Because gay people get passes and applause for things straight people would be condemned for. And this is one of those instances.Im surprised at are one of the more thoughtful and engaging posters around. Im unclear why you're taking this angle so forcefully.
I never said the societal pressures were not there. I said people are still judged by their own actions regardless of what outside influences shaped them. I understand why he did what he did, but that still doesn't excuse him for the hurt and pain he caused along the way.You cant remove societal pressures away from this conversation, which is highly discriminatory and injurious towards gay americans. Coming out is psychologically torturous ---- to know one will have to face unrelenting bigotry and hatred, and a compromised way of life.
People lie to and deceive people they love everyday. If a person does not love/understand themselves well enough to be a good husband/wife regardless of the reason, they shouldn't be stringing another person along until they get their own emotions in check. I never said there was intentional malice on his part. But at the end of the day damage was done and he was the perpetrator.So "lies and deceit" is an intellectually incurious way of defining his relationship with his ex-fiancee. More than likely he loved her, and wanted to make it work, but he ultimately could not deny who he was for any longer. The relationship ended like any other --- and there are often a million reasons why relationships fall by the wayside. Im sure his ex-fiancee is bitter and a bit embarrassed, but you are reaching considerably to try to project malice on to Collins here.
I disagree. The man that stands up and says "I'm gay" BEFORE tearing up someone's heart and making millions of dollars is the hero. This dude is an opportunist. He was straight when it was beneficial to him and now he's come out when being gay is beneficial to him.( I believe MOST people behave this way. Only gay people get a pass for it. The ones that don't are the true "hero's") In the meantime a woman lost 8+ years of her life to a lie that was never going to happen.I think Collins is definitely a hero for coming out, and embracing hatred, so as to make it easier for other gay Americans to feel comfortable with who they are. I had a gay friend who tried to jump off of a bridge before he came out, because he was so tortured on the inside. Sht aint a game.