i see you act like you cant read. i told you why the states with the highest gun laws have the most gun violence. #1 for the most part those places are much larger then the places with the more laxed laws. so its an apples to oranges comparison anyway. in addition. a lot of these states sit next to states that have laxed gun laws. where people can go buy guns legally. then slang those guns on the under.Do you know how many guns are in America?
There is no country in the world that has more gunz than America
Unless you do a house to house search (will never happen)there is no way to get rid of all gunz.
Why can't you just accept reality?
when the public is allowed to bear arms it's less likely for criminals to rob burgarlise or murder.
For the life of me I cannot understand how it's possible that the states with the strictest gun laws have some of the highest robberies murders and burglaries. Following the logic of the politicians who made those laws (the democrat party) there should be less murders robberies and burglaries in those states but that's not the case. I don't want to make this a political issue because I'm a registered independent but when you look at states like Chicago,Detroit,Illinois, DC, California that have strict gun lawz but high burglary and murder rates one would have to question the logic behind restricting the public from carrying concealed weapon.
It's no coincidence that the statez who allow their citizenry to carry concealed weaponz have very low robbery homoside and burglary ratez but the Democratic party does not want to look at that logic. They just want to keep black people as victims wethere its on the streetz socially or economically.
and yes they could do a house to house search for straps if thats what the people wanted in order so their wont be any guns for anyone.