God did not spare Himself suffering so yes we will have suffering ourselves too but only in this shirt earthly life. I'll take a short earthly life full of suffering in exchange for an eternal pain-free happy life with God! Plus He is not asking us to go through anything He hasn't already gone through Himself. Our focus is always on our eternal heavenly lives and not these very short earthly ones.
All based on religious texts written by other men stolen from who knows what people they killed off
It places a static way to view the world spiritually instead of a dynamic way and considering other possibilities
Religion is limiting and honestly leads to a lot of irrational people who make irrational decisions based on religious texts instead of taking responsibility for their lives and thinking rationally
This also applies to the nature of the world beyond this life we live
Religion limits the perception of this world and makes you ignore other spiritual ideas and consciousness experiences beyond religion
Don't worry God will take care of it