Black men are definitely at the top of the list for women. And in a head to head matchup Black men come out ahead and the reason is ironically enough because of cacs.
Because they've been pushing since the 1700's through their racist propaganda that Black men are physically superior to white men in every way possible and women aren't foolish. They know it.
And I mentioned this before but it bears repeating that if cacs had the same physical advantages that Black people do they'd never shut up about them.
It would be in all their medical literature, entertainment, and popular culture.
That is if they had Melanin that protected them from the sun so their skin aged far slower, had greater skin elasticity, had fewer wrinkles, had lower rates of osteoporosis, dramatically lower rates of skin cancer, sunburn, and even UV induced degradation of vitamins in their bloodstream like folic acid they would make sure everyone knew it.
But they know it's not them it's Black people so the people who know it, Dermatologists, never mention it except in their medical journals in comments laced with anger, bitterness, and jealousy
And Black people themselves need to push these facts all the time but oddly enough they don't seem interested in doing so. Which is peculiar.