Why Do People Use Terms Like B.C/A.D If You Dont Believe In Jesus?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
it's not conclusive, but I think it offers an indication

I really don't think what I said is particularly controversial. it's a comparison of probabilities, initially based on my personal experience with the subjects
You're right, it wasn't controversial it was just wrong.

Go tell a historian that there are "serious arguments against Jesus' historical existence" and you'll get the :shaq2: face every time


Jun 22, 2012
This is utter insanity... this is not even a valid argument against Islam. I have read thousands of anti-Islamic posts and pages but I have never in my life heard the argument that a man who was literally seen by thousands of people, had children, had thousands of companions known as "The Sahaba", and a very big extended family, with volumes written about his life with multiple sources never existed. This is not even a fringe argument, it is something you probably totally invented as a troll.

And Islam is not a new religion, it is the religion of all the prophets, including Jesus of Nazareth.

But how come the religion did not come in to being till hundreds of years after the death of Christ?

When Jesus was walking the earth he was actually doing the work of the Muslim God/ :rudy:

Your religion seeks legitimacy by being connected in time with designating Jesus(whose existence is verified) as a prophet...but somehow the religion and Muhammad never appeared till hundred of years later after Jesus :patrice:

All you have to do is point me to a scientific study about the existence of Muhammad and I will shut up.

When you wake up tomorrow and change that calender date, you are recognizing the existence of Christ



Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
You're just not getting it.

If I say "The Coli doesn't exist" that is a singular theory. Either something exists or it didn't exist. Where the multiple theories come in is explaining the existance

"Coli myth theories" would entail multiple theories about c00ns, it certs, and cacs, one of them could be that the coli doesn't exist, but that is still a singular theory held within the overall "coli myth theories"

You were not talking about "Christ myth theories" you were talking about the singular theory that Christ doesn't exist. Two very different ideas.

it depends what you mean. you can have different theories for the same conclusion. at best this is semantics, and really doesn't have anything to do with the subject. I might be guilty of poor grammar, misusing a word(s), or whatever


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
it depends what you mean. you can have different theories for the same conclusion. at best this is semantics, and really doesn't have anything to do with the subject. I might be guilty of poor grammar, misusing a word(s), or whatever
It has everything to do with the subject. You used a wiki page about multiple theories, to prove the prevalence of one theory. Not only did that wiki page not support your original assertion, it debunked your claims.

:beli: how can something NOT exist in multiple different ways?

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
But how come the religion did not come in to being till hundreds of years after the death of Christ?

When Jesus was walking the earth he was actually doing the work of the Muslim God/ :rudy:

Your religion seeks legitimacy by being connected in time with designating Jesus(whose existence is verified) as a prophet...but somehow the religion and Muhammad never appeared till hundred of years later after Jesus :patrice:

All you have to do is point me to a scientific study about the existence of Muhammad and I will shut up.

When you wake up tomorrow and change that calender date, you are recognizing the existence of Christ


Actually Islam, which means submission, is the religion of the Hebrew prophets, starting with Abraham. Jesus did exist, and he was a Muslim, not the son of God. As to your claims about Muhammed not existing there is far more evidence he existed than probably any other ancient non "king" figure, but I'm not disputing the existence of Jesus or anyone, because that would be insanity.

All quotes from Jesus in the NT

Mark 12:29
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

The Lord OUR God, is ONE. OUR god... I thought he was god?

Mark 10:18
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

Why do you call me good? Why do you call me GOD? Asks Jesus here, obviously.

Matthew 24:36
But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only.

So there is something the Son doesn't know... but the Father knows? How could they be all 3 rolled up into one if the Father is a separate entity that has foreknowledge that the Son doesn't? Does this sound like the words of a man who claimed he is god?

Worst of all...

John 20:17

Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'

Self explanatory :dead:

Christians actually beleive in 3 gods, you guys are a polytheist religion. You believe in a "Father" who is the Abrahamic god, with all his traits, you believe in Jesus Christ, his son, and a strange variation and new innovation called the Holy Ghost, which is usually manifest in Jesus mother Mary. In order to rectify this, you guys invented the Trinity, which is by far the most nonsensical religious doctrine.

