Why Black Americans Should Continue To Bear Arms


Jun 8, 2012
tupac shot a cop that was in the wrong. Tupac ain't lose.

excellent point. pac is famous, with famous people money. are you famous? do you have famous people money?

OJ probably had something to do with or knew who killed his ex wife. yet he got off for that. HOW? he paid the daddy of the broads yall watch on TV all the time now, mr. kardashian. that shows you how much doe OJ had and paid to attorney's. since he also paid cochran.

so moral of the story. get that strap if you're very rich and not reckless.you might not be found guilty.

if you're broke, strap up at your own risk. odds are even if you were defending yourself with a licensed weapon. you will end up in jail if you pop a white person.


Jun 8, 2012
this is wrong. defeatist attitudes like this get us nowhere. we have invested too much to run away from what should be rightfully ours. we deserve to be safe in our own houses and our own communities. there is no way i'm going to let someone run me out of my house and my community.

this is why we need more educated and committed black leaders in our communities. we can earn respect, but not by running away from the challenge.

again you are not thinking or living in REALITY.

go ahead and strap up. but do so at your own risk. never think "well this should protect me" and thats it. because odds are if you shoot a white person. you will end up in jail over it. if the cops bust in your house on some bs. and they are about to shoot you are taze you for no good reason. so you shoot them to protect yourself. you will do jail time. its that simple.

its not a defeatist attitude. it has nothing to do with protecting whats rightully yours. YOU cant protect what you think is yours sitting INSIDE of your oppressors clutches(in their country). you also dont have the head count to go at them like that if push came to shove. so if you decide to strap up. just know it isnt the end all for you mr/mrs black person. save up some lawyer money just in case. thats the best i can tell you.


Jun 8, 2012
How is Chicago looking?

After those gum laws?

Criminals will always have access to guns regardless of what laws on the books

not if the law was federal. criminals have access to guns in other laxed states. then they bring them back over to their homestate and sell the excess product.

if you get rid of most of those legal out of state sales. guns would all but dry up in a decades time.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
not if the law was federal. criminals have access to guns in other laxed states. then they bring them back over to their homestate and sell the excess product.

if you get rid of most of those legal out of state sales. guns would all but dry up in a decades time.

There will always be a black market for guns specially if they were made illegal.

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Apr 30, 2012
not if the law was federal. criminals have access to guns in other laxed states. then they bring them back over to their homestate and sell the excess product.

if you get rid of most of those legal out of state sales. guns would all but dry up in a decades time.

Can you tell me how criminals in the United Kingdom, an island, get a hold of guns? Guns are effectively banned there, even certain police are not allowed to have it, but somehow it makes its way there.

Prisons have always been the same, and introduction of contraband, including weapons, are astronomically high.

Despite the handguns ban imposed under the 1997 Firearms Amendment, research carried out following the implementation of the Act saw a 40 per cent increase in the number of gun crime incidents in the UK.

While the number of homicides from gun crime remained largely static for over a decade, 2007 proved a decisive year for this issue. A wave of gang related incidents were committed by teenagers against other teenagers, with some high profile cases ending in fatalities. London, Manchester and Nottingham were most notably affected.

In August 2007, these attacks culminated in the murder of an 11-year-old Liverpool schoolboy, Rhys Jones, hit whilst playing football outside his local pub. Following a lengthy police investigation and a trial lasting over two months, an 18 year old youth, Sean Mercer, a member of the 'Croxteth crew' gang, was convicted in December 2008 of the murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Other gang members were convicted of offences connected with the murder, including 21 year old James Yates, whose initial seven year sentence for providing the handgun used by Mercer was increased by the Court of Appeal to 12 years.

The then prime minister, Gordon Brown, came under constant pressure to resolve the issues driving these murders. Commentators highlighted a range of social problems which might be responsible including inner city poverty, family breakdown, and the absence of positive black role models in the UK.

