First off, you take what this community does and you apply that to me
I'm totally different than everyone in this community, I don't say this, then that. Thats what you say I say
Where do I point to sales EVER
Do I look like a damn 3cept to you bruh? Only a sony fanboy brings up sales, this gen or last.
See, last gen. Xbox dominated worldwide in sales. Sony fanboys who were starving then as well would claim "Not in Europe
Like, I don't give a fukk about europe, I live in America. The focal point worldwide for gaming (Fact)
Then sony started hiding sales (lying) and then they applied this tactic to games as well (claiming Uncharted 3 sold 3.4mil in one day when it didn't sell a mil in 3months)
That is the only times I speak on sales, when nikkaz LYING saying its the opposite. I never said this game is good because it sold good. If a game doesn't sell at all, then it might suck. Titanfall was the highest selling game on XB1, but if you let TheColi PSfanboy tell you it failed
See, this isn't me. I'm not the sales warden, I'm defending the truth, and sometimes the topic was about sales. Very disingenuous to now portray me as the sales whore
Now, as for what isn't up for debate? Killzone, Knack, Infamous, DriveClub. Those are the PS4 exclusives. You wanna add Resogun to that list as well?
Comparing that to Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Titanfall, Max and the curse of the brotherhood, Forza 5, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo MCC, Ori and the Blind forest, Geometry Wars 3, Cubhead, Killer Instinct, Super Time Force, Kinect Sports Rivals
Yes, tell me how they somehow compare
Lets move forward.. Bloodborne which has received decent reviews (not epic) and TheOrder which was deemed HORRIBLE yet still gets talked about like its a good game
And then Uncharted 4 which may or may not come out in 2016. 2017 is a possibility
Quantum Break, Fable Legends, Gears of War 4, Halo 5, The Division-complete version, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crackdown 3, Below, Live, Battletoads, Killer Instinct Season 3, Scalebound, Phantom Dust
Where does the debate begin?
System features, its so one sided I'm just gonna save the bandwidth. If I missed any "AAA" titles on sony please mention them so I can adjust my thought process