Why would a God desire to be praised/believed?

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
Our sole purpose of working, especially in your hypothetical 60hr workweek is to pay the bills to survive, that’s our credit as adults. Do you really want to worship a god that

What you’re describing is schizophrenia:francis:

Schizophrenia usually does not have the element of coherent interpretation and translation nor of accurate prophecy.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
It could have happened faster than we think if you think about how many animals have a sixth sense before natural disasters like tsunamis and floods and earthquakes and wildfires occur. To this day many species tend to gather themselves together and try to make it to safer areas before earthquakes and tsunamis even start. It's interesting to read about the people deep sea diving who survived the big Indonesian tsunami and knew something was up when all the sea life they had expected to find underwater was gone before the earthquake and subsequent tsunami happened. Same thing with the big wildfire on the west coast where the guy was trying to drive out the forest that was on fire and his neighbors behind him burned up in their truck but he survived because he lept out of his car and spotted some foxes running for cover and he followed them trusting their instincts. The animals could have herded themselves together and followed Noah and his family pretty quickly sensing the impending threat. Many animals act that way before huge natural disasters.
or...it could just be a made up story in a novel :yeshrug:

in your scenario, wouldnt ALL the animals have gathered at the ark? you're saying he physically separated two of each species on earth? :dead:

i mean, come on :russ: tell me you don't really believe that noah's ark is literally a true story. following jesus' message is one thing, but that's just childish

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
or...it could just be a made up story in a novel :yeshrug:

in your scenario, wouldnt ALL the animals have gathered at the ark? you're saying he physically separated two of each species on earth? :dead:

i mean, come on :russ: tell me you don't really believe that noah's ark is literally a true story. following jesus' message is one thing, but that's just childish


We can agree to disagree lol

Smashius Clay

The Millennium Brotha I Be
Nov 29, 2013
Perpetual World Traveler
Christianity was seized upon by the Roman Emporers as a better method of controlling vastly different people from disassociated geographies and belief-systems by forcing them believe in one god that ordained their Emporer. Before this every city had its own god and belief-system, and as the empire both expanded (and was forced to give citizenship to more and more "non-romans") there needed to be a way to connect all these people together under one ideology. Bam Christianity.

European barbarians continued with this because their ignorant asses only knew war and when they destroyed the roman empire they realized they lost a lot of what made raiding these lands great, so they reinstitutionalized a lot of what the Romans did before them, including centralized government and using the Christian religion as a means of justification for their rule. That's why you find a lot of succeeding kingdoms self-declaring as the descendants of the Roman empire.


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
To be honest the breh you're responding to isn't completely correct in what he said...salvation, from a Christian standpoint, really only requires you to acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins. That's literally the only true requirement and I wouldn't consider that "desiring praise".
I still see it as desire to be praised.
“salvation, from a Christian standpoint, really only requires you to acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins.”

How is that not…quite literally…”believe in me or you are going to hell”? So theirs two options believe/praise…or go to Hell…?

Why not let folks into “salvation” in a manner that’s independent of belief/praise…like I don’t know…good works and treating others well? Why does praise or belief even have to come into the equation. “Believe in me or you’re going to Hell” just doesn’t seem becoming of a God and it’s one of the primary reasons that I don’t follow Christianity.

“Slaveholder that rapes and kills? That’s fine, believe in me and you’ll get to Heaven…!” It’s rubbish. I’d prefer a God that values how it’s creations treat each other over how it’s creations praise it.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I still see it as desire to be praised.
“salvation, from a Christian standpoint, really only requires you to acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins.”

How is that not…quite literally…”believe in me or you are going to hell”? So theirs two options believe/praise…or go to Hell…?

Why not let folks into “salvation” in a manner that’s independent of belief/praise…like I don’t know…good works and treating others well? Why does praise or belief even have to come into the equation. “Believe in me or you’re going to Hell” just doesn’t seem becoming of a God and it’s one of the primary reasons that I don’t follow Christianity.

“Slaveholder that rapes and kills? That’s fine, believe in me and you’ll get to Heaven…!” It’s rubbish. I’d prefer a God that values how it’s creations treat each other over how it’s creations praise it.

Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker--one clay pot among many. Does the clay ask the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker--one clay pot among many. Does the clay ask the potter, 'What are you making?' Does your work say, 'He has no hands'?
The clay pot also doesn’t have the ability to mistreat other clay pots and still get into Heaven simply because he believes in the pot maker as written by a clay pot.

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
I still see it as desire to be praised.
“salvation, from a Christian standpoint, really only requires you to acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for our sins.”

How is that not…quite literally…”believe in me or you are going to hell”? So theirs two options believe/praise…or go to Hell…?

Why not let folks into “salvation” in a manner that’s independent of belief/praise…like I don’t know…good works and treating others well? Why does praise or belief even have to come into the equation. “Believe in me or you’re going to Hell” just doesn’t seem becoming of a God and it’s one of the primary reasons that I don’t follow Christianity.

“Slaveholder that rapes and kills? That’s fine, believe in me and you’ll get to Heaven…!” It’s rubbish. I’d prefer a God that values how it’s creations treat each other over how it’s creations praise it.

These are excellent questions. I'll try to give my opinion to each part separately starting from the bottom of your post up.

As for the slaveholders who raped and killed...they won't necessarily stay in heaven just because they believe in God. Satan himself believed in God and was kicked out of heaven. We will be held accountable for our actions here on earth. This is detailed in the White Throne Judgment in the book of Revelation. It is up to only the divine God alone as to who will stay in heaven or not for all eternity. You must believe in God/Jesus and His sacrifice and resurrection to get into heaven but that does not mean you can't be kicked out like Satan was. God will NOT allow evil to stay in heaven and people/angels with unrepentant (key word unrepentant) evil desires.

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
As to the first part of your post...

Salvation and Praise are two entirely separate things. If God just wanted praise then He did not have to send His Son Jesus to painfully die on a cross. He could have just created humanoid type robots to praise Him all day and thus have taken away free will but He did not do that. He allows us to CHOOSE to praise Him or not. He does not demand it. He allows us to CHOOSE to try Him out and believe Him or not. He does not demand it. You are free to do whatever you CHOOSE to do. Choice is key.

Salvation just means believing and confessing that we have a Savior (Jesus Christ) that loved us so much He sacrificed His life for us in a bloody hours-long agonizing death on the cross and then was resurrected to heaven all so we too could have an eternal happy life with Him. This is the key point of Christianity: there is NO other way to get to heaven but by believing that God sent His Son Jesus to die for us who was then resurrected and is preparing a place for us in heaven to live for all eternity.

As to "good" works...

I'm from DC/Maryland and have grown up around rough drug dealers and thugs who have raped and killed on a consistent basis (as well as politicians who have had these things done covertly as well) and still all these thuggish politicians and drug dealers alike have done "good" works too like giving out Christmas presents from time to time or donating to community charities and local people. But were their hearts really in the right place or was it for show? Or was it for a bribe? Many times their "good" deeds were for nefarious reasons.

See, a lot of people do "good" works for the wrong reasons which is why you can't use it as a basis for getting into heaven. As Christians our goal is to believe in Jesus and when we do that, He works on the inside of us to change our hearts and actions so that we sinful people become more like Him (Jesus) who was sinless. Our altruistic works then come from a genuinely "good" place not for show or for bribes or image but because we are reflecting the goodness of God Himself. As Christians we are always striving to become more like Jesus in thought, words, and deeds.
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The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
The most powerful being desiring the praise of its creations? Desiring to be believed in…To desire praise/belief is such a human trait.

Just seems like the height of human hubris…creating a God and assigning it human qualities.

Why would an all-powerful God desire…anything?

Go read Message To The Blackman
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
The same reason you want to be adored, revered and respected by your children

I don't require that from my kids though

I only wish is that they are healthy, safe and successful

They don't have to give me anything .. I'm Good

The act of praising God is what brings God to life in our world by invoking the spirit

Many different ways to do that but the most common would be prayer, praises, fasting, meditation, acts of good nature

Bringing the spirit into focus elevates you to a higher level bringing you closer to God and waking the God within you
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