Brahma is the creator in Hinduism but is a neutral deity to the point where he’s far less widely worshiped, if at all, compared to Shiva and Vishnu. And those gods don’t really require or demand worship like in Judeo Christianity. Each one has numerous avatars, so individuals are somewhat free to choose how to worship if they want to at all.
Shintoism and Taoism also have creator deities that aren’t necessarily worshipped. Most of the shrines and altars are for ancestor worship.
Basically, Judeo Christianity is the main branch of religions that require worship for their god. I’d say most other religions don’t.
Honestly, these religions you listed make much more sense than Abrahamic religions when it comes to worship, devotion and prayer.
Abrahamic religions make God out to be illogical and thoughtless. If God wanted humanity’s worship, devotion and prayer than he would instil it in them from birth or give clear guidance of it himself. Yet he hasn’t done neither and Abrahamic religions squabble among each other and within themselves about worship, devotion and prayer. We are talking about thousands of years and generations of men and men wasted their life and time on this matter; without resolve sadly.
Also, if God himself didn’t show exactly how to worship, make devotion and make prayer; why would I listen to another man for what God wants or follow a scripture that no one can prove it is 100% God’s word. Yes, I know this is an atheist debate; but it definitely makes sense when it comes to worship, devotion and prayer.
Isn’t how you conduct yourself through actions, behaviour and words the real worship, devotion and prayer? Why would you need either of these when God knows your intent and see everything you do? A lot of people in these Abrahamic religions think they can out pray or out charity their bad actions, behaviours and words; sometime they see worship, devotion and prayer as a get out of hell card instead of actually believing in these principles.
I might look into these beliefs and religions you listed, the older I get as a man, all I want from God is logic and wisdom. Something I honestly cannot and haven’t found in these Abrahamic religions.
Thanks for the reply and God Bless(I still believe in a God/Creator)