Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Birth control and abortions are answers but people just aren't making use of them because too many women think that they can turn some guy that they thought that they were cool while having sex with him into an upstanding father and citizen by having his child. It's a 100% conscious choice on the woman's part to have this child and for some reason, despite statistics, they still go ahead and do it.

It they were the answer they would solve the problem. But since the don't then they are not the answer.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
And I still don't understand what point you are trying to make to me.
That women have more power in this matter despite men having some.

The more women who a knowledge that and accept that to which they take responsibility for their choices the less opportunities playas and dead beats have which is a solution to this issue.

Women are the ones getting approached by these ain't shyt nikkaz and are giving them a chance. I can hang around good men and promote males being good men but unless we stop this at the source of this matter and cut the playas and ain't shyt nikkas off then change will never come.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Most men ain't shyt and the way society is currently constructed will only see to it that it gets worse.

How can you refer to millions of people you don't even know?

Maybe from the environment that you come from, but it would not be fair to make a generalized statement like that just to sound objective.
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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
So it's too much to ask for women to be more discrete and cautious with whom they allow to penetrate their bodies? Really? I guess we really are screwed then becuase men ain't looking to change shyt. :yeshrug: Glad I am married.

If its too much to ask for men to be more discrete and cautious about who they penetrate, then yes it is also for women. End of story. Women and men are fukking each other, you can't get pass this fact no matter how much you try.

Especially if you are talking about the women that do end up in these situations. Because they are usually just as damaged and irresponsible as the deadbeats. Yet they are only ones who you all consider salvageable (when salvaging involves criticizing and scapegoating them that is).

When did I defend bad behavior though. Just becuse I am not :cape: for women making bad choices doesn't mean I am encouraging men to to do the same. My point is that nothing a man says or does to another man is gonna outweigh p*ssy. I know this from firsthand experience. Take that how you wish.

I look at men who get played the same way I look at women who get played. "It's your fault. Step your self-esteem and awareness up and stop being so damn shallow and reckless."

How are you not encouraging men to do the same when you are flat out telling me that men will and are making irresponsible choices in where they put their semen and there's nothing anyone should try to do about it? :what:

If what you say is true about women taking each other to task shouldn't you and The Stripper be the main ones shytting on the women who aren't being cautious in terms of whom they breed with. The reality is females care more about affirmation, attention, and approval from men then they do the thoughts of their fellow females.

:mindblown: So then you are essentially saying the same thing is the case for men ("nothing a man say for does to another man is gonna outweigh p*ssy") that is for women. But you are deliberately only speaking to women about changing. The hypocrisy is astounding. Y'all can't actually believe your approach to this issue will work :mindblown:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
It they were the answer they would solve the problem. But since the don't then they are not the answer.

It's an available answer that they're not taking advantage of for the reasons that I stated. Is it really that hard for you to understand, or are you just staying in this to feel like you're making headway in this argument?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
That women have more power in this matter despite men having some.

The more women who a knowledge that and accept that to which they take responsibility for their choices the less opportunities playas and dead beats have which is a solution to this issue.

Women are the ones getting approached by these ain't shyt nikkaz and are giving them a chance. I can hang around good men and promote males being good men but unless we stop this at the source of this matter and cut the playas and ain't shyt nikkas off then change will never come.

I already understand this. This is already been made clear to me by other posters. Men are just going to chase p*ssy no matter what the consequences are. They are expected to contribute little to nothing to the community other than penis. Woman will have to change everything and should take all the blame. I got it. I like it.
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Zapp Brannigaanswe : 7167901 said:
Birth control and abortions are answers but people just aren't making use of them because too many women think that they can turn some guy that they thought that they were cool while having sex with him into an upstanding father and citizen by having his child. It's a 100% conscious choice on the woman's part to have this child and for some reason, despite statistics, they still go ahead and do it.

Abortion is not the answe.Its only a temporary fix for a deeper problem that will worsen if not solved.

Birth control yes,but not abortion as a form of birth control.


May 29, 2012
If its too much to ask for men to be more discrete and cautious about who they penetrate, then yes it is also for women. End of story. Women and men are fukking each other, you can't get pass this fact no matter how much you try.

Especially if you are talking about the women that do end up in these situations. Because they are usually just as damaged and irresponsible as the deadbeats. Yet they are only ones who you all consider salvageable (when salvaging involves criticizing and scapegoating them that is).

