Why do white people deny that Ancient Egypt was black?

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
Niger-Congo region is the origin of both Bantu people and West Africans. Just say Congoid or Niger-Congo and stop creating confusion.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Can't believe people are still having this debate. Egypt was a multiracial society not unlike today's Brazil or South Africa. It doesn't even matter though because there are 100% undoubtably black civilizations in Africa that rival Egypt. I know we're not going to stay silent on the Kushytes, whose language has still yet to be fully understood. or Great Zimbabwe, which had the highest man made structures outside of Egypt. People's knowledge of Africa shouldn't start and end with Egypt. The reason people talk about Egypt is because of how much influence it had on western civilization. But the fact of the matter is it only was able to have so much of an influence because of its close proximity to the Mediterranean. If Greece was next to Nigeria, we'd all be talking about whether the people of what is now Nigeria were black.

White people have a rich and deep history. they have conquered the known world TWICE in a 2000 year span.

They avenged their ancestors, crushed all their enemies, and granted freedom to those subjugated because they had guilty conscious. Not because the subjugated fought back.

Seems like black people just have the fantasy of Egypt and that's it. I mean who has more to gain by claiming Egypt? Blacks, who seem to be history's slaves and subjects or white people who conquered the planet, invented calculus and spread their culture across the world.

I'm not here to insult anyone. I mean... why should white people care about egypt when they have Rome, which was 1000 times more impressive and it conquered Egypt. Or what about Spain? who took out huge empires with a mere platoon of men. Or the British Empire, which took control of China, Ottoman territories and even India? 300 spartans took out 100,000 persians! I'm sure white people have enough to feel proud of without some conspiracy to deny blacks their claim on Egypt.

The Facts don't agree with the afrocentric version of history, so somehow it's a conspiracy. Ramses clearly has a Caucasoid shaped skull, and all Available evidence suggests that the royal family carried Y-dna R1b. That's not african in Orgin. My Y-dna is Closer to R1b than it is to E1 and I'm from asia.

Sun worship, Beer, Horse and carriage---these things all originated in Central Asia FIRST, and these are the things that Egypt was built on. Are Black people central Asians now? Get real. It defies logic.

Egypt was NOT multiracial friend. Its all a lie to cover up the truth. Them folks are black. Ain't no such thing as Asiatic or whatever you call it (homo erectus) :pachaha:....we 'Sonned' all those people. They are all us, our cousins in fact.

Look at dudes face (it hurts him so bad to admit that they came from us). Its just the truth & this time it shouldn't hurt any of you nikkas....maybe a few cacs but they will get over it. :sitdown: you brainwashed oreos.

[ame=http://youtu.be/1iGJBvMdvCE]AFRICAN ORIGINS OF ASIAN PEOPLE. 3 - YouTube[/ame]


:russ: :russ: :russ:

in fact the only people that really can claim they aren't black (now) are these Cacs because they have been mutated with that Neanderthal DNA...they've done a great job of spreading that DNA around but they are the 1st people to get mutated by that gene. Most of us have that gene in us now but we know Cacs are the ones that started the Neanderthal DNA crap.


Jun 4, 2012
White people have a rich and deep history. they have conquered the known world TWICE in a 2000 year span.

They avenged their ancestors, crushed all their enemies, and granted freedom to those subjugated because they had guilty conscious. Not because the subjugated fought back.

Seems like black people just have the fantasy of Egypt and that's it. I mean who has more to gain by claiming Egypt? Blacks, who seem to be history's slaves and subjects or white people who conquered the planet, invented calculus and spread their culture across the world.

I'm not here to insult anyone. I mean... why should white people care about egypt when they have Rome, which was 1000 times more impressive and it conquered Egypt. Or what about Spain? who took out huge empires with a mere platoon of men. Or the British Empire, which took control of China, Ottoman territories and even India? 300 spartans took out 100,000 persians! I'm sure white people have enough to feel proud of without some conspiracy to deny blacks their claim on Egypt.

The Facts don't agree with the afrocentric version of history, so somehow it's a conspiracy. Ramses clearly has a Caucasoid shaped skull, and all Available evidence suggests that the royal family carried Y-dna R1b. That's not african in Orgin. My Y-dna is Closer to R1b than it is to E1 and I'm from asia.

Sun worship, Beer, Horse and carriage---these things all originated in Central Asia FIRST, and these are the things that Egypt was built on. Are Black people central Asians now? Get real. It defies logic.

I don't agree with this post, but I like posters who go hard like this and explain their pov.

However, I don't feel more proud when America takes over or occupies a foreign land.. so if all white people have to be proud of, is ancient military takeovers, mass oppression, and borrowing technology, science, and philosophy from Asian and African cultures; while later attempting to white wash anything fascinating or significant in history... then I don't see what's so rich and deep about white people.

