Red Shield
Global Domination
Didn't we talk about this black character stuff in it's own thread or was it in the big comic book thread 

There's Steel for one. Cyborg is still getting his own movie.
Dont try to make it seem like Marvel is all for it's black characters, both companies were shytting on it's black characters, but DC did make an effort to not have it's black characters sidekicks or legacy characters.
I was drunk fam....
Yeah it had it own thread two or three years ago in a way about which comic company treat their black superheros better everyone in the thread more or less said that both comic book company DC and Marvel treat them like trash overallDidn't we talk about this black character stuff in it's own thread or was it in the big comic book thread![]()
Oh wait, you said black led teams....i thought you said movies....they both shyt on their black characters, but outside of milestone which was a black written publication, wheres the black support at dc? i mean you bring up steel, but what storylines has he been apart of? the cartoons have done more for putting black dc characters over than the publication has. i can say that about marvel too( into the spider verse was the best that miles has ever been written, and is the approach that hack bendis should have taken with the character rather than keeping his ass in a safe room) but they at least try with mighty avengers, the ultimates, and moon girl and devil dinosaur.
Didn't we talk about this black character stuff in it's own thread or was it in the big comic book thread![]()
Yeah it had it own thread two or three years ago in a way about which comic company treat their black superheros better everyone in the thread more or less said that both comic book company DC and Marvel treat them like trash overall
Oh wait, you said black led teams....i thought you said movies....
I can't think of one off the top of my head, as for marvel, youre going to say gay-ass Prodigy or dead-ass Alex Wilder? Or you going to take it back to Storm's Morlocks??
In the cinimatic universe, Will Smith's Deadshot is the leader but that's about it.
And i hated Marvel's diversity pandering, with RiRi Ironman, Moon girl, Asian Hulk, she-Thor, all that shyt sucked breh. That was blatant pandering, they were saying "here you whinyminorities, we changed the race/sex of this white male character and now she's a superhero!!!11 "" None of those characters were original. All were cheap knockoffs with a fro, glasses, or a vagina. At least DC aint doing that pandering shyt. I got more respect for that than the cheap pandering.
Free GLJohn Stewart
I think he literally is a eunuchit's because he's basically an enuch
i hate this character so much
DC values the black dollar
The fact they can't write a android who's living software in 2019 is a damn shame
They always do that "My dad doesn't love me" BS