Why do white people deny that Ancient Egypt was black?

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Nothing pisses me off that this multiracial society bullshyt. Because we all know the implication is that like Brazil and South Africa, the black folks in Egypt were subservient to the white ruling class. THAT IS PATENTLY FALSE.

Almost all of Egypt's history was ruled by BLACK PHARAOHS. If anything the white people in the society were slaves or captives of war from the expansion of the empire. Stop with this multiracial bullshyt.

When I say Egypt was BLACK, I'm not saying everyone in the country at all times was black. What I'm saying is that Egypt can be thought of as a BLACK EMPIRE because it was founded by BLACK PEOPLE and ruled by BLACK PEOPLE.

Egypt was not ruled by white or mulatoos. The Egyptians were quintessentially BLACK just like the East Africans I posted in the first photo. Sure some of them have straight hair or soft curls, sure some of them have slim noses, or light skin. But in the end, they were BLACK because they originated from Africa and if you saw the average Egytian walking in the street today you would think they were a black man just the like average East African in the video I posted would be considered a black man. PERIOD

I don't think you've seen south africa recently breh. There is no "white ruling class" any more. The point I'm trying to make with Egypt is that there were all sorts of people living there, and since this was a time before existing notions of race were in place, anyone could have been a Pharaoh, from cleopatra of the greek ptolemaic dynasty to Piye of the 25th dynasty.

Egypt is at its roots obviously a black society, but as time went on you had all sorts of people gaining leadership positions. Its geographic proximity to places where we know for a fact that white or light brown skinned people lived also means that those people would have mixed with people living in Egypt. Applying todays concept of race and who is and who isn't considered black just doesn't work for trying to describe what people looked like in a pre-racial time period because they would have less hang-ups on interracial relationships.

But that's all beside the point, you seemed to miss the entire point I was trying to make with that post which is that we spend way too much fukking time talking about a place in Africa that while great wasn't all that great when we look at African societies as a whole.
May 16, 2012
I don't think you've seen south africa recently breh. There is no "white ruling class" any more. The point I'm trying to make with Egypt is that there were all sorts of people living there, and since this was a time before existing notions of race were in place, anyone could have been a Pharaoh, from cleopatra of the greek ptolemaic dynasty to Piye of the 25th dynasty.

Egypt is at its roots obviously a black society, but as time went on you had all sorts of people gaining leadership positions. Its geographic proximity to places where we know for a fact that white or light brown skinned people lived also means that those people would have mixed with people living in Egypt. Applying todays concept of race and who is and who isn't considered black just doesn't work for trying to describe what people looked like in a pre-racial time period because they would have less hang-ups on interracial relationships.

But that's all beside the point, you seemed to miss the entire point I was trying to make with that post which is that we spend way too much fukking time talking about a place in Africa that while great wasn't all that great when we look at African societies as a whole.

nikka stop with all this parsing bullshyt. My main point stll remains true. Egypt was at its heart a BLACK empire. PERIOD. I'm not talking about conceptions of race back them or nothing. I'm just talking about it in our current racial paradigm. If we were to travel back in time and dropped into the pharaohs chambers in Egypt, we would say they were BLACK people. Just like we now call the current residents of the White House, BLACK people.

Everyone in Egypt don't gotta look like Manute Bol or Loul Deng to be considered black UNDER OUR CURRENT RACIAL PARADIGMS. That is my only point.

I'm not here to debate whether or not every pharaoh in Egypt was black. Just cause Barack Obama is a black President doesn't mean that America hasn't been a white empire for most of its history. With white people being the upper class eventhough there have been non-white people in the country since its birth.

I'm just saying the same is true for Egypt. Sure they might have been people in the country who would not be considered black today. And there might even have been non-black pharaohs (I think Cleopatra was a mulatoo but thats beside the point), however, for the VAST majority of its history, Egypt was a BLACK civilization. PERIOD

fukk this multiracial bullshyt!


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
nikka stop with all this parsing bullshyt. My main point stll remains true. Egypt was at its heart a BLACK empire. PERIOD. I'm not talking about conceptions of race back them or nothing. I'm just talking about it in our current racial paradigm. If we were to travel back in time and dropped into the pharaohs chambers in Egypt, we would say they were BLACK people. Just like we now call the current residents of the White House, BLACK people.

Everyone in Egypt don't gotta look like Manute Bol or Loul Deng to be considered black UNDER OUR CURRENT RACIAL PARADIGMS. That is my only point.

I'm not here to debate whether or not every pharaoh in Egypt was black. Just cause Barack Obama is a black President doesn't mean that America hasn't been a white empire for most of its history. With white people being the upper class eventhough there have been non-white people in the country since its birth.

I'm just saying the same is true for Egypt. Sure they might have been people in the country who would not be considered black today. And there might even have been non-black pharaohs (I think Cleopatra was a mulatoo but thats beside the point), however, for the VAST majority of its history, Egypt was a BLACK civilization. PERIOD

fukk this multiracial bullshyt!

:myman: let them niqqas know son, they keep trying to 'slip' that in under the rug though

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Egyptians didn't even called themselves "Egyptians"

They called their land Khem or Kemit and themselves Kemetians.

Khem means Black.



May 2, 2012
Banana Town
really? :usure:

or did the light skinned egyptians come from mixing with invaders? You had the hyksos, babylonians, greeks, and romans that had their time in bc.

Also keep in mind that light skin does not necessarily mean mixing between black and white. the black man and woman makes all colors of the human family.

its more of a chance that the light skinned came from mixing with dark skinned people in the south than the other way around. They have already proven that there were "brown" people or whatever you would like to call them in north africa for thousands of years and they are actually the indigenous people of north africa.

Nobody suggests mixing between black and white. It would have been mixing between the "brown" skinned people (or whatever you would like to call them) that have always lived in the levant and north africa. People who look like turks and armenians or lebanese people.

I think if more people learned about the places in sudan and ethiopia there wouldn't be such a need to "claim" egypt. People get too amazed by the pyramids and forget that entire area had great culture for thousands of years.


Tell me moar
May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
I think it's hilarious that any person would care what color the Egyptians were.

Why the f@ck does it matter if they were dark black, brown, Asian or white??

Is one race mad at the other for trying to claim credit for a race 3,000 years ago?

Really? Does that help you earn a living today or make your life better?


BTW, I know my fair share of white republicans, and I ain't never heard a one trying to claim fukking Egyptians as Anglo Saxon, lmao.

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
White people have a rich and deep history. they have conquered the known world TWICE in a 2000 year span.

They avenged their ancestors, crushed all their enemies, and granted freedom to those subjugated because they had guilty conscious. Not because the subjugated fought back.

Seems like black people just have the fantasy of Egypt and that's it. I mean who has more to gain by claiming Egypt? Blacks, who seem to be history's slaves and subjects or white people who conquered the planet, invented calculus and spread their culture across the world.

I'm not here to insult anyone. I mean... why should white people care about egypt when they have Rome, which was 1000 times more impressive and it conquered Egypt. Or what about Spain? who took out huge empires with a mere platoon of men. Or the British Empire, which took control of China, Ottoman territories and even India? 300 spartans took out 100,000 persians! I'm sure white people have enough to feel proud of without some conspiracy to deny blacks their claim on Egypt.

The Facts don't agree with the afrocentric version of history, so somehow it's a conspiracy. Ramses clearly has a Caucasoid shaped skull, and all Available evidence suggests that the royal family carried Y-dna R1b. That's not african in Orgin. My Y-dna is Closer to R1b than it is to E1 and I'm from asia.

Sun worship, Beer, Horse and carriage---these things all originated in Central Asia FIRST, and these are the things that Egypt was built on. Are Black people central Asians now? Get real. It defies logic.

your c00nery knows no boundaries friend... my god


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
I think it's hilarious that any person would care what color the Egyptians were.

Why the f@ck does it matter if they were dark black, brown, Asian or white??

Is one race mad at the other for trying to claim credit for a race 3,000 years ago?

Really? Does that help you earn a living today or make your life better?


BTW, I know my fair share of white republicans, and I ain't never heard a one trying to claim fukking Egyptians as Anglo Saxon, lmao.

Man I was thinking the same fukking thing. Who gives a fukk? Get money
May 16, 2012
I think it's hilarious that any person would care what color the Egyptians were.

Why the f@ck does it matter if they were dark black, brown, Asian or white??

Is one race mad at the other for trying to claim credit for a race 3,000 years ago?

Really? Does that help you earn a living today or make your life better?


BTW, I know my fair share of white republicans, and I ain't never heard a one trying to claim fukking Egyptians as Anglo Saxon, lmao.

So if I convinced most people in this country and around the world that Ancient Rome was ruled by black people for most of its history, you wouldn't feel the need to correct that?

I know Ancient Egypt was black. It doesn't change my life any. I just also believe in ACCURATE information being available to the public. The fact that white folks have tried to whitewash the true history of Egypt is a problem that must be corrected.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
I think it's hilarious that any person would care what color the Egyptians were.

Why the f@ck does it matter if they were dark black, brown, Asian or white??

Is one race mad at the other for trying to claim credit for a race 3,000 years ago?

Really? Does that help you earn a living today or make your life better?


BTW, I know my fair share of white republicans, and I ain't never heard a one trying to claim fukking Egyptians as Anglo Saxon, lmao.

Far from a racist and love the human race but explain that to the racists who cut the penises, noses and paint off paintings, murals and herioglyphics. Shyt is sickening.


All Star
Aug 8, 2012



Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
I think it's hilarious that any person would care what color the Egyptians were.

Why the f@ck does it matter if they were dark black, brown, Asian or white??

Is one race mad at the other for trying to claim credit for a race 3,000 years ago?

Really? Does that help you earn a living today or make your life better?


BTW, I know my fair share of white republicans, and I ain't never heard a one trying to claim fukking Egyptians as Anglo Saxon, lmao.

Only a left brained european caucasoid would say this..

Please do not interject yourself in conversations dealing with black history.

You don't understand and you never will because you have no melanin and no soul.