Why do Boxers/NFL/NBA players get so little respect for being great athletes


May 19, 2012
this is such a huge understatement it's laughable. lol more power to you if that's what you think. I hope for your sake you don't actually engage anybody that can hurt you forreal with this BS in mind.

:manny: I'm only going off my experiences, and no I haven't boxed professionally. Of course, I can be wrong b. Again, let's just agree to disagree :manny:

Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
:rudy: A lot of D1 athletes throw their careers away. How is Jerry Rice, who I think was a D-3 player, the greatest WR of all time? I'm not sure how many of y'all hang around athletes, but a lot of nikkas who can jump high and run fast never get much farther than that because the natural attributes lend to laziness. What separates a Vince Carter from Kobe?

Did you graduate from high school?


May 7, 2012
so much ignorance in a thread...

First off anyone can get knocked the fukk out, no such thing as a superman....

In saying that Mayweather would beat 50 within an inch of his life....

Ive said it before Ive been boxing for 22 years since I was a kid.... few basics for the uneducated

I can guarantee you that Floyd can hit the punch bag with probably twice as much power as 50 ....

weight is not the determining factor in how hard you punch although it is very important, technique is....If you throw a punch and your legs arent moving and your waist isnt twisting then you havent thrown it correctly....the power comes from your legs ... generally boxers have lean muscle mass, big biceps add more weight and make the punches heavier but the power in a punch comes from the legs and technique, conversely the bigger your muscles are the more it will affect your stamina and speed which is why old school boxing trainers prefer boxers not to train with weights too heavy...

Even If an amateur boxer is going to the gym twice a week hes throwing between 2000 - 3000 punches minimum ......how many punches you thrown in a year? really

As a boxer you see things untrained people cant, all the fights Ive seen on worldstar only two people looked decent, the security guard fighting the dread and the bus drivers upercut, other than that street guys cant fight...

I dont see people blocking punches, slipping punches, ducking, parrying....stance is wrong all off balance, chin up in the air,zero head movement, hands too low down...

only novices talk about "chins"... I would rather be hit in the face 10 times than take a hit to the body, a punch to the chin will knock you out but a punch to the body will leave you in devastating pain, do you know how hard it is too hit a trained fighter in the face?

boxers are taught always to be slightly out of range of their opponent and never square on, when you punch someone you are supposed to step in and step out before he can counter, with street cats you can do this all day till you get bored of hitting them

brolic street guys come into the gym all the time and even though you tell them they arent ready they want to spar, so we put them in with a 14 year old white kid and they get the brakes beat off of them, thats when they become humble and respect what we do..

A trained boxer is fast , very fast, a trained boxer knows when you are going to throw a punch before you do, a trained boxer knows which hand you are going to punch with, a trained boxer can set traps to make you throw a punch and when you do you will hit nothing but air and believe me you wont even see his punch coming you will just feel it

me personally Im a defensive fighter, Im a counter puncher, I more or less use the Philly shell defense so Im quite comfortable with having punches thrown at me

like I said at the beginning anyone can get knocked out no one is unbeatable, but anyone who thinks because they are big and have been in a few streetfights they can handle a trained fighter is deceiving themselves
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Jul 6, 2012
Nikkas think they're the hardest out. In rugby you don't get taken off the field unless you have a broken bone :manny: No use trying to convince nikkas about something they take for granted is true. :manny:

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...But to clarify, I wasn't inferring that rugby players are the "hardest out," I just think they are better tacklers in the open field than football players...

Simply because wrapping an opponent while tackling is a rule in rugby, so a rugby player has to learn proper tackling from the time he/she starts playing...Football focuses more on "hitting", and it makes sense because once the ball carrier's knee touches the turf, the play is dead...

But in rugby, a player can go down and stand up, and keep running, so when you take a man down, you have to make sure he stays down, because a man who is down is not allowed to play the ball...

You don't have to be the most athletic player on the field to make a tackle...All you need is proper technique and heart...That's all it takes...

Tackling is a mental game more than anything...I have seen dudes who are like 5'5" make crunching tackles on big guys on the rugby field, simply because they are fearless...

The OP chose a poor example to highlight a Footballer's athleticism....
Jul 6, 2012
so much ignorance in a thread...

First off anyone can get knocked the fukk out, no such thing as a superman....

In saying that Mayweather would beat 50 within an inch of his life....

Ive said it before Ive been boxing for 22 years since I was a kid.... few basics for the uneducated

I can guarantee you that Floyd can hit the punch bag with probably twice as much power as 50 ....

weight is not the determining factor in how hard you punch although it is very important, technique is....If you throw a punch and your legs arent moving and your waist isnt twisting then you havent thrown it correctly....the power comes from your legs ... generally boxers have lean muscle mass, big biceps add more weight and make the punches heavier but the power in a punch comes from the legs and technique, conversely the bigger your muscles are the more it will affect your stamina and speed which is why old school boxing trainers prefer boxers not to train with weights too heavy...

