Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I didn't say any of the Xbox exclusives weren't must buy. I said I didn't want to buy a system for them. If I had one, I might buy one. But since there doesn't appear to be 5-6 games I even want to play, I won't be doing that. Same thing I did last gen
And that begs the question. Why the hell you got a PS4?

See I'm not for the masses. I don't care what you like. Or they like. Or everyone likes. With my money, it matters what I like. I know I don't want to play them cause I know what type of games I like. I don't want halo cause I played the first 4 AND I stupidly went against my judgement on destiny. Knew I hated those type of games (alien shoot em ups) but went ahead and got it cause everyone hyped it. Never again. It's awaiting eBay as we speak
Good for you :cheers:

When yall bring back somr of your exclusive franchises I like, I'll cop one. I love sandbox games s I had infamous. I like shooters were I kill people and not aliens so I copped kill zone. I love sports games and I've always copped mlb. I know uncharted is coming and God of war so I copped my ps first
Who the fukk is ya'll?
There is no God of War announced yet
Uncharted isn't coming until 2016

So why did you buy a PS4 again:sas1:

Where do I get the numbers??? Game sales. How the hell else would I get them. Of course newer games are most played. They fukking new. But I bet cod and madden and such are the biggest sellers like they always are
According to game sales titanfall is still the highest selling X1 game. The rest of the exclusives have sold very well too.

I thought sales didn't matter though. You talking in circles breh.

So for the last time we can all agree to disagree. Yall say we have no games. We do. You don't like our games. Ok fine. But don't get your panties in a bunch if we use the same methods to say yours don't count and yall starving and we don't like your games
You just agreed with the premise of this thread. Any shade you throw at Xbox has to do with your stannary.

Ain't nobody shytting cause what the next man eat. You disliking what I like, doesn't make me like it any less. And visa versa

I was just pointing out we have a lot more games out and coming than what was spoken on. That's all
Wii killing the game with all those classics:banderas:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
lol @ no new experiences with the Last Of Us Remastered. Can't even resist throwing Shade huh Meach.
Have I ever made a Where Lying is Mandatory Card for you sir :leon:

And since TLOU is this fantastic game that should be praised for 2 full years :wow: And the NEW EXPERIENCES the PS4 version provides
Its odd not a single one of you play it anymore. Just like on PS3 :mjlol:
nikkaz lie, but the truth is TLOU has a stellar campaign. Multiplayer is ok, but is plagued by PSN
Just like ALL Naughtydog games, which have never worked without major glitches and hacks ruining the experience
Uncharted 2, 3..TLOU all ruled by hackers. Funny nobody wants to speak on this very real reality

Now its happening this gen all over again, nikkaz still tight lipped on the subject :dahell:
DriveClub still in the shop
WWE 2K15 was DOA for PSN.. is that shyt even fixed yet?


May 1, 2012
Have I ever made a Where Lying is Mandatory Card for you sir :leon:

And since TLOU is this fantastic game that should be praised for 2 full years :wow: And the NEW EXPERIENCES the PS4 version provides
Its odd not a single one of you play it anymore. Just like on PS3 :mjlol:
nikkaz lie, but the truth is TLOU has a stellar campaign. Multiplayer is ok, but is plagued by PSN
Just like ALL Naughtydog games, which have never worked without major glitches and hacks ruining the experience
Uncharted 2, 3..TLOU all ruled by hackers. Funny nobody wants to speak on this very real reality

Now its happening this gen all over again, nikkaz still tight lipped on the subject :dahell:
DriveClub still in the shop
WWE 2K15 was DOA for PSN.. is that shyt even fixed yet?

you got a vietnam memorial of lies but continue.....

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
you got a vietnam memorial of lies but continue.....
When the Lakers beat the Hawks, how did you feel about that?
Did you lie to yourself and say "yeah" or did you on the inside being a Georgia boy.. was sad that it had to be them?

Before you answer that, go head and answer meachs question about those "new experiences" with TLOU PS4 :popcorn:

Seems like you have dodged that question two times now to my count. Dodging is a hunger trait :heh:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
And that begs the question. Why the hell you got a PS4?

Good for you :cheers:

Who the fukk is ya'll?
There is no God of War announced yet
Uncharted isn't coming until 2016

So why did you buy a PS4 again:sas1:

According to game sales titanfall is still the highest selling X1 game. The rest of the exclusives have sold very well too.

I thought sales didn't matter though. You talking in circles breh.

You just agreed with the premise of this thread. Any shade you throw at Xbox has to do with your stannary.

