Why Are Modern Women So Miserable Compared To Men?


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
No surprise that you're cuffed. :wow:

Your man is blessed to have you :mjcry:
Awww! Thanks, breh. :mjcry:We both are very thankful for each other. :wow:

But I thank God I found him, and at the time I did. Like the old folks say, "babies and fools." :mjlol:

Edit, my man wants to do the kevin Samuels couple intro thing he's doing in 2021, which is crazy bc he's so low profile. I might get famous, y'all! :blessed: :skip:
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la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
It is crazy how women thought men had it easy out here or something, low key our lives are MUCH harder than womens. Only to enter a mans world and realize it's a cold lonely ass place. :francis:

Oh well they had they choice, coulda kept they ass in the kitchen but this is what they wanted so hey no pity for them, get yo ass up and grind like the rest of us. :yeshrug:
Higher poverty rates, rampant and unchecked sexual assault, not being taken seriously and outright disrespect etc. I don't necessarily call myself a male feminist but are you sure men have it harder than women?:usure:

Not looking for a fight, just trying to understand


Nov 21, 2012
Loneliness is a state of mind. Bitter women feel uncomfortable and insecure with their own shadow. They are lonely even when surrounded with a group of people. They feel alone whenever they are not the center of attention. Women who are content are able to sustain themselves alone or with company. Just like OP mentioned isolation - there’s a balance. I NEED my alone time and periods of seclusion at times to decompress but I don’t feel lonely when doing so. That other type of being alone turns into boredom - like those who create drama in their relationships just to have something to do or spark up animosity bc they feed off toxicity with the dating game.

Very true and well said.

On the bolded, I have been involved with women like that, never again, draining and stressful.


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
:patrice:They kinda are, tho. I myself as a bw feel some kinda way encountering fellow bw on the street . We be so mad. In everyday life, bw legit 'dont like me' bc i be HAPPY. That's my default.

Imo, we all have our responsibilities in this world. Men fight to protect the hearth and the women are pleasant but competent. When you as a woman walk around UNpleasant, you're breaking the social contract. IMO. :hubie:

I agree with the bolded part only. I think a lot of that is competitiveness too (excluding those with RBF, don't neg me brehettes). They will have that bytch face on full display for other blacks but it will disappear around whites. They are a product of their environment so I don't judge.
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Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
women are not naturally wired to seek out & conquer challenges

they want to equal men but find themselves drained because their neurobiology isn't wired for the grind

it's testosterone that makes men wage war & climb the hierarchy we find joy in antagonism

women trying to frontline like men & men who want to be carried like women is some fukked up out of balance shyte

motherfukkers biology is screwed & they were raised against natural principle


I owe you some rep breh :wow:

We have equality now, so everyone is competing in the same fukked up game.

The average man (especially Black men) knew shyt was fukked in this system, now the women are catching up to this fact as well:wow:

Folks gotta get to this realization, grind doing something they like that makes money and cash the HELL OUT.

If there is two of you, you can cash out that much faster, fukk everything else. Anything more than financial freedom is just a part of the American scheme.

That's fukked up. Men have been offering me these courtesies since my late teens. 20 odd yrs later, Im still surprised and thankful like its the first time. Like, ':krs: wow, men do stuff for me for no reason! That's what's up. :myman:'

So if nobody told you, THANK YOU, you big strong man, for saving us from those door monsters. :wub: Not even being sarcastic, public doors are filthy. :scusthov:

:what: But why you can't smile? Is it so egregious to ask that you not randomly scowl at ppl?

I've never seen a woman say this :russ:

Usually women who are minding their own business hear that dumb shyt. Why the hell do I care if some woman I don't know isn't smiling?

She is allowed to control her face how she wishes :gucci:

I'm usually walking around with a scowl so folks won't stop me in the street :unimpressed:

Also, ain't you a housewife :mjpls:

Imagine being a woman in the workplace and every other dude makes the same comment day in and out about "You should smile more! :krs:"

For what? To make random ass dudes feel good? Always a weird thing to ask of anyone really.


Feb 12, 2015
I don’t see this. I see women growing and adjusting to new paradigms and finding themselves but they are no more miserable than men are. :yeshrug:Life and growth is hard but neccesary as women adjust to their newfound power and the responsibility that comes along with it.