Even If an amateur boxer is going to the gym twice a week hes throwing between 2000 - 3000 punches minimum ......how many punches you thrown in a year? really

As a boxer you see things untrained people cant, all the fights Ive seen on worldstar only two people looked decent, the security guard fighting the dread and the bus drivers upercut, other than that street guys cant fight...

I dont see people blocking punches, slipping punches, ducking, parrying....stance is wrong all off bance, chin up in the air, hands too low down...

only novices talk about "chins"... I would rather be hit in the face 10 times than take a hit to the body, a punch to the chin will knock you out but a punch to the body will leave you in devastating pain, do you know how hard it is too hit a trained fighter in the face?

boxers are taught always to be slightly out of range of their opponent and never square on, when you punch someone you are supposed to step in and step out before he can counter, with street cats you can do this all day till you get bored of hitting him

brolic street guys come into the gym all the time and even though you tell them they arent ready they want to spar, so we put them in with a 14 year old white kid and they get the brakes beat off of them, thats when they become humble and respect what we do..

A trained boxer is fast , very fast, a trained boxer knows when you are going to throw a punch before you do, a trained boxer knows which hand you are going to punch with, a trained boxer can set traps to make you throw a punch and when you do you will hit nothing but air and believe me you wont even see his punch coming you will just feel it

me personally Im a defensive fighter, Im a counter puncher, I more or less use the Philly shell defense so Im quite comfortable with having punches thrown at me

like I said at the beginning anyone can get knocked out no one is unbeatable, but anyone who thinks because they are big and have been in a few streetfights they can handle a trained fighter is deceiving themselves

Some people don't realize that a professional striker can hit an inexperience fighter before they even realize what hit em...And when you add speed like Floyd, Pacman, Aldo and etc...Those guys can easily throw 5 strikes at you before you even throw 1...And their bodies have been harden to take body shots, an amateur will double over with one strike to the gut or the liver...


May 19, 2012
so much ignorance in a thread...

First off anyone can get knocked the fukk out, no such thing as a superman....

In saying that Mayweather would beat 50 within an inch of his life....

Ive said it before Ive been boxing for 22 years since I was a kid.... few basics for the uneducated

I can guarantee you that Floyd can hit the punch bag with probably twice as much power as 50 ....

weight is not the determining factor in how hard you punch although it is very important, technique is....If you throw a punch and your legs arent moving and your waist isnt twisting then you havent thrown it correctly....the power comes from your legs ... generally boxers have lean muscle mass, big biceps add more weight and make the punches heavier but the power in a punch comes from the legs and technique, conversely the bigger your muscles are the more it will affect your stamina and speed which is why old school boxing trainers prefer boxers not to train with weights too heavy...

Even If an amateur boxer is going to the gym twice a week hes throwing between 2000 - 3000 punches minimum ......how many punches you thrown in a year? really

As a boxer you see things untrained people cant, all the fights Ive seen on worldstar only two people looked decent, the security guard fighting the dread and the bus drivers upercut, other than that street guys cant fight...

I dont see people blocking punches, slipping punches, ducking, parrying....stance is wrong all off balance, chin up in the air, hands too low down...

only novices talk about "chins"... I would rather be hit in the face 10 times than take a hit to the body, a punch to the chin will knock you out but a punch to the body will leave you in devastating pain, do you know how hard it is too hit a trained fighter in the face?

boxers are taught always to be slightly out of range of their opponent and never square on, when you punch someone you are supposed to step in and step out before he can counter, with street cats you can do this all day till you get bored of hitting them

brolic street guys come into the gym all the time and even though you tell them they arent ready they want to spar, so we put them in with a 14 year old white kid and they get the brakes beat off of them, thats when they become humble and respect what we do..

A trained boxer is fast , very fast, a trained boxer knows when you are going to throw a punch before you do, a trained boxer knows which hand you are going to punch with, a trained boxer can set traps to make you throw a punch and when you do you will hit nothing but air and believe me you wont even see his punch coming you will just feel it

me personally Im a defensive fighter, Im a counter puncher, I more or less use the Philly shell defense so Im quite comfortable with having punches thrown at me

like I said at the beginning anyone can get knocked out no one is unbeatable, but anyone who thinks because they are big and have been in a few streetfights they can handle a trained fighter is deceiving themselves

Dope post. I feel everything you say is 100%, and agree with 99% of it. The reason why I said 50 could hang in the ring with Floyd provided the training is that as far as I know he's a former Golden Glove boxer. You aren't going off the street to f*ck up anyone, you need training, no doubt. And yes, a proper punch is really about technique. All that I agree with. I just don't believe any boxer, even one like Money May, is going to f*ck up another hardened dude with 50 lbs+ on him of pure muscle that fast. You got any video of this 14 year old white kid? I need to see this sh*t, because straight up I don't believe it. that's high school freshman year, unless he's a Herschel Walker type, I just don't see that happening. That's your experience, and I respect it. A lot of street guys don't even really use hands like that, so that's not what I would use to make my judgement about how well they can fight. Fighting a trained fighter while you're off the street, nah, bad idea. But if I have 2 years of training and 210, and I'm facing a 150 guy with 10 years of training, I just don't see the lighter guy sending the bigger guy to a hospital. :manny: Of course, I've only fight street dudes/dudes with slight training, so I don't have the same credibility you have, I'll admit that, but I've been in enough fights to highly doubt 150 lb is going to Deebo my ass and have me saying no mas :heh:


May 7, 2012
Dope post. I feel everything you say is 100%, and agree with 99% of it. The reason why I said 50 could hang in the ring with Floyd provided the training is that as far as I know he's a former Golden Glove boxer. You aren't going off the street to f*ck up anyone, you need training, no doubt. And yes, a proper punch is really about technique. All that I agree with. I just don't believe any boxer, even one like Money May, is going to f*ck up another hardened dude with 50 lbs+ on him of pure muscle that fast. You got any video of this 14 year old white kid? I need to see this sh*t, because straight up I don't believe it. that's high school freshman year, unless he's a Herschel Walker type, I just don't see that happening. That's your experience, and I respect it. A lot of street guys don't even really use hands like that, so that's not what I would use to make my judgement about how well they can fight. Fighting a trained fighter while you're off the street, nah, bad idea. But if I have 2 years of training and 210, and I'm facing a 150 guy with 10 years of training, I just don't see the lighter guy sending the bigger guy to a hospital. :manny: Of course, I've only fight street dudes/dudes with slight training, so I don't have the same credibility you have, I'll admit that, but I've been in enough fights to highly doubt 150 lb is going to Deebo my ass and have me saying no mas :heh:

There is a saying in boxing a good big one would always beat a good little one...

If you have two fighters of equal skill and ability the bigger fighter will win...... the key word is skill... a trained smaller guy will always beat an untrained bigger guy

Im pretty sure 50 could hang with a lot of fighters due to his experience, but Floyd is elite, I cant see 50 hitting Floyd with a clean punch to be honest..

There is a video somewhere of Roger Mayweather, Floyds uncle, schooling some young brolic guy that challenged him in the ring.... the young guy gets embarrassed


May 19, 2012
I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or not...But to clarify, I wasn't inferring that rugby players are the "hardest out," I just think they are better tacklers in the open field than football players...

Simply because wrapping an opponent while tackling is a rule in rugby, so a rugby player has to learn proper tackling from the time he/she starts playing...Football focuses more on "hitting", and it makes sense because once the ball carrier's knee touches the turf, the play is dead...

But in rugby, a player can go down and stand up, and keep running, so when you take a man down, you have to make sure he stays down, because a man who is down is not allowed to play the ball...

You don't have to be the most athletic player on the field to make a tackle...All you need is proper technique and heart...That's all it takes...

Tackling is a mental game more than anything...I have seen dudes who are like 5'5" make crunching tackles on big guys on the rugby field, simply because they are fearless...

The OP chose a poor example to highlight a Footballer's athleticism....

A fearless 5'5" guy at 180+ lb is going to make an impact if he hits you full speed. 5'5" 150 lb player, nah :heh: This thread took a crazy turn. Long story short, I agree/disagree with OP. No, you can't just go on to the field and hang with a professional athlete on some Superman sh*t. But to act like athletes are human gawds or some sh*t like that is ridiculous, because the main difference between your average pro athlete and your average athletic guy is work ethic and dedication, not physical skills. Is there any athletic difference between JR Smith and Melo? Not much if any, but one works at his game in a more efficient way than the other. No, not everyone can be a pro athlete, but what separates the 25% of the population that is athletically inclined and the 1% that have enough talent to go pro is 99% work ethic/dedication/guts. Any dominant athlete is going to have a training regimen that makes you go :damn: Using Floyd for example, I was listenin' to this nikka, he was talking about leaving the club and going for a 10 mile sprint :wow: That's what separates him. Kobe training at 3AM :damn: That's what separates him.


May 19, 2012
There is a saying in boxing a good big one would always beat a good little one...

If you have two fighters of equal skill and ability the bigger fighter will win...... the key word is skill... a trained smaller guy will always beat an untrained bigger guy

Im pretty sure 50 could hang with a lot of fighters due to his experience, but Floyd is elite, I cant see 50 hitting Floyd with a clean punch to be honest..