Wii killing the game with all those classics:banderas:
So you quoting me in a post where I explained why I bought a ps4, yet you're asking me why I bought a ps4 :stopitslime:

Let me just end this convo

Yall feel happy with your purchase. I feel happy with mine

Yall never turn on your system saying "boy I wish I had a game to stick in here." And neither do I :yeshrug:

Nice talking with you :salute:


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Have I ever made a Where Lying is Mandatory Card for you sir :leon:

And since TLOU is this fantastic game that should be praised for 2 full years :wow: And the NEW EXPERIENCES the PS4 version provides
Its odd not a single one of you play it anymore. Just like on PS3 :mjlol:
nikkaz lie, but the truth is TLOU has a stellar campaign. Multiplayer is ok, but is plagued by PSN
Just like ALL Naughtydog games, which have never worked without major glitches and hacks ruining the experience
Uncharted 2, 3..TLOU all ruled by hackers. Funny nobody wants to speak on this very real reality

Now its happening this gen all over again, nikkaz still tight lipped on the subject :dahell:
DriveClub still in the shop
WWE 2K15 was DOA for PSN.. is that shyt even fixed yet?
There u go again. Me and my nikkas still play and dominate. No hacking required


May 1, 2012
Xbox Ones first year:

It would be tempting to tell a contrasting tale, for symmetry's sake: Sony roared out of the gates with stellar sales and a raw technical advantage, but has struggled to capitalise on its success through a lack of must-have games; Microsoft has shown humility and hard work in righting its wrongs, rebuilding its reputation and setting about catching its rival. It would be half-true, too. But let's not kid ourselves.

Xbox One's line-up of exclusive games is arguably a little better than PS4's, but take in the full portfolio and an almost exactly similar story presents itself. Publishers have supported both new consoles with a bet-hedging array of remasters, formulaic sequels and equally formulaic originals - almost all of them available for PS3 and Xbox 360, too - while the download stores feature the heavily edited highlights of Steam's booming indie scene. Small wonder that we are reduced to arguing over display resolutions and frame-rates when both new consoles offer so little in the way of fresh game experiences to justify their existence


Wii U's first two years:

And yet, in what's been a lacklustre year for new releases, what Wii U owner would honestly complain they weren't able to play the next mediocre, broken instalment of a creaking mega franchise? Games like Destiny and Alien: Isolation were certainly missed, but was the loss of Unity and the late arrival of Watch Dogs that much of a shame given all the other games the Wii U has in its favour?

It's only natural that, having been around twice as long, the Wii U would have more exclusives - but still, what exclusives they are. From the fruits of its first year - Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. U, Super Mario 3D World and Wind Waker HD - to all that's been delivered in a more esoteric but no less thrilling year. Having seemingly turned its back on mainstream success, the Wii U's settled into a more cultish groove - not, perhaps, the best move to boost those still ailing sales, but the perfect tonic for those turned off by the creaking bloat that's become the norm on the other new generation consoles. Bayonetta 2's arguably the peak of the action genre while Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze embellishes that particular series with a craft that seemed to escape Rare's early entries.

There are signs of it coming back elsewhere, too, in a 2015 that sees the Wii U's catalogue bolstered - even if they're all coming from first-party studios, and predominantly from the leftfield. A new Zelda's the headline addition, sure, but it's games such as Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Splatoon that are the kind of bold, offbeat games fast becoming the Wii U's calling card. They're not going to drag the Wii U's sales into contention with the other new-gen consoles, but they're a reminder Nintendo's always played a contrasting game to other. At a time where it's only the odd dropped frame and pixel that distinguishes the competition, Nintendo's at least remembered there's value in offering something different.


PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
In the first two years nintendo has managed to alienate 3rd party devs to the poinst most have stopped supporting the system and Nintendo has already revealed they are working on there next system :stopitslime:

Meanwhile, xbox just finished a stellar first year, 2nd fastest selling console of all time (3cepts keep saying this not true too :laff: )

And lets comparre what has and is about to come out next year for XB1 so we can accurately compare/

Killer Instinct season 1,2,3 and maybe 4 by the time year 2 is up
Sunset Overdrive
Forza 5
Forza Horizon 2
Quantum Break
Kinect Sports Rivals
Dead Rising 3
Halo MCC
Halo 5
Tomb Raider 2

Then 90+% of all 3rd party games... xbox yes, wii no :damn:

So then, what are the games for the Wii-U that got nikkaz going :gladbron:?
Mario 3D world and uh... The spinoff mini game Toad?
Bayonetta 2?
Smash bros? Ok, let me fill in the rest regardless if they dropped or not
Mario Kart.. Mario Golf? Mario Tennis? Mario remake #1,207 :stopitslime:

Its like, how many times can these nikkaz make the exact same game and you dudes go :blessed:
Funny, cuz on the Wii you guys acted the same way. Then said all the games sucked afterwards
I've never ONCE seen a thread where nikkaz was breaking down how SSB on Wii-U is different from previous versions. No gameplay advances talk. Just "Oh, its coming? :lawd:

How about, GTFOH with this nintendo bullshyt. My kids will love it, but WE not kids anymore...


They know the face and they know the name
Mar 7, 2013
the streets
LOL@this. Last gen when sony exclusives like MAG and Resistance were flopping compared to 360 it was bu..bu.. the games score higher, more fun, etc. No you hypocrites are using the same elitist rhetoric. I can't take you stans on either side seriously. First off, you are not a developer, producer, executive. Sales should not concern you or anyone on here at all. Otherwise you wouldn;t be mentioning all those indy titles you love to mention to conveniently inflate PS4 catalog.
preach this shyt :ohlawd:

you gain nothing from a console/game selling well/bad