What I DO see is a number of men who have fantasies about women being unhappy and doing badly in life to sooth themselves about their own insecurities. :francis:
And I kinda feel bad for them. Women may not have all the answers and EVERYBODY struggles because life is hard regardless. But some dudes really need to stop exaggerating female unhappiness and worry more about themselves.
I think some do this because many men see the women’s rights movement as a time of confusion for themselves. They think that women gaining equal rights somehow means they will be left out and do not feel needed, desired or appreciated. So they are desperate to knock women down a peg to make themselves feel needed which is unfortunate because they should be proud of their fellow counterparts for their successes and they should know that men are always important, appreciated and loved. I don’t know what it’s going to take to heal this false sense of inadequacy in men because telling them to get over it or get over their pride doesn’t seem to be working.

Instead you get men who are embittered, angry, resentful of women, trying to humble women, angry about women wishing each other well, mad if women make more money...there are dudes who complain about women laughing and having fun with their girlfriends, mad if women twerk, have fun, have normal sex lives...basically these nikkas angry if any woman doesn’t grow up to be hateful, sad, pathetic, washed up hoe with tragic back stories. They mad about their degrees, jobs, mad if they smiling, traveling. I had a dude snap at me some time ago and claim I was lying over an experience I shared in another country. Da fukk?!!!!:why:

This shyt gotta stop. It’s GOT TO! On this site men literally go searching for anything to support confirmation bias of women being unhappy. Some look for “hoe babble” to have fake outrage over. The point is men never wanted women fighting for equality because they want power and leverage over women, so they sitting in the corner waiting for women to fail so they can go “MMMHMM, SEE THERE! THATS WHY YOU SHOULDA NEVA LEFT THE KITCHEN!”:mjlol:

There’s gotta be a better way to sooth and uplift the male ego in the advent of female success and equality so they don’t spend their time looking for problems in women’s lives so they can be answer.
The shyt ain’t healthy.

Worry less about trying to control women and more about yourself. As I said in another post, blowing somebody else candle out won’t make yours shine any brighter.:yeshrug:

And if you need a woman to be doing bad to feel like you are valuable in her life, that says more about you than it does her.:francis:

Cue the anger!
“Feminist bytch!”
As always if you triggered by anything I say in this post, then you a hit bytch hollering.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I've never seen a woman say this :russ:

Usually women who are minding their own business hear that dumb shyt. Why the hell do I care if some woman I don't know isn't smiling?

She is allowed to control her face how she wishes :gucci:

I'm usually walking around with a scowl so folks won't stop me in the street :unimpressed:

Also, ain't you a housewife :mjpls:

Imagine being a woman in the workplace and every other dude makes the same comment day in and out about "You should smile more! :krs:"

For what? To make random ass dudes feel good? Always a weird thing to ask of anyone really.
Yes, it's true that I'm a home maker, but I'm also highly educated. I went to an ivy league school. I studied history, and what I learned was, cultures progress best when everybody plays their position. I worked in fashion and dealt with... gross men. So...? Do I paint every man with that brush?


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
Because most women can’t reliably depend on men for support anymore.

Men are happier because most women can’t really depend on men for financial support.

Majority of single women in America are poor, faking it, or barely making it.

This too.

It most definitely ain’t all on them, we dropped the ball too.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Maybe because a woman is never content... That internal sense of peace they don't have.. alot of men can sit in a room chill out and be cool a chick idk but the drama like damn...:pachaha: just doing too much when a dude is like whatever...:ehh:


All Star
May 1, 2012
I'm starting to see this in a lot of males too these days. Even guys I grew up with and around. Being raised by women and think that everything is supposed to be easy and fall into their lap then go into self-pity "the world is out to get me" mode when they aren't getting the results they want in life even though they don't apply themselves.

Just last night a breh called me, asked me for an even trade on an item I had, for the item he had. Upon arrival he tried to convince me to put an extra $40 on top because he's been "going through it". Then tried to "but look at you, you got it better than me and you know I'm bad with my money :mjcry:" me. And of course he was raised by a single mother.

Not trying to derail your thread breh. I know it's about women. It's just seeing the shockwaves from women that think this way raising sons that mirror the same thought patterns and lack accountability
I know as an only son (with two older sisters) I had the easy life tho not anymore. My sisters say I'm spoiled and true to an extent but I had a hard time adjusting to manhood.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
so u see someone is having a bad day and instead of asking what is wrong u demand they smile?
Considering that the object of your negative mood is not the man who is saying that to you in passing; so why the f are you subjecting your bitter bytch attitude to a random man who didn’t do shyt to you.
What’s wrong with extending the courtesy? Some of my most pleasant interactions from men have been when I’m in a bad mood and a man will say something in passing or make a random joke, exchange a few glances and he was able to lighten my mood or the moment. Maybe that permanent scowl on your face is there for a reason, that has everything to do with how you feel about yourself. Don’t take out your angst on them.