Why Are Modern Women So Miserable Compared To Men?


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
Yes, it's true that I'm a home maker, but I'm also highly educated. I went to an ivy league school. I studied history, and what I learned was, cultures progress best when everybody plays their position. I worked in fashion and dealt with... gross men. So...? Do I paint every man with that brush?

I would hope you don't, but many women are NOT in your position, so either by choice or obligation they have to enter the workforce with the potential to be subjected to dumb shyt.

I'm exercising empathy for the women who weren't prepared because their parents filled their heads with hot air, without telling them how soul crushing the working world can be in this century.

The paradigms of old will only work if both parties are willing to follow them. That was easier back then, because majority of folks operated like that (still had issues of course)

Now it's every Man, Woman and Child for themselves. Working in the 20th century means making someone else filthy rich and I want out damnit :damn:

Speaking of :leostare:

@At30wecashout how we doing on the timeline breh :lupe:
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Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
I don’t see this. I see women growing and adjusting to new paradigms and finding themselves but they are no more miserable than men are. :yeshrug:Life and growth is hard but neccesary as women adjust to their newfound power and the responsibility that comes along with it.

What I DO see is a number of men who have fantasies about women being unhappy and doing badly in life to sooth themselves about their own insecurities. :francis:
And I kinda feel bad for them. Women may not have all the answers and EVERYBODY struggles because life is hard regardless. But some dudes really need to stop exaggerating female unhappiness and worry more about themselves.
I think some do this because many men see the women’s rights movement as a time of confusion for themselves. They think that women gaining equal rights somehow means they will be left out and do not feel needed, desired or appreciated. So they are desperate to knock women down a peg to make themselves feel needed which is unfortunate because they should be proud of their fellow counterparts for their successes and they should know that men are always important, appreciated and loved. I don’t know what it’s going to take to heal this false sense of inadequacy in men because telling them to get over it or get over their pride doesn’t seem to be working.

Instead you get men who are embittered, angry, resentful of women, trying to humble women, angry about women wishing each other well, mad if women make more money...there are dudes who complain about women laughing and having fun with their girlfriends, mad if women twerk, have fun, have normal sex lives...basically these nikkas angry if any woman doesn’t grow up to be hateful, sad, pathetic, washed up hoe with tragic back stories. They mad about their degrees, jobs, mad if they smiling, traveling. I had a dude snap at me some time ago and claim I was lying over an experience I shared in another country. Da fukk?!!!!:why:

This shyt gotta stop. It’s GOT TO! On this site men literally go searching for anything to support confirmation bias of women being unhappy. Some look for “hoe babble” to have fake outrage over. The point is men never wanted women fighting for equality because they want power and leverage over women, so they sitting in the corner waiting for women to fail so they can go “MMMHMM, SEE THERE! THATS WHY YOU SHOULDA NEVA LEFT THE KITCHEN!”:mjlol:

There’s gotta be a better way to sooth and uplift the male ego in the advent of female success and equality so they don’t spend their time looking for problems in women’s lives so they can be answer.
The shyt ain’t healthy.

Worry less about trying to control women and more about yourself. As I said in another post, blowing somebody else candle out won’t make yours shine any brighter.:yeshrug:

And if you need a woman to be doing bad to feel like you are valuable in her life, that says more about you than it does her.:francis:

Cue the anger!
“Feminist bytch!”
As always if you triggered by anything I say in this post, then you a hit bytch hollering.

Grass is greener folks just may not make it :wow:

Envious of the other side for what :wow:


May 1, 2012
This article sums things up perfectly.


  1. Women value self-esteem based on relationships, while men value control.
  2. Women measure their worth based on other people’s opinions, experiencing impostor syndrome, which causes them to doubt the validity of their accomplishments. Men are willing to take more risks even though they may have internal doubts. Men apply for positions where they lack expertise (while women typically won’t apply unless they are 100% qualified). And it is possible that women experience more stress and reduced happiness by holding back and doubting their abilities.
  3. Fear of failure can make women overly sensitive to social or interpersonal queues, they may internalize issues, or repress anger in order to avoid conflict. These can be unconscious actions to maintain relationships.
Just as stress can reduce happiness, positive emotions and gratitude can increase happiness. Women are more likely to experience intense positive emotions and express gratitude than men. Studies linked women’s desire to contribute to positive change to greater joy, peace, and contentment. Women tend to prioritize the needs of others over their own.

In contrast, a 2018 study conducted by Harry’s linked men’s sense of satisfaction with career satisfaction. In a May, 2019 article Paul Dolan, a professor of Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics said, “unmarried and childless women are the happiest subgroup in the population.”

I've ran into this recently where this single childless chick I know is so overly positive it's sickening. While the married chicks all seem miserable for completely different reasons. They put all this effort into acquiring the perfect nuclear family only to complain about their lives 24/7. If it ain't their husband, it's the kids or the inlaws. Peer pressure is a mutha.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
Commit 98% of rapes, 90% of murders, and 80% of suicides, because you're happy brehs and crehs:umad:
:umad: & y'all wanna be like daddy

tryna be as evil

tryna out slime natural born agents of chaos

instead of being a calming force & influence on men y'all wanna go tit 4 tatt in a war you can never win¿



Sep 15, 2013
So.ILL/Raider Nation
People aren't going to like this but it is rooted in how we are developed.

When you approach a situation with the belief that other people owe you something, you're going to get bitter and frustrated when it is not delivered. When it is delivered, you're going to see it as an entitlement which will prevent you from being thankful.

Women play the game on easy mode for the first 18 years of their life. Most men grow up in a competitive environment which allows them to draw the connection between their ability and the results.

Damn...you just cracked the code my G:wow: