Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
see, now we're going rogue. when women dont have a valid point, they always seem to go rogue. a guy trying to find his way to some good p*ssy doesn't mean he'll automatically be a shytty father. as for women, many of them do lie, cheat and use others. go to LSA and view threads they've got on how to break men for their pocket books. go check out their escort or sugar daddy threads. you think these women will be truthful about their past to the poor guy that settles down w/them? come on, now.

i do believe men who use women for sex are more likely to be a deadbeat parents, but you're stretching hard to make your point. like i previously asked, who is encouraging men to be dead beats to their children?

yeah, i don't think you can. thread is mostly guys venting about past or present relationships.

And when a men can't make a point he throws around LSA and sexist remarks. Miss me with that. This is about men who are deadbeats.

Who is encouraging men to be deabeats? Other men! Encourage other men to lie, cheat and steal for some coochie but then he is going to be a saint once the women he is sexing but cares nothing about has a bun in the oven. It is not reaching. It's common sense. Be the change you wanna be. You tired of seeing OOWL children with deadbeat parents stop encouraging each other to participate in deadbeat behavior. It's a process.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
Yea, that can happen. But how often is the above the case versus the woman simply choosing to procreate under less than desirable circumstances? And when I say desirable circumstances I mean a simple, standard situation like married(or at least engaged) to a financially stable guy who has shown that he is committed to the woman, who has shown to be a quality person and is planning on a future with said woman.

How many single mothers are happening because the above situation rapidly deteriorated? And beyond that, how many of those kind of guys would become deadbeat dads even if the situation were to deteriorate? They'd most likely still want to be in the child's life even if not with the woman anymore.


I can't tell you how often a woman give birth in a desirable circumstances. We don't know every event that occurs in every relationship. That is why I think the repetitive narratives--she know he wasn't shyt from the beginning--isn't an absolute occurrence in many relationship. Let us look at other factors: First, a man could be manipulative in persuading a woman that he is worthy of her time, then fukk her, and toss her into the trash can.
Second, in some cases, some men pretend to be single men, and lied about how what they do for a living to impress the women whom they want to fukk:demonic:. Subsequently, they smash their side-pieces, and next, the jump-offs notify them that they are pregnant. The cheating men are worrying about their happy home, and are afraid to tell their wives:lupe:. To protect their home from being broken, these cheating men give their jump-offs the :ufdup:and tell their jump-offs to get an abortion because they won't be able to provide for the unborn child or sometimes the no good trifling men would denied that they didn't get the jump-offs pregnant and will accused their jump-offs of fukking other men :mjpls: .Next, they toss both the mistress and their unborn seed into the :trash:

These are kind of scenarios that usually conceive b*stardized children. Now, the children growing up without a father figure have to pay the consequences for their irresponsible fathers. They have to live with the idea that will never see their real daddies :banderas:


May 2, 2012
And when a men can't make a point he throws around LSA and sexist remarks. Miss me with that. This is about men who are deadbeats.

Who is encouraging men to be deabeats? Other men! Encourage other men to lie, cheat and steal for some coochie but then he is going to be a saint once the women he is sexing but cares nothing about has a bun in the oven. It is not reaching. It's common sense. Be the change you wanna be. You tired of seeing OOWL children with deadbeat parents stop encouraging each other to participate in deadbeat behavior. It's a process.

i made several valid points, you choose to gloss over them. men trying to help other men get laid does not mean he'll be a deadbeat, that's just bad logic. now if you wanna roll it back to being a womanizer, i can roll with that a lot more.

also, who's "stealing" for some coochie? that doesn't even make sense. and you'll never be able to find 1 post of me encouraging men to cheat or have jump offs.


May 29, 2012
And when a men can't make a point he throws around LSA and sexist remarks. Miss me with that. This is about men who are deadbeats.

Who is encouraging men to be deabeats? Other men! Encourage other men to lie, cheat and steal for some coochie but then he is going to be a saint once the women he is sexing but cares nothing about has a bun in the oven. It is not reaching. It's common sense. Be the change you wanna be. You tired of seeing OOWL children with deadbeat parents stop encouraging each other to participate in deadbeat behavior. It's a process.

Women are more encoruaging than men though. They think that dirtbag shyt is cute until of course it bites them in the ass then all of a sudden it's "Why doesn't he just grow up?" :sadcam: "It's like he doesn't care about me at all." :why:."He's so lazy and irresponsible" :damn: All a man can do is give a pat on the back and a dap. Women are the ones actually giving up the p*ssy, head, and even financial considerations that truly encoruage the behavior. It's all learned. Men learn that being a dirtbag is the way to go from the level of success that dirtbags have. I'm still tryna figure out where women learned that fukking deadbeats was a good thing.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Women are more encoruaging than men though. They think that dirtbag shyt is cute until of course it bites them in the ass then all of a sudden it's "Why doesn't he just grow up?" :sadcam: "It's like he doesn't care about me at all." :why:."He's so lazy and irresponsible" :damn: All a man can do is give a pat on the back and a dap. Women are the ones actually giving up the p*ssy, head, and even financial considerations that truly encoruage the behavior. It's all learned. Men learn that being a dirtbag is the way to go from the level of success that dirtbags have. I'm still tryna figure out where women learned that fukking deadbeats was a good thing.

They learned that from listening to too much gangsta rap back in the 90s where they think that only thugs and bums have "good dikk." That shyt would have never went down in the 60s and 70s.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Either you wanna discuss the issue thoroughly or you just wanna ride for your side. You can't have it both ways. You are just as guilty of what you are accusing others of doing if you are unwilling to explore the issue in totality.

Again I ask for the third time in this thread what are guys supposed to say/do to deadbeats? How are they supposed to check them? Why are you only asking guys to check deadbeats? If it's a problem and something should be done about it why are you only asking half of the population to address it. Ironically enough the same half of the population that has never given anyone any p*ssy and can't be single moms. Why are you not asking women (who have much more power and sway as well as motivation to address the issue) to check men. Men can say or do whatever but as long as deadbeats are getting p*ssy deadbeats will be deadbeats.

It's like a ambitious, hardworking brother or sister trying to check their lazy sibling. As long as mom and dad enable their bullshyt what are you supposed to do about it?

First, this thread is about why men aren't hard on deadbeats. What is "wrong" with women is discussed to nauseum here. Why can't you men ever just focus on what is "wrong" with your group? The first hint that a man might be at fault for anything you all just want to throw it back on women. There are 19 pages in this thread that focus on how all this is the fault of women but I make a few post and need to be more balanced in a discussion that is SUPPOSE to focus on men. :dead: Ya' ll kill me.

What are men suppose to say to deadbeats? How about not encouraging them to participate in behavior that leads to being a deadbeat like banging a lot of women who they don't give 2 shyts about. How about not befriending them. How about socially exiling them. Why am I only asking guys? B/C THIS THREAD IS ABOUT WHAT MEN ARE DOING. How many hundreds of threads about how "terrible women are" do you need before you actually want to focus on what men can do to make their communities better?


May 29, 2012
I can't tell you how often a woman give birth in a desirable circumstances. We don't know every event that occurs in every relationship. That is why I think the repetitive narratives--she know he wasn't shyt from the beginning--isn't an absolute occurrence in many relationship. Let us look at other factors: First, a man could be manipulative in persuading a woman that he is worthy of her time, then fukk her, and toss her into the trash can.
Second, in some cases, some men pretend to be single men, and lied about how what they do for a living to impress the women whom they want to fukk:demonic:. Subsequently, they smash their side-pieces, and next, the jump-offs notify them that they are pregnant. The cheating men are worrying about their happy home, and are afraid to tell their wives:lupe:. To protect their home from being broken, these cheating men give their jump-offs the :ufdup:and tell their jump-offs to get an abortion because they won't be able to provide for the unborn child or sometimes the no good trifling men would denied that they didn't get the jump-offs pregnant and will accused their jump-offs of fukking other men :mjpls: .Next, they toss both the mistress and their unborn seed into the :trash:

These are kind of scenarios that usually conceive b*stardized children. Now, the children growing up without a father figure have to pay the consequences for their irresponsible fathers. They have to live with the idea that will never see their real daddies :banderas:

That's why you vet people before you allow them into your body. You can't get a house or a car or certain jobs without a pretty extensive checking of your history in that realm. You can get p*ssy by driving your boys whip and saying it's yours. :dead: A man shouldn't be fukking you, certainly not raw, until you have truly vetted him. Otherwise you have left yourself wide open for whatever bullshyt may flow.


May 29, 2012
First, this thread is about why men aren't hard on deadbeats. What is "wrong" with women is discussed to nauseum here. Why can't you men ever just focus on what is "wrong" with your group? The first hint that a man might be at fault for anything you all just want to throw it back on women. There are 19 pages in this thread that focus on how all this is the fault of women but I make a few post and need to be more balanced in a discussion that is SUPPOSE to focus on men. :dead: Ya' ll kill me.

What are men suppose to say to deadbeats? How about not encouraging them to participate in behavior that leads to being a deadbeat like banging a lot of women who they don't give 2 shyts about. How about not befriending them. How about socially exiling them. Why am I only asking guys? B/C THIS THREAD IS ABOUT WHAT MEN ARE DOING. How many hundreds of threads about how "terrible women are" do you need before you actually want to focus on what men can do to make their communities better?

Guys don't befriend deadbeats. They grow up with them. In your mind it's more reasonable to expect a guy to shun a lifelong friend or family member over a chick he barely knows if he knows her at all than it is to expect that same women to be more cautious with whom she allows to penetrate her body. :wtf: Beyond that no guy is gonna change his fukking habits because another guys stopped talking to him. :dead:

To put it bluntly men in general have no reason to focus on making the community better and they have even less reason to listen to someone trying to convince them to do so. Guys are myopic, selfish, lazy creatures and it takes more, way more than another guy chastising him or even exiling him to them to change. Now if the p*ssy supply dried up, nikkas would spring into action. :heh: So if your focus is making the comminities better it has to start with women. In case it's not abundantly clear to you at this point, the current dynamics benefit guys so it's simply illogical and unrealistic to expect them to be the ones to push for change.
Jan 23, 2014
First, this thread is about why men aren't hard on deadbeats. What is "wrong" with women is discussed to nauseum here. Why can't you men ever just focus on what is "wrong" with your group? The first hint that a man might be at fault for anything you all just want to throw it back on women. There are 19 pages in this thread that focus on how all this is the fault of women but I make a few post and need to be more balanced in a discussion that is SUPPOSE to focus on men. :dead: Ya' ll kill me.

