well, for the longest time in sith history, the way they operated was by the "rule of two", which was basically, the master would take an apprentice, teach him everything, and when the apprentice was strong enough to kill the master, he would take his life, and get an apprentice of his own...and the cycle would repeat...but plagueis broke this cycle, after who knows how many thousand years lol, but he wanted master and apprentice to be equals, so he trusted sideous 100%...one night in his sleep, sideous decided it was time to kill his master, and he hit him with that lighting shyt for hours, torturing him until he died.
The Darth Plagueis audio