Right, but you not mentioning the most important thing.
It was the least enjoyed system of the bunch, and then sales went totally flat, 3rd parties abandoned the system a long time ago
And then nintendo abandoned the system and we already got the Wii-U with Nintendo already talking about they got a new system just over the horizon
Like, you under this alias don't game. You'd expose who you really are if you talked about what you do play

So Alias who never talks about games or discusses a gamertag. Please shut the hell up

when discussing the Wii because you don't have this community in mind when you speak. you talk like you work for Nintendo and all you care about is the bottom line.
Us, the consumers who play games to enjoy them? Nintendo was the biggest failure last gen
The PS4 is the biggest failure in terms of games and system features. They stripped the system of its features and tried to force you to pay for sony music. PSN they got you to pay for, but the quality of the service has decreased since this new gen has started
But hey, did you see those Killzone Preorders tho