Why Black Americans Should Continue To Bear Arms


Jun 8, 2012
This guy is just trying to spread his defeatist mindset to other black people

says the guy named hollow points. how dumb is that. see you're not even strategic.
if you shoot someone in self defense with your licensed weapon. you will probably go to jail. you know why dummy?

cause they will pull up your online records and go "he calls himself Hollow point...as in the type of bullets that are not even legal to have around. those type of bullets are not used for self defense. those are bullets used to kill cops,etc."

dont let the jury be mostly white. game over.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012


Jun 4, 2012
lol @ this being the best post you ever made.

I completely understand @rapbeats and the others who are against this. I do. We shoot each other like dogs on these streets... but Guns aren't the reason that is happening. 2. lets get real. Guerrilla warfare has overturned entire nations... but no body is thinking that blacks are gonna take America by force. But to give up weapons completely is idiotic. We need to be able to defend against anything win or lose. This is a right..... Why strive to give up a right? NTM lack of weapons is how we went from leading the world to being on the bottom. Education, weapons, land, money, pride. Weapons is included in what we need to keep.


Jun 8, 2012
lol @ this being the best post you ever made.

I completely understand @rapbeats and the others who are against this. I do. We shoot each other like dogs on these streets... but Guns aren't the reason that is happening. 2. lets get real. Guerrilla warfare has overturned entire nations... but no body is thinking that blacks are gonna take America by force. But to give up weapons completely is idiotic. We need to be able to defend against anything win or lose. This is a right..... Why strive to give up a right? NTM lack of weapons is how we went from leading the world to being on the bottom. Education, weapons, land, money, pride. Weapons is included in what we need to keep.
i never said i was against anything. i'm just saying dont talk stupid. THINK before you make a decision like strapping up. dont go off half cocked. not understanding that you as a person of color will most likely LOSE either way. if you strap up. you shoot someone in complete self defense. bam you're in jail on some bs. basically because you're a person of color. thats how they do us. if you dont strap up a fool like zimmerman can catch you slipping. so either you're slippin on the streets and end up shot. or you're slipping on the streets with a strap and end up in jail. thats the black man's options . nothing YOU do black folks can change this. its up to white folks to STOP treating black people like "less thans" its that simple. OR the one thing black folks could do is MOVE. move to countries where the people dont hate you. so then if you own a gun and its a right. you dont have to worry about being completely railroaded as usual into the prison system even when it was clearly self defense.

i'm just saying no your options. understand them.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
lol this dude rapbeats reminds of the slave that would tell other slaves not to learn to read or write cause if master caught them he would whip them


Feb 15, 2013
not understanding that you as a person of color will most likely LOSE either way. if you strap up. you shoot someone in complete self defense. bam you're in jail on some bs. basically because you're a person of color. thats how they do us.

wrong. if you're properly licensed or legally carrying a gun and shoot someone in a clear cut self-defense situation like breaking into your home, attempted carjacking, armed robbery or unprovoked assault (not some bs like they called you a b1tch which led to an argument fight and shooting) you're not just going to get locked up locked up like you're saying.

OR the one thing black folks could do is MOVE. move to countries where the people dont hate you. so then if you own a gun and its a right. you dont have to worry about being completely railroaded as usual into the prison system even when it was clearly self defense.

i'm just saying no your options. understand them.

i ain't moving nowhere. have you even thought about what it takes to relocate? the cost, the risk, employment, quality of life, the crime at said new location? i bet you can't even think of one country where the overall risk is lower than staying in the us and moving to a better neighborhood...or investing the effort to clean up where you currently live. dudes act like just picking up and moving is easy as changing a tire.


Jun 8, 2012
wrong. if you're properly licensed or legally carrying a gun and shoot someone in a clear cut self-defense situation like breaking into your home, attempted carjacking, armed robbery or unprovoked assault (not some bs like they called you a b1tch which led to an argument fight and shooting) you're not just going to get locked up locked up like you're saying.

i ain't moving nowhere. have you even thought about what it takes to relocate? the cost, the risk, employment, quality of life, the crime at said new location? i bet you can't even think of one country where the overall risk is lower than staying in the us and moving to a better neighborhood...or investing the effort to clean up where you currently live. dudes act like just picking up and moving is easy as changing a tire.
again. you are going off of what the LAW SHOULD BE in theory. not actually what it is in real life. you are correct. you SHOULD be able to defend your black self with deadly force if need be. BUT we all know how they do black folks in this country. that means if you had to shoot a white man trying to get you. unless dude was a serial killer/rapist, or known criminal with a huge rap sheet. you will only have a 50/50 chance of getting off as a black man. those are terrible odds for an innocent man. those are odds that make innocent black men take plea deals for shorter terms.
DA says "Ok, look, you take this manslaughter that comes with 5 years and 5 years probation. you'll be out on good behavior in 3 at the worse... OR we can go to trail and if you lose.... well you'll get 20 years to life."

guess what happened to that chick who shot the supposed warning shot. she probably should've taken the plea deal. you see the numbers she just got. and no one even died. WOW.

its multiple things working against you in america as a black man with a gun if you killed someone especially if you pop a white person that doesnt have a super rap sheet. they have a prison business they need you work in for little to nothing like the slave they think you are. so they need to railroad a certain number of us just on that alone. to keep their numbers up. they also have to keep the numbers up to make for good reasons why they need more OT and more officers on the police and better weapons, gear, squad cars, helicopters, etc. you're just a part of the game black male.

then its the white man fear of a black man racism thing that kicks in. some are afraid of us because they know what their forefathers did to us. they know what they currently do to us. and they feel it in their spirits that one day the chickens will come home to roost. why do you think crazy white folks always talking about "are you trying to start a race war" when they talk to black leaders that are a bit more aggressive then say MLK. shoot they said that about MLK back then too.

then there are the racist that just sees black people in general as LESS THANS. so they dont care enough about us to help us get a fair shake. its like "better you then me." its like if you found out a random dog went to jail for 20 years. you wouldnt bat an eye.

again i still didnt say DONT STRAP UP. i'm just saying understand what it means when you do. be prepared. dont be stupid. get you a lawyer before it goes down. JUST IN CASE. i'm saying if you're black and you decide to strap up for good reason. fine. but also strap up with a lawyer. if you cant afford a lawyer. do not strap up.unless you dont care about going to jail.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

:laugh: you know what i was going to use that example but "c00n" isnt the word it escape my mind right , c00ns were to obvious , there were people planted in the plantation who would discourage the other slaves from wanting to run away, or speak bad about master , or like i said before specifically do things like learn to read or write cause they could get in trouble

slave 1: man am gonna learn to read
slave 2: you better not , if master finds out he going to whip you
slave 1 : but masters children know how to read
rapbeats: :damn: u aint masters kid , them some white kids, u know we aint allowed to read
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