Why Black Americans Should Continue To Bear Arms


Jun 4, 2012
i never said i was against anything. i'm just saying dont talk stupid. THINK before you make a decision like strapping up. dont go off half cocked. not understanding that you as a person of color will most likely LOSE either way. if you strap up. you shoot someone in complete self defense. bam you're in jail on some bs. basically because you're a person of color. thats how they do us. if you dont strap up a fool like zimmerman can catch you slipping. so either you're slippin on the streets and end up shot. or you're slipping on the streets with a strap and end up in jail. thats the black man's options . nothing YOU do black folks can change this. its up to white folks to STOP treating black people like "less thans" its that simple. OR the one thing black folks could do is MOVE. move to countries where the people dont hate you. so then if you own a gun and its a right. you dont have to worry about being completely railroaded as usual into the prison system even when it was clearly self defense.

i'm just saying no your options. understand them.
So we need yet another solution.

Black rifle association. that educates us on the laws and our rights.


Feb 15, 2013
again. you are going off of what the LAW SHOULD BE in theory. not actually what it is in real life. you are correct. you SHOULD be able to defend your black self with deadly force if need be. BUT we all know how they do black folks in this country. that means if you had to shoot a white man trying to get you. unless dude was a serial killer/rapist, or known criminal with a huge rap sheet. you will only have a 50/50 chance of getting off as a black man.

cite your sources on that 50/50. i live in atl where the gun laws are very liberal. it's not uncommon to read reports throughout the year of attempted robbers, burglars, etc getting shot by black people. the main reasons a black person's chances of getting locked up in a self defense shooting goes up is when you aren't legally able to own a gun or you initiated the confrontation or there's other shady circumstances. in almost all other cases the shooter has no issue.

guess what happened to that chick who shot the supposed warning shot. she probably should've taken the plea deal. you see the numbers she just got. and no one even died. WOW.

horrible example. you should know the facts of that case before you use it in your argument. you can't claim stand your ground when you get into an argument, leaver the room and walk past a few other exits, go get your gun, come back to resume arguing and then shoot a warning shot that could have traveled through the wall and killed someone else. she was in the wrong and should have took the plea.

again i still didnt say DONT STRAP UP. i'm just saying understand what it means when you do. be prepared. dont be stupid.

everyone else is saying that too. but it sounds like you're saying we're better off not being prepared and responsibly armed at all.


Jun 22, 2012
George Zimmerman would have backed off if Trayvon had given him a sniff of his gun