And just because someone has been a slave doesn't mean they aren't also the original, the teacher, the innovator, and the catalyst for fascinating creations and ideas.

@other posters... There isn't a debate about Egypt. People can debate it, but the fact is Egypt was a black civilization that also had non-black people in leadership and in society. Most of the non-black leadership were black or African and we see modern day people of the Mediterranean sea area and get confused about what the ancient people looked like.

Most black people in America and Europe aren't from Northern Africa. However, most black people aren't going to see lies about history, specifically African history, and not say anything about it. If Western African was the main focus of white washed attacks and debate, then black people who's roots are in North, East, Central, and Northern Africa wouldn't be wrong for correcting history about that as well.

Simple as that. Remember - This debate was NOT originated because black Americans wanted to hype up some ancient culture. It came from scientific and culture racism of whites centuries ago. The first Europeans were stating the obvious- Africa, including Egypt, was black. After the 'fascinating' things about Egypt were discovered and scientific racism against blacks became common, Europeans created all these false theories about Egypt.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I don't agree with this post, but I like posters who go hard like this and explain their pov.

However, I don't feel more proud when America takes over or occupies a foreign land.. so if all white people have to be proud of, is ancient military takeovers, mass oppression, and borrowing technology, science, and philosophy from Asian and African cultures; while later attempting to white wash anything fascinating or significant in history... then I don't see what's so rich and deep about white people.

And just because someone has been a slave doesn't mean they aren't also the original, the teacher, the innovator, and the catalyst for fascinating creations and ideas.

Altho I disagree a little with egypt not having been multi-racial. It was, but not in the beginning, later as invaders, traders, slaves etc from the rest of the area came there, it became just like todays U.S, or Rome, a hub of various people, from Assyrians to Ethiopians, all contributing to the wealth of Egypt. But make no mistake, if you look at the first tombs and pyramids, they are of afrocentric origin. The shiny big gold ones that came a couple of thousand years later, were from northern invaders that were benefitting from the already wealthy Egypt.

Whats real interesting is that at one time, the kushiites from far south (further south than nubia), controlled Egypt for 400 years, that's twice the age of the U.S. but again, they get no credit.

last I heard Will Smith was working on a movie about that pharaoh.

Taharqa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

take a look at the sculpture, you think that's semite? cmon lol. :laff:

He was a present day ethiopian man, and the last kush reign of egypt to reach as far as Spain. wonder why that's not in book ahem.

Taharqa was described by the Ancient Greek historian Strabo as having "Advanced as far as Europe", and (citing Megasthenes), even as far as the Pillars of Hercules in Spain.

We don't need to pull straws to claim egyptian history, it IS African history and was it's greatest one. THAT is why it's important to AFRICAN - americans. Much like Rome is greatly talked about by whites, and the Ming Dynasty by Chinese.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Black Pharaohs - National Geographic Magazine

. For two decades Piye had ruled over his own kingdom in Nubia, a swath of Africa located mostly in present-day Sudan. But he considered himself the true ruler of Egypt as well, the rightful heir to the spiritual traditions practiced by pharaohs such as Ramses II and Thutmose III. Since Piye had probably never actually visited Lower Egypt, some did not take his boast seriously. Now Piye would witness the subjugation of decadent Egypt firsthand—“I shall let Lower Egypt taste the taste of my fingers,” he would later write.

The reason Piye felt Egypt belonged to him was because he knew his people that would now be in his Nubia of the south, originated in what was upper egypt thousands of years prior, which was now being ruled by the northern assyrians.

Let's take a look at some of the first tombs. and tell me they don't like afrocentric.

they can be compared to even west african paintings and curvage. the shiny gold ones, had it's influence as well.

now lets take a look at the first pyramids, the ones before the great giza ones and compare them with the pyramids of nubia.



any questions:uhhuh:


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Whats real interesting is that at one time, the kushiites from far south (further south than nubia), controlled Egypt for 400 years, that's twice the age of the U.S. but again, they get no credit.

last I heard Will Smith was working on a movie about that pharaoh.

Taharqa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yea I hope that film eventually gets done. Will Smith as Taharqa would be a good look. It's time for another African war epic.


Jul 1, 2012
even when a white person says it, white people still won't accept it, because they don't want to accept that fact that math science and philosophy came from some nikkaz.

That fake ass bible is nothing but egyptian mythology repackaged.

When you say Amen, which means Most Trusted or Trusted one, you are actually giving praise to Amen-Re the god of the sun.

Amen means the hidden


Jul 1, 2012
yea I hope that film eventually gets done. Will Smith as Taharqa would be a good look. It's time for another African war epic.

Will Smith doesnt even look like Taharka.


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
White people have a rich and deep history. they have conquered the known world TWICE in a 2000 year span.

They avenged their ancestors, crushed all their enemies, and granted freedom to those subjugated because they had guilty conscious. Not because the subjugated fought back.

