So we need yet another solution.i never said i was against anything. i'm just saying dont talk stupid. THINK before you make a decision like strapping up. dont go off half cocked. not understanding that you as a person of color will most likely LOSE either way. if you strap up. you shoot someone in complete self defense. bam you're in jail on some bs. basically because you're a person of color. thats how they do us. if you dont strap up a fool like zimmerman can catch you slipping. so either you're slippin on the streets and end up shot. or you're slipping on the streets with a strap and end up in jail. thats the black man's options . nothing YOU do black folks can change this. its up to white folks to STOP treating black people like "less thans" its that simple. OR the one thing black folks could do is MOVE. move to countries where the people dont hate you. so then if you own a gun and its a right. you dont have to worry about being completely railroaded as usual into the prison system even when it was clearly self defense.
i'm just saying no your options. understand them.
Black rifle association. that educates us on the laws and our rights.