Dope post. I feel everything you say is 100%, and agree with 99% of it. The reason why I said 50 could hang in the ring with Floyd provided the training is that as far as I know he's a former Golden Glove boxer. You aren't going off the street to f*ck up anyone, you need training, no doubt. And yes, a proper punch is really about technique. All that I agree with. I just don't believe any boxer, even one like Money May, is going to f*ck up another hardened dude with 50 lbs+ on him
of pure muscle that fast. You got any video of this 14 year old white kid? I need to see this sh*t, because straight up I don't believe it. that's high school freshman year, unless he's a Herschel Walker type, I just don't see that happening. That's your experience, and I respect it. A lot of street guys don't even really use hands like that, so that's not what I would use to make my judgement about how well they can fight. Fighting a trained fighter while you're off the street, nah, bad idea. But if I have 2 years of training and 210, and I'm facing a 150 guy with 10 years of training, I just don't see the lighter guy sending the bigger guy to a hospital.
Of course, I've only fight street dudes/dudes with slight training, so I don't have the same credibility you have, I'll admit that, but I've been in enough fights to highly doubt 150 lb is going to Deebo my ass and have me saying no mas