How are you not encouraging men to do the same when you are flat out telling me that men will and are and there's nothing anyone should try to do about it? :what:

:mindblown: So then you are essentially saying the same thing is the case for men ("nothing a man say for does to another man is gonna outweigh p*ssy") that is for women. But you are deliberately only speaking to women about changing. The hypocrisy is astounding. Y'all can't actually believe your approach to this issue will work :mindblown:

Of course men should be careful as well. However we can't just ignore the fact that men aren't the ones getting pregnant and left to raise children alone. This isn't equal or fair. It is what it is. It's just like if two people are out gambling. Yes they should both be careful. However the person putting their rent or grocery money on the table needs to be more careful. There are more natural consequences for women then their are for men. Purely for self-preservation and protecting their seed they should be more careful.

I said that what men can do about it is limited. Women could actually do a lot about it. It's like if you have an issue with welfare. It's silly to expect the people benefiting from welfare to give up something that is benefiting them. It is more logical to go to the government who is actually providing the supply and suffering consequences and appeal to them.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
It's an available answer that they're not taking advantage of for the reasons that I stated. Is it really that hard for you to understand, or are you just staying in this to feel like you're making headway in this argument?

Headway? There is no headway. I understand that it is an answer but it is not THE answer which is why it has not alleviated the problem. You can say it is as much as you like and blame whomever you'd like but it does not make it reality. Nothing more to discuss. There needs to be something else done. Have any other ideas other than pumping full of meds, or latex?


May 29, 2012
How can you refer to millions of people you don't even know?

Maybe from the environment that you come from, but it would not be fair to make a generalized statement like that just to sound objective.

I acknowledged that it was a generalization. I can only speak from my experience and from the overwhelming statistics about the number of children (not just black) who are raised in single parent homes. There is no way men in general are stepping up and being men and the explanation for why they aren't is pretty apparent to me.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
That women have more power in this matter despite men having some.

The more who accept that and take responsibility for their choices the less opportunities playas and dead ears have.

I already understand this. This is already been made clear to me by other posters. Men are just going to chase p*ssy no matter what the consequences are. They are expected to contribute little to nothing to the community other than penis. Woman will have to change everything and should take all the blame. I got it. I like it.[/quote]

:rudy: That's definitely not what I said. You're responding to me here, not the entire group of guys in this thread. Women have complete say over whether or not they carry children to term. Period. Men can do things like wear condoms, but their power over a pregnancy is much more limited than a woman's. That's all I said.

Men have, continue to, and will always contribute to society, but women can't get mad when they choose the wrong ones and don't take preventative measures to keep from having babies with these losers. By the way, these women who are having babies with these guys have nothing to contribute besides p*ssy the same way that the men they're laying up with have nothing to contribute besides penis. If women don't give themselves some self respect and exercise some judgment, they can't expect to go on and live the life that they want and get the respect that they want.


Nov 22, 2013
LOL...you're creating this idea and notion that women are consciously having kids with men that THEY KNOW will abandon their child, and leave them high and dry. This violates all basic common sense with respect to incentivizing. Women have to go through the pain of labor, and the decades long hardship of raising a child on their own. Men can just dip...so I think its fair to say that, generally speaking, women are under the assumption that they are going to have a future with these men, and are manipulated or led astray in some form.

And before you say "THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!" --- well, poor judgement and bad decision making is fueled by things like personal self esteem issues, poor education, and troubled upbringings. This is often true for the males as well.

But I would buy that you guys are simply well intentioned and want to see women make better choices, if not for the fact that you cats are complete hypocrites.

Whenever we see examples or threads around here of women who are very selective, demanding, and have high qualifications for the men they date, you cats get outraged. You scream and cry about "hypergamy", "feminism", and victimize yourself as living in a world of entitled women who wont give an average man a shot.

So you see how these two worlds of thought are in direct conflict with each other? That signifies that you guys are full of sht. It doesnt take a nuclear physicist to figure out that you cats are just making sht up as you go along, and fitting everything around your caustic, nasty, mean-spirited, and negative views you have on all women.

this is exactly what black women do.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Headway? There is no headway. I understand that it is an answer but it is not THE answer which is why it has not alleviated the problem. You can say it is as much as you like and blame whomever you'd like but it does not make it reality. Nothing more to discuss. There needs to be something else done. Have any other ideas other than pumping full of meds, or latex?

For the millionth time, it's an available answer and they aren't taking advantage of it. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Hell, I wouldn't even be mad if girls wanted to bang a few playboys out before settling down if they used protection the whole time. But they don't. They don't and they for some reason always think that they can "change" a man. Complete bullshyt argument.