Seems like black people just have the fantasy of Egypt and that's it. I mean who has more to gain by claiming Egypt? Blacks, who seem to be history's slaves and subjects or white people who conquered the planet, invented calculus and spread their culture across the world.

I'm not here to insult anyone. I mean... why should white people care about egypt when they have Rome, which was 1000 times more impressive and it conquered Egypt. Or what about Spain? who took out huge empires with a mere platoon of men. Or the British Empire, which took control of China, Ottoman territories and even India? 300 spartans took out 100,000 persians! I'm sure white people have enough to feel proud of without some conspiracy to deny blacks their claim on Egypt.

The Facts don't agree with the afrocentric version of history, so somehow it's a conspiracy. Ramses clearly has a Caucasoid shaped skull, and all Available evidence suggests that the royal family carried Y-dna R1b. That's not african in Orgin. My Y-dna is Closer to R1b than it is to E1 and I'm from asia.

Sun worship, Beer, Horse and carriage---these things all originated in Central Asia FIRST, and these are the things that Egypt was built on. Are Black people central Asians now? Get real. It defies logic.

black people wouldn't mind letting white people claim khemet if..

1. they taught us our true history(outside of khemet).
2. it was actually a white civilization, which it's not. khemet = the land of the blacks.

Without the black man and woman there would be no [insert white culture]. Our history goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back before egypt, and ancient egypt no longer exists so we shouldn't cling onto it like some brothers and sisters do like it's our genesis.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
The We'ayot(Awash) Valley Cushytic warriors from Ancient Egypt. - YouTube

After seeing this video, it should be clear that the Ancient Egyptians looked just like these people. shyt they look just like the murals on the pyramids. :ohhh:

Are white people so racist in the mind that they can't believe black people are capable of building a great civilization? :damn:

You just answered your own question.

In the same thread, that's why they keep insisting that the cradle of humanity wasn't in Africa, and that white people were the first ones to colonize Asia. You have to ferret this shyt out on the net and call them out, otherwise way too many people will start to believe it.

In any case, 5 star post, OP. Drop that knowledge, my man. :salute:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
I don't agree with this post, but I like posters who go hard like this and explain their pov.

However, I don't feel more proud when America takes over or occupies a foreign land.. so if all white people have to be proud of, is ancient military takeovers, mass oppression, and borrowing technology, science, and philosophy from Asian and African cultures; while later attempting to white wash anything fascinating or significant in history... then I don't see what's so rich and deep about white people.

And just because someone has been a slave doesn't mean they aren't also the original, the teacher, the innovator, and the catalyst for fascinating creations and ideas.

@other posters... There isn't a debate about Egypt. People can debate it, but the fact is Egypt was a black civilization that also had non-black people in leadership and in society. Most of the non-black leadership were black or African and we see modern day people of the Mediterranean sea area and get confused about what the ancient people looked like.

Most black people in America and Europe aren't from Northern Africa. However, most black people aren't going to see lies about history, specifically African history, and not say anything about it. If Western African was the main focus of white washed attacks and debate, then black people who's roots are in North, East, Central, and Northern Africa wouldn't be wrong for correcting history about that as well.

Simple as that. Remember - This debate was NOT originated because black Americans wanted to hype up some ancient culture. It came from scientific and culture racism of whites centuries ago. The first Europeans were stating the obvious- Africa, including Egypt, was black. After the 'fascinating' things about Egypt were discovered and scientific racism against blacks became common, Europeans created all these false theories about Egypt.


This post usually dispels all notions of white superiority.

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
why do have people have such arrogance

thats all i wanna know.

its like yall wanna takeover some shyt, degrade the culture, mimmick the culture at the same time, AND look down on the natives

if you peep most cultures/races are a peaceful people until whites/euros start coming thru

whats with that?
May 16, 2012
Can't believe people are still having this debate. Egypt was a multiracial society not unlike today's Brazil or South Africa.

Nothing pisses me off that this multiracial society bullshyt. Because we all know the implication is that like Brazil and South Africa, the black folks in Egypt were subservient to the white ruling class. THAT IS PATENTLY FALSE.

Almost all of Egypt's history was ruled by BLACK PHARAOHS. If anything the white people in the society were slaves or captives of war from the expansion of the empire. Stop with this multiracial bullshyt.

When I say Egypt was BLACK, I'm not saying everyone in the country at all times was black. What I'm saying is that Egypt can be thought of as a BLACK EMPIRE because it was founded by BLACK PEOPLE and ruled by BLACK PEOPLE.

Egypt was not ruled by white or mulatoos. The Egyptians were quintessentially BLACK just like the East Africans I posted in the first photo. Sure some of them have straight hair or soft curls, sure some of them have slim noses, or light skin. But in the end, they were BLACK because they originated from Africa and if you saw the average Egytian walking in the street today you would think they were a black man just the like average East African in the video I posted would be considered a black man. PERIOD