeshrug: neither of us have ever observed the planets on the scale of us looking at a basketball

oh, im sorry. i mean a frisbee :heh:
I observe the stars above me

I observe that the sun's motion that I see daily in no way lines up with the heliocentric "explanation" of the sun and it's motion

You don't observe anything. You just believe what you're told because you believe yourself to be mentally/intellectually inferior to your "science priests"

I don't have that problem:yeshrug:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
xCivicx said:
No it doesn't

Yeah, it does. Every single military base, observatory, and person with a compass/smartphone on the planet will be able to verify this simple fact.​

xCivicx said:
How does it feel to be so arrogant and ignorant at the exact same time?

I'm neither arrogant nor wrong so your objection is meaningless.​

xCivicx said:
I just completely dismantled your argument with respect to the angle of the sun's light
Actually, you did nothing of the sort as NOTHING you posted had anything to do with the angle of the Sun. It's being visible for 24 hours does NOTHING to disprove it's movement or angle in relation to the observer. It is 15 degrees each hour in Antarctica, just like everywhere else on the planet, even for a couple weeks in mid-winter when the Sun doesn't rise at all.
xCivicx said:
You seem to be contradicting yourself with respect to your previous posts in flat earth threads

If I recall correctly, you were one of the main posters making the claim that the 24 hour day and 24 hour night at the north pole somehow proves globe earth(which makes absolutely no sense)

Except for the simple fact I never made that assertion so this is a complete and utter LIE. You're more than welcome to try and prove it, though.

I PERMANENT BAN BET you that you can't.


xCivicx said:
24 hour days at the north pole actually prove the flat earth model

LOL. The Sun moving 15 degrees each hour, in Antarctica and everywhere else on the planet, disproves the flat Earth model.​

xCivicx said:
The angle of the sun's light IS NOT 15 DEGREES AT THE NORTH POLE during the 24 hour days because that's IMPOSSIBLE

The angle of the Sun is exactly 15 degrees each hour at the North Pole , the South Pole, and everywhere else on the planet.

Even when the Sun isn't visible, it moves 15 degrees each hour due to the Earth's rotation. That's why days are 24 hours and 365.2422 days/year.

I don't recall Antarctica having MORE or LESS days/nights than the rest of the planet. That would involve you positing another theory that wouldn't make any sense due to mathematics and physics for the past couple thousand years.



Dec 29, 2016
Yeah, it does. Every single military base, observatory, and person with a compass/smartphone on the planet will be able to verify this simple fact.​

I'm neither arrogant nor wrong so your objection is meaningless.​

Actually, you did nothing of the sort as NOTHING you posted had anything to do with the angle of the Sun. It's being visible for 24 hours does NOTHING to disprove it's movement or angle in relation to the observer. It is 15 degrees each hour in Antarctica, just like everywhere else on the planet, even for a couple weeks in mid-winter when the Sun doesn't rise at all.

Except for the simple fact I never made that assertion so this is a complete and utter LIE. You're more than welcome to try and prove it, though.

I PERMANENT BAN BET you that you can't.


LOL. The Sun moving 15 degrees each hour, in Antarctica and everywhere else on the planet, disproves the flat Earth model.​

The angle of the Sun is exactly 15 degrees each hour at the North Pole , the South Pole, and everywhere else on the planet.

Even when the Sun isn't visible, it moves 15 degrees each hour due to the Earth's rotation. That's why days are 24 hours and 365.2422 days/year.

I don't recall Antarctica having MORE or LESS days/nights than the rest of the planet. That would involve you positing another theory that wouldn't make any sense due to mathematics and physics for the past couple thousand years.

Once again, all completely incorrect pseudo-intellectual gibberish

Feel free to post how many degrees an hour that the sun moves at the north pole

As a matter of fact, let's make a ban bet that your entire post is incorrect

Do you accept? Because apparently you don't seem to understand basic shapes, and I'd hate for a person as ignorant as yourself to make other people as ignorant as you

This is also yet another case of a poster that cannot prove a single statement that they're making, attempting to defer to an authority figure

Why is it that only military institutions are able to accurately map the motion of the stars??

So that means that any and all non military astrological institutions are invalid by default?

Who gave you the authority to declare this??
Jun 23, 2014
wrong, look what napoleon says

The motion of stars is quite small at a few or a few tens of km/s. However, they are situated several light years away from us. let us take an example. Let a star be situated about 10 light years away from us (note that this is a nearby star) and move at 10 km/s. Then, in 100 years, the movement is approximately 30 billion km. The distance of the star from us in comparison is 90,000 billion kilometers. So its motion in 100 years is so small compared to its distance that we see the star in the same spot in the sky. However, if one waits for a few hundred thousand years, then one can definitely see the constellations change.


Jagadheep D. Pandian
Jagadheep built a new receiver for the Arecibo radio telescope that works between 6 and 8 GHz. He studies 6.7 GHz methanol masers in our Galaxy. These masers occur at sites where massive stars are being born. He got his Ph.D from Cornell in January 2007 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Insitute for Radio Astronomy in Germany. After that, he worked at the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii as the Submillimeter Postdoctoral Fellow. Jagadheep is currently at the Indian Institute of Space Scence and Technology.

Have you heard of sonolumesince and cymatics? If not check out this video
width, depth :dead:
width, depth :dead:

Both, circles and spheres are circular objects. A circle is a two-dimensional figure, while asphere is a three-dimensional figure. Acircle is a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the centre).