There is a video somewhere of Roger Mayweather, Floyds uncle, schooling some young brolic guy that challenged him in the ring.... the young guy gets embarrassed

I remember somebody jumpin' in after the guy threw a punch :russ: And no, for the record I also doubt 50 is gonna hit Floyd with a clean punch, IF he can hit him at all. I just don't think Floyd would cause so much damage that 50 to the hospital within 1 round, and b/c of that nikkaz is all crazy and sh*t :manny:


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
I'm not reading thru this post..but any nikka that has fights in the streets alot like me could easily beat Floyd outside the ring..I fight dirty..Floyd's only good in the ring..take off his gloves and his hand wraps and I'll Ko that lil ass nikka..like I said..he's used to fighting in the ring, but in the streets there are no rules..
Jul 6, 2012
A fearless 5'5" guy at 180+ lb is going to make an impact if he hits you full speed. 5'5" 150 lb player, nah :heh: This thread took a crazy turn. Long story short, I agree/disagree with OP. No, you can't just go on to the field and hang with a professional athlete on some Superman sh*t. But to act like athletes are human gawds or some sh*t like that is ridiculous, because the main difference between your average pro athlete and your average athletic guy is work ethic and dedication, not physical skills. Is there any athletic difference between JR Smith and Melo? Not much if any, but one works at his game in a more efficient way than the other. No, not everyone can be a pro athlete, but what separates the 25% of the population that is athletically inclined and the 1% that have enough talent to go pro is 99% work ethic/dedication/guts. Any dominant athlete is going to have a training regimen that makes you go :damn: Using Floyd for example, I was listenin' to this nikka, he was talking about leaving the club and going for a 10 mile sprint :wow: That's what separates him. Kobe training at 3AM :damn: That's what separates him.

Tackling and Hitting are two different things...


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
so much ignorance in a thread...

First off anyone can get knocked the fukk out, no such thing as a superman....

In saying that Mayweather would beat 50 within an inch of his life....

Ive said it before Ive been boxing for 22 years since I was a kid.... few basics for the uneducated

I can guarantee you that Floyd can hit the punch bag with probably twice as much power as 50 ....

weight is not the determining factor in how hard you punch although it is very important, technique is....If you throw a punch and your legs arent moving and your waist isnt twisting then you havent thrown it correctly....the power comes from your legs ... generally boxers have lean muscle mass, big biceps add more weight and make the punches heavier but the power in a punch comes from the legs and technique, conversely the bigger your muscles are the more it will affect your stamina and speed which is why old school boxing trainers prefer boxers not to train with weights too heavy...

Even If an amateur boxer is going to the gym twice a week hes throwing between 2000 - 3000 punches minimum ......how many punches you thrown in a year? really

As a boxer you see things untrained people cant, all the fights Ive seen on worldstar only two people looked decent, the security guard fighting the dread and the bus drivers upercut, other than that street guys cant fight...

I dont see people blocking punches, slipping punches, ducking, parrying....stance is wrong all off balance, chin up in the air,zero head movement, hands too low down...

only novices talk about "chins"... I would rather be hit in the face 10 times than take a hit to the body, a punch to the chin will knock you out but a punch to the body will leave you in devastating pain, do you know how hard it is too hit a trained fighter in the face?

boxers are taught always to be slightly out of range of their opponent and never square on, when you punch someone you are supposed to step in and step out before he can counter, with street cats you can do this all day till you get bored of hitting them

brolic street guys come into the gym all the time and even though you tell them they arent ready they want to spar, so we put them in with a 14 year old white kid and they get the brakes beat off of them, thats when they become humble and respect what we do..

A trained boxer is fast , very fast, a trained boxer knows when you are going to throw a punch before you do, a trained boxer knows which hand you are going to punch with, a trained boxer can set traps to make you throw a punch and when you do you will hit nothing but air and believe me you wont even see his punch coming you will just feel it

me personally Im a defensive fighter, Im a counter puncher, I more or less use the Philly shell defense so Im quite comfortable with having punches thrown at me

like I said at the beginning anyone can get knocked out no one is unbeatable, but anyone who thinks because they are big and have been in a few streetfights they can handle a trained fighter is deceiving themselves

You sound like you don't know what the hell you are talking about..real tawk..you need to go somewhere else with that nonsense..


Nov 12, 2012
The Forest Where Hope Died
I wasn't talking street fight, I was talkin' in the ring. Actually, a street fight would be more in Floyd's advantage if anything, because there's no way you can corner a nikka that elusive in an open area. In a ring would be different with a 5-10" reach advantage, bigger frame, longer stride, you'd stand a chance IMHO

Once again..another dumb comment..Floyd's prob never been a street fight in his pathetic life..I have the advantage..I'll leave that lil nikka leaking on the cold hard pavement..