Why do so many black guys chase after women of different races that DO NOT WANT THEM?


May 31, 2022
Exactly, as a brotha even If you ain't the MOST charismatic you will likely have more "swag, charm, confidence than the average non-bm, even over a lot of the Tylers, Connors etc. The reason an average bm can eat in real life is due to his confidence vs the nonbm incels you see complaining that they can't get women. So obviously if you're a good looking in shape brotha, on top of the natural swagger a lot of us possess then you WILL eat. It's just that simple. Using these online metrics are a huge disservice or representation of the TRUE dating dynamics that occur in the real world.
Handsome gang can and do eat online but i swear that shyt was designed for the social reject, awkward cacs and the adjacents.

You can also infer that these dating apps be more conducive for the women of different races to try and acquire cac males as likely outside online these cacs don't have much interaction or interest like that for them unless she's Asian (hence the high reply rate cacs get). This is crakkers country or at least it was designed to benefit them in all ways possible. On the flip side they've done all they can to demonize BM and try and dissuade women from going for them but still mostly failed as by touting BM as this bad boy, masculine entity they've assisted in essentially creating what a lot of women want in regards to just purely casual sex.

Despite centuries of demonization, if you go out into the real world and not go by disingenuous online dating stats then you see that brehs can and do run through every race of women besides maybe Asian and there's a mutual disinterest anyway. There's a reason why cacs always be insecure about brehs with the whole 'Tyrone stealing your bytch' shtick. Women unless drunk ain't just approaching men like that consistently regardless of how attractive that man( he would have to have high status/be famous, the only thing women value over looks). So a good looking put together brotha that knows how to carry himself will succeed over socially awkward William. Mofos acting like women running to any and every Tom dikk and Harry when in true reality there's hella brehs eating by just putting themselves out and there's millions of suicidal, near school shooter cac incels as we speak cause they unconfident, got no game, are awkward and bitter .

Online dating should only be like a supplement or very part time thing for ALL men. Just saw a experiment where a conductor used a white male model vs an extremely obese disgusting bytch and she still got 5x more matches in 24hrs. So a 2/10 woman of any race will still have more success than THE most attractive man. That's how the game of online dating works so that talking point needs to be bushed all together, it's obsolete as we live in the real world :manny:

You have a point but men of all races are capable of eating well. Even Asian dudes eat well off of the K Pop hype. There's tons of non-Asian women on Tik Tok raving about Korean/Asian dudes and wanting to be with them but, of course, that doesn't mean there aren't stigmas against them in terms of dating.

Middle Eastern dudes also tend to clean up well with all races of women from my experience but they're very discrete about it and usually stick to marrying their own. Hispanic dudes are pretty similar.

I see your point about some White dudes being incels and losing out in the dating game but I think you're kind of exaggerating it. Hell, many of those White dudes lose out because they're only focusing their attention on top tier looking White women who are picky af.

But, overall, White dudes do way better with their own women than any non-White group which makes sense cause women as a whole generally prefer their own. Hell, when I travel down South, I ALWAYS see unkempt redneck looking White dudes with attractive White women. I see a similar pattern with Italian communities here in the East Coast too where the man will look greasy and unkempt but his girl would look fine. The gap is crazy sometimes. A Black man would have to be a star NFL player or a rich man to bag the same type of woman. Yes....a tall, dark, and handsome breh will typically do fine with women of any race but a White dude with literally half the qualities as that breh can bag the same type of woman.

Yes...some of them are incels or complete losers but it's not because of losing their women to Black men. Not even close. It's because of the so-called "Chads" or top tier White men in their own circles who get the most attention and dates from the White women they pay the most attention to.


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
Truthfully, it comes down to several things.

As others have mentioned: a better situation in terms of economics and having real power would make black men more attractive to all races of women. White men have power and that makes them attractive, even they’re dumpy or just straight ugly.

Also, black men seriously need to control their image. Black men are amongst the most progressive and hard working men in America but our image is shyt and people, especially women, get their understanding of the world from media. Wake up brothers. Don’t change your life for pvssy. Change it for black male posterity.