The government also faced questions over the apparent availability of guns, which had remained strong despite the handgun ban. Some commentators also suggested the government's legislation, specifically punishments for carrying a gun, were exacerbating gun crime amongst the young.

Following the mass killings in Cumbria on 2nd June, 2010, Home Secretary Theresa May confirmed that two weapons had been recovered by police, a shotgun and a .22 rifle, and that the gunman, Derrick Bird, had held a shotgun licence since 1995 and a firearms licence (for the .22 rifle) since 2007.

Ms May pledged that when the police had completed their investigations, the Government would lead a debate on the country's gun laws, engaging with "all interested parties" and allowing MPs to contribute to the debate.

Concerns also continued to increase about the use of illegal firearms by street gangs and organised criminals.

In February 2012, the Home Secretary launched a consultation on strengthening the law in this area, in particular whether the penalty should be increased for illegal importation of firearms and also whether there was a need for a new offence of possession of illegal firearms with intent to supply.

The consultation was set to run for 12 weeks and sought the views of the public, the police, the CPS, victims groups, the judiciary, and voluntary organisations.

In its response to the consultation published in October 2012, the Government stated that it was clear there was “strong support for taking a tougher stance on control of prohibited firearms.”

It had been decided, therefore, to increase the maximum penalty for illegal importation of firearms to life imprisonment and to create a new offence of 'possession with intent to supply' . The changes would be implemented as soon as a legislative opportunity arose.

Gun Crime

In fairness, the UK has one of the lowest murder rates in the world, but it has always had that, even before essentially banning handguns.


Feb 15, 2013
again you are not thinking or living in REALITY.

go ahead and strap up. but do so at your own risk. never think "well this should protect me" and thats it. because odds are if you shoot a white person. you will end up in jail over it. if the cops bust in your house on some bs. and they are about to shoot you are taze you for no good reason. so you shoot them to protect yourself. you will do jail time. its that simple.

its not a defeatist attitude. it has nothing to do with protecting whats rightully yours. YOU cant protect what you think is yours sitting INSIDE of your oppressors clutches(in their country). you also dont have the head count to go at them like that if push came to shove. so if you decide to strap up. just know it isnt the end all for you mr/mrs black person. save up some lawyer money just in case. thats the best i can tell you.

you're looking at it wrong. not saying strap up with the intention of starting sh1t. nothing wrong with being legally/responsibly armed. as well as educated in the law and what your rights are.

i'm not talking about rioting or starting sh1t with police. you don't see white people doing that do we? but they have more guns than we do. they're better prepared to legally protect themselves from crime than we are. by % of the population they don't kill each other at the same rate that we do.

saying we have to leave is a defeatist atttitude, because instead of confronting the issue and trying to improve it you're saying lets just run from it. this isn't about just strapping up, that's only part of it.


Payin Debts.... N40
May 29, 2012
Japan, but from the 989
There is no reason for you not to have a gun when you turn the legal age to carry one. People have their reasons not to like guns but in America if you are a Black Man in this country, especially if you know the history of this country. Having a gun isn't a horrible idea. Everyone needs to take advantage of the rights that are "guaranteed" to you in the Constitution. Buy a gun and learn how to use it.


Jun 8, 2012
you're looking at it wrong. not saying strap up with the intention of starting sh1t. nothing wrong with being legally/responsibly armed. as well as educated in the law and what your rights are.

i'm not talking about rioting or starting sh1t with police. you don't see white people doing that do we? but they have more guns than we do. they're better prepared to legally protect themselves from crime than we are. by % of the population they don't kill each other at the same rate that we do.

saying we have to leave is a defeatist atttitude, because instead of confronting the issue and trying to improve it you're saying lets just run from it. this isn't about just strapping up, that's only part of it.
you still act like you dont get it. no one said starting stuff.
i'm talking about law abiding hard working citizens. black folks. running around with legal guns in hand just in case zimmerman runs up on you, just in case a real cop kicks your door in for no good reason. when you blast zimmerman types and crazy cops. you black person will go to JAIL. thats a statistical fact. now as long as you know this. go ahead and strap up. but dont strap up not knowing this is whats most likely to happen to you. sorry you cant defend yourself In AMERIKKKA. this SHOULD be your country too. but its not. and since you dont have the numbers, you cant do a lot about it but petition those in charge/the majority. sure you can get some stuff on your own. but even that goes only so far within AMERIKKA. maybe you have to kick rocks and leave the US of A all together to be treated properly.


