Who needs games: PlayStation 4's first year

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
First off, you take what this community does and you apply that to me :stop:
I'm totally different than everyone in this community, I don't say this, then that. Thats what you say I say
Where do I point to sales EVER :wtf:
Do I look like a damn 3cept to you bruh? Only a sony fanboy brings up sales, this gen or last.
See, last gen. Xbox dominated worldwide in sales. Sony fanboys who were starving then as well would claim "Not in Europe :sadbron:"
Like, I don't give a fukk about europe, I live in America. The focal point worldwide for gaming (Fact)
Then sony started hiding sales (lying) and then they applied this tactic to games as well (claiming Uncharted 3 sold 3.4mil in one day when it didn't sell a mil in 3months)

That is the only times I speak on sales, when nikkaz LYING saying its the opposite. I never said this game is good because it sold good. If a game doesn't sell at all, then it might suck. Titanfall was the highest selling game on XB1, but if you let TheColi PSfanboy tell you it failed :laff:
See, this isn't me. I'm not the sales warden, I'm defending the truth, and sometimes the topic was about sales. Very disingenuous to now portray me as the sales whore :sitdown:

Now, as for what isn't up for debate? Killzone, Knack, Infamous, DriveClub. Those are the PS4 exclusives. You wanna add Resogun to that list as well?
Comparing that to Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Titanfall, Max and the curse of the brotherhood, Forza 5, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo MCC, Ori and the Blind forest, Geometry Wars 3, Cubhead, Killer Instinct, Super Time Force, Kinect Sports Rivals

Yes, tell me how they somehow compare :popcorn:

Lets move forward.. Bloodborne which has received decent reviews (not epic) and TheOrder which was deemed HORRIBLE yet still gets talked about like its a good game :mjlol: And then Uncharted 4 which may or may not come out in 2016. 2017 is a possibility


Quantum Break, Fable Legends, Gears of War 4, Halo 5, The Division-complete version, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crackdown 3, Below, Live, Battletoads, Killer Instinct Season 3, Scalebound, Phantom Dust

Where does the debate begin?

System features, its so one sided I'm just gonna save the bandwidth. If I missed any "AAA" titles on sony please mention them so I can adjust my thought process :win:
i said sometimes... like said, just give what YOU base a great game on

now ps4 had more exclusives than that... and half your exclusives are on 360

again... stick to one thing... you can't sit here and count exclusives that were on the 360, and at the same time try and leave out the same type of shyt that happened with ps4... so go ahead and add TLOU on our exlusives list and mlb the show 14 which is a real ps4 only game....... remove titanfall, FH2, malo, killer instinct, kinect sports off yours cause they were all on 360

and if you want to add futures... go ahead and add god of war, gran turismo, ratchet and clank, lbp3, and let it die... all have been announced

see and then you do it in the thread.. you simply went with "horrible reviews" vs...... you didn't even list reviews for any of the games in that second for the ms side... and again... listed a bunch of shyt coming soon for ms, but tried to stick it sony with listing 3 games... but lets do this with actual ONLY next gen exclusives.. it ain't much different or better... especially when you trying to throw in 100 future titles for yours with no reviews or knowledge if they are any damn good.. but somehow shyt on the other side, with reviews of games that aren't even dropping for months

so you really haven't actually told me anything... as to how you come up with these games being better... besides, the reviews said these games suck and there are no reviews for the games i think will be good

system features i'll definitely give you that tho
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All Star
May 15, 2013
#SidenikkaGang 804 VA
Xbots with their hype game on 1000. First it was Ryse. Then it was Titanflab. Then Forza. Now Sunset Overflab. Its not working. Both systems are light on the games right now. Just give it up brehs:umad: That PS4 with four games deal looking real good.......join the team:banderas:

Kang Deezy

Overall Nice Guy
May 6, 2012
The stoop with dat dope fanny padding
:wtf: how is this lie continued to be spread? PS4 has more games than XBone. its a fact.

  • Dap
Reactions: PS4


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Seriously. The fact that its been one fill year and no REAL AAA exclusive title for the PS4 speaks volumes. Nintendo got its act together after 12 months after Wii U dropped, and even X-One is dropping their known franchises. Making gamers wait 2 full years before a dope exclusive comes out is just pitiful.