What are men suppose to say to deadbeats? How about not encouraging them to participate in behavior that leads to being a deadbeat like banging a lot of women who they don't give 2 shyts about. How about not befriending them. How about socially exiling them. Why am I only asking guys? B/C THIS THREAD IS ABOUT WHAT MEN ARE DOING. How many hundreds of threads about how "terrible women are" do you need before you actually want to focus on what men can do to make their communities better?

Because ultimately it all cycles back on the woman's shoulders. You can't turn a deadbeat into a good husband ever, yet women keep trying. Unless women stay away from the deadbeats and actually get with guys that give a shyt then we can add foundation to the black family and teach young men and women how to be more family oriented. Until then though, the same cycle of deadbeats and single moms would just keep repeating itself. Remember who holds all the power, if a female says no there is nothing the guy can do. The females get to control who gets all up in that puss unprotected, that's why most of the problems come down to the female.
May 7, 2012
It's probably been mentioned, but a big reason is because it's a reaction to the sympathy society tends to have for single mom's....sympathy that single mom's tend to expect and solicit nowadays.

Sorry bytch, I don't feel sorry for you. Your baby's father had three kids he didn't give a shyt about when you met him, da fukk was you letting him hit raw for anyways?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
i made several valid points, you choose to gloss over them. men trying to help other men get laid does not mean he'll be a deadbeat, that's just bad logic. now if you wanna roll it back to being a womanizer, i can roll with that a lot more.

also, who's "stealing" for some coochie? that doesn't even make sense. and you'll never be able to find 1 post of me encouraging men to cheat or have jump offs.

What? You? No one is talking about you and what you do. I could care less. I am talking about a culture of men who think it is okay to have sex with women you care nothing about but then place the sole blame of the broken community that this activity creates on women. If men promoted and encouraged othter men to only sex women they were willing to have children with this would not be an issue. But you don't. You all encouraging each other to lie and manipulate any old women who will give it up which creates men with low morals thus making them think it's acceptable to run away from responsibility.

Lie, cheat, steal is a common saying. One I would expect you to get since you whined about my quote.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Women are more encoruaging than men though. They think that dirtbag shyt is cute until of course it bites them in the ass then all of a sudden it's "Why doesn't he just grow up?" :sadcam: "It's like he doesn't care about me at all." :why:."He's so lazy and irresponsible" :damn: All a man can do is give a pat on the back and a dap. Women are the ones actually giving up the p*ssy, head, and even financial considerations that truly encoruage the behavior. It's all learned. Men learn that being a dirtbag is the way to go from the level of success that dirtbags have. I'm still tryna figure out where women learned that fukking deadbeats was a good thing.

Right b/c men have no power in their own communities. They do not set any examples. They are just ultimately followers who do whatever just to get some p*ssy. Nothing should be expected of them. It is women's fault every step of the way and up to her to change everything for him since he is incapable of being anything more of a p*ssy chaser. Thanks for clearing that up.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Guys don't befriend deadbeats. They grow up with them. In your mind it's more reasonable to expect a guy to shun a lifelong friend or family member over a chick he barely knows if he knows her at all than it is to expect that same women to be more cautious with whom she allows to penetrate her body. :wtf: Beyond that no guy is gonna change his fukking habits because another guys stopped talking to him. :dead:

To put it bluntly men in general have no reason to focus on making the community better and they have even less reason to listen to someone trying to convince them to do so. Guys are myopic, selfish, lazy creatures and it takes more, way more than another guy chastising him or even exiling him to them to change. Now if the p*ssy supply dried up, nikkas would spring into action. :heh: So if your focus is making the comminities better it has to start with women. In case it's not abundantly clear to you at this point, the current dynamics benefit guys so it's simply illogical and unrealistic to expect them to be the ones to push for change.

I am sorry you all feel that way about yourselves. I can't argue with someone who doesn't even feel they have the power to choose their own friends and what type of behavior that is acceptable in their lives. We have nothing more to discuss. I wish you the best.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
What? You? No one is talking about you and what you do. I could care less. I am talking about a culture of men who think it is okay to have sex with women you care nothing about but then place the sole blame of the broken community that this activity creates on women. If men promoted and encouraged othter men to only sex women they were willing to have children with this would not be an issue. But you don't. You all encouraging each other to lie and manipulate any old women who will give it up which creates men with low morals thus making them think it's acceptable to run away from responsibility.

Lie, cheat, steal is a common saying. One I would expect you to get since you whined about my quote.

There is a difference between having sex with someone and being willing to start a family with them. Consent to sex != consent to start a family with them. In the age of birth control and abortions, this is a very, very stupid argument.