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
Christians actually beleive in 3 gods, you guys are a polytheist religion. You believe in a "Father" who is the Abrahamic god, with all his traits, you believe in Jesus Christ, his son, and a strange variation and new innovation called the Holy Ghost, which is usually manifest in Jesus mother Mary. In order to rectify this, you guys invented the Trinity, which is by far the most nonsensical religious doctrine.

:dead: :pachaha:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
:hula: how can something NOT exist in multiple different ways?

how about a theory that the events/actions we attribute to "Historical Jesus" were actually carried out by more than one person. in that context "Historical Jesus" does not exist, not because he was never a living person, but because he was more than one living person

I already conceded that this is semantics and I may have misused words. I don't think it's important to the point I was making

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation

:what: the 3 divine entities are rolled up into one, but aren't seperate but are one?

Does that make any sense?


Does that seem like the belief of a Monotheistic religion? Christians say its a "Mystery of Faith, not to be understood by humans"

:mindblown: what the fukk?


Jun 22, 2012
Actually Islam, which means submission, is the religion of the Hebrew prophets, starting with Abraham. Jesus did exist, and he was a Muslim, not the son of God. As to your claims about Muhammed not existing there is far more evidence he existed than probably any other ancient non "king" figure, but I'm not disputing the existence of Jesus or anyone, because that would be insanity.

All quotes from Jesus in the NT

Mark 12:29

The Lord OUR God, is ONE. OUR god... I thought he was god?

Mark 10:18

Why do you call me good? Why do you call me GOD? Asks Jesus here, obviously.

Matthew 24:36

So there is something the Son doesn't know... but the Father knows? How could they be all 3 rolled up into one if the Father is a separate entity that has foreknowledge that the Son doesn't? Does this sound like the words of a man who claimed he is god?

Worst of all...

John 20:17

Self explanatory :dead:

Christians actually beleive in 3 gods, you guys are a polytheist religion. You believe in a "Father" who is the Abrahamic god, with all his traits, you believe in Jesus Christ, his son, and a strange variation and new innovation called the Holy Ghost, which is usually manifest in Jesus mother Mary. In order to rectify this, you guys invented the Trinity, which is by far the most nonsensical religious doctrine.

Are you really using the Bible to justify the existence of Islam before any other Abrahamic religion? :jada:

Well since we are quoting Bible lets begin (you just stepped in trying to debate a Biblical student, you are in trouble now)

No way you go to heaven or saved without believing in Jesus.

◄ Acts 16:30 - 31 ►
He then brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."

◄ John 14:6 ►
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Let's talk about the prophesy of John in the book of Revelation, that should really tell us if Jesus is heaven and seated at the right hand side of God the father. Jesus wears a crown in heaven, which signifies he is also God.

◄ Revelation 14:15 ►
I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand

Lord Jesus is seated in heaven as I type. His existence is verified.

Christians believe in the trinity, three gods in One. :yeshrug:

that would be too much for you Muslims to grasp.

Islam existence came into being hundreds of years after Christ, You can go back and reach all you want historical documents show PROOF that the religion was not in existence till at least 500 years or more after Christ.

lets talk about how a prophesy in the Bible as to how God will come down and live among humans.
Matthew 1:23 - “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Do you know Jesus was around before Abraham?
John 8:58 - Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”

Everything begins and ends with Jesus
Revelation 22:13 - “I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”... 22:16 - “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches.”

Bud Bundy

A Bundy never cares
May 1, 2012
:what: the 3 divine entities are rolled up into one, but aren't seperate but are one?

Does that make any sense?


Does that seem like the belief of a Monotheistic religion? Christians say its a "Mystery of Faith, not to be understood by humans"

:mindblown: what the fukk?

i was laughing at you saying it is the most nonsensical religious doctrine.
Have you not checked out Hindusim. They do the same thing.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
how about a theory that the events/actions we attribute to "Historical Jesus" were actually carried out by more than one person. in that context "Historical Jesus" does not exist, not because he was never a living person, but because he was more than one living person

I already conceded that this is semantics and I may have misused words. I don't think it's important to the point I was making

No you're trying to change your original argument because you realized it was wrong.

A theory of multiple people's stories being attributed to Jesus is not a theory of NO Jesus. Like I said he existed, and that's not debatable. All of the theories try to explain his existence. Your original assertion was that there are serious challenges to his existence, you were wrong.