This. Don't tell those moronic 3cepts that though. They'll find some way to give Sony a pass. Back in the days, it was blasphemous for a system to launch with no marquee EXCLUSIVE game. Nintendo and sega would always launch a new system featuring a game that was clearly BETTER than the existing titles on previous gen. I remember when the SNES launches featuring Super Mario World. The graphics were such an amazing leap, had children crying tears of joy all over the fukking globe! Nintendo the GOAT honestly...:mjcry:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Neogaf is a pro Sony forum??
Worst response ever on the internet.
Neogaf is made up of individuals. There's more PS4 gamers out this gen, there's going to be more PS4 fans online everywhere.
Can you admit that M$ fukked up their reveal and just wasn't really starting on a good note this time around?? It's not surprising that more people in real life went out and copped PS4's and that can be seen pretty much everywhere you go online. I've gotten banned on there several times and once because I simply typed "M$".


Were you around last gen??

It isn't that Neogaf is pro Sony, Neogaf is pro consumer.
That fact seems to piss off some of you Xbots. Y'all like to pretend last year didn't happen.

Would you shut up. Neogaf is pro sony and you know it. Thats why you frequent it so much and choose to regurgitate that filth here. Perhaps you should just remain over there, as you'll likely find more in common with those folk.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
First off, you take what this community does and you apply that to me :stop:
I'm totally different than everyone in this community, I don't say this, then that. Thats what you say I say
Where do I point to sales EVER :wtf:
Do I look like a damn 3cept to you bruh? Only a sony fanboy brings up sales, this gen or last.
See, last gen. Xbox dominated worldwide in sales. Sony fanboys who were starving then as well would claim "Not in Europe :sadbron:"
Like, I don't give a fukk about europe, I live in America. The focal point worldwide for gaming (Fact)
Then sony started hiding sales (lying) and then they applied this tactic to games as well (claiming Uncharted 3 sold 3.4mil in one day when it didn't sell a mil in 3months)

That is the only times I speak on sales, when nikkaz LYING saying its the opposite. I never said this game is good because it sold good. If a game doesn't sell at all, then it might suck. Titanfall was the highest selling game on XB1, but if you let TheColi PSfanboy tell you it failed :laff:
See, this isn't me. I'm not the sales warden, I'm defending the truth, and sometimes the topic was about sales. Very disingenuous to now portray me as the sales whore :sitdown:

Now, as for what isn't up for debate? Killzone, Knack, Infamous, DriveClub. Those are the PS4 exclusives. You wanna add Resogun to that list as well?
Comparing that to Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Titanfall, Max and the curse of the brotherhood, Forza 5, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo MCC, Ori and the Blind forest, Geometry Wars 3, Cubhead, Killer Instinct, Super Time Force, Kinect Sports Rivals

Yes, tell me how they somehow compare :popcorn:

Lets move forward.. Bloodborne which has received decent reviews (not epic) and TheOrder which was deemed HORRIBLE yet still gets talked about like its a good game :mjlol: And then Uncharted 4 which may or may not come out in 2016. 2017 is a possibility


Quantum Break, Fable Legends, Gears of War 4, Halo 5, The Division-complete version, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crackdown 3, Below, Live, Battletoads, Killer Instinct Season 3, Scalebound, Phantom Dust

Where does the debate begin?

System features, its so one sided I'm just gonna save the bandwidth. If I missed any "AAA" titles on sony please mention them so I can adjust my thought process :win:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Xbots with their hype game on 1000. First it was Ryse. Then it was Titanflab. Then Forza. Now Sunset Overflab. Its not working. Both systems are light on the games right now. Just give it up brehs:umad: That PS4 with four games deal looking real good.......join the team:banderas:

You sound like a naive buffoon. Someone sodomize you with a xbox controller? Why the continued disdain for the X1 despite its superior package? You think and act like a woman, all emotion.


May 1, 2012
I kind of agree with the article, but it's exaggerating....Xbone doesn't really have any must have exclusives to me either otherwise I'd cop one.

It's only gonna get better for the PS4 though, believe that.

Kang Deezy

Overall Nice Guy
May 6, 2012
The stoop with dat dope fanny padding
I kind of agree with the article, but it's exaggerating....Xbone doesn't really have any must have exclusives to me either otherwise I'd cop one.

It's only gonna get better for the PS4 though, believe that.

dead rising 3?

sunset overdrive?


both forza games?