Jun 8, 2012
There is no reason for you not to have a gun when you turn the legal age to carry one. People have their reasons not to like guns but in America if you are a Black Man in this country, especially if you know the history of this country. Having a gun isn't a horrible idea. Everyone needs to take advantage of the rights that are "guaranteed" to you in the Constitution. Buy a gun and learn how to use it.

the same
white people.

what part of that dont you understand Trayvon martins?

did they not arrest that chick ASAP that shot the supposed warning shot at her husband who's still alive and well? but didnt they let ZIm go scott from day one?

one person is black. another is not. one person killed someone. the other person did not. one person gets arrested right away the other does not and would not if there was no outcry.

black people do
rights in america

sometimes they'll throw you a bone. other times they will snatch that bone away.

if you want rights. you better get money so you can BUY rights(ask OJ how he got off)

yall talking about strapping up. yall need to be strapping up with a legit lawyer just in case you need one.


Jun 8, 2012
There will always be a black market for guns specially if they were made illegal.

didnt say there wouldnt be. but right now theres not big time BLACK market in the US.

you dont need one. gun shows get er done. i live in chicago so i go next door to another state that has lax policies/rules about guns. i stock up. the govvy database doesnt have my info. and slang some guns to the homies on the block. and bam. more straps on the mean streets of chicago. you take away guns for real country wide. it will take a good 10 yrs. but you will see a drastic change in shooting victims. and what you dont understand is this. less guns, less people get guns and think they need them. even criminals.

remember guns were always around. yet back in the 50's all thugs were not running around strapped. that became a thing in the late 80's and 90's. the more they see their rivals strapped up and their friends. they feel they need one too. which then makes us regular joes have to strap up just in case. more strap breeds more straps. less straps in GENERAL breeds less straps.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
didnt say there wouldnt be. but right now theres not big time BLACK market in the US.

you dont need one. gun shows get er done. i live in chicago so i go next door to another state that has lax policies/rules about guns. i stock up. the govvy database doesnt have my info. and slang some guns to the homies on the block. and bam. more straps on the mean streets of chicago. you take away guns for real country wide. it will take a good 10 yrs. but you will see a drastic change in shooting victims. and what you dont understand is this. less guns, less people get guns and think they need them. even criminals.

remember guns were always around. yet back in the 50's all thugs were not running around strapped. that became a thing in the late 80's and 90's. the more they see their rivals strapped up and their friends. they feel they need one too. which then makes us regular joes have to strap up just in case. more strap breeds more straps. less straps in GENERAL breeds less straps.

Do you know how many guns are in America?

There is no country in the world that has more gunz than America

Unless you do a house to house search (will never happen)there is no way to get rid of all gunz.

Why can't you just accept reality?

when the public is allowed to bear arms it's less likely for criminals to rob burgarlise or murder.

For the life of me I cannot understand how it's possible that the states with the strictest gun laws have some of the highest robberies murders and burglaries. Following the logic of the politicians who made those laws (the democrat party) there should be less murders robberies and burglaries in those states but that's not the case. I don't want to make this a political issue because I'm a registered independent but when you look at states like Chicago,Detroit,Illinois, DC, California that have strict gun lawz but high burglary and murder rates one would have to question the logic behind restricting the public from carrying concealed weapon.

It's no coincidence that the statez who allow their citizenry to carry concealed weaponz have very low robbery homoside and burglary ratez but the Democratic party does not want to look at that logic. They just want to keep black people as victims wethere its on the streetz socially or economically.