3 Gods in one exactly, you guys are not believing in the ONE Abrahamic god that Muslims do
Trying to quote PAUL when talking about JESUS is a bad idea... Paul distorted the teachings of Jesus to his own benefit. Even in your quote, he said believe in "THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" when Jesus NEVER referred to himself as the Lord AT ALL, EVER.
As far as Jesus saying he was the way, the truth, and the light, he certainly was, as the Prophet of the almighty God. But he further said, NOBODY, comes to the FATHER, except through him, and his message. Why would people need to come to the Father, if he was god himself? Does this "Father" outrank Jesus in the scale of gods? Paul tells people they must accept Jesus as god, when Jesus never said anything that direct, ever.
As far as John's mushroom induced book of Revelation, that is clearly and totally

... Why in the hell would I listen to a person who doesn't even CLAIM to be messenger of God? Who is John to have the authority to tell anyone what he saw? He himself does not claim any authority, so how can he give anyone revelations? Use the words of JESUS to talk about his message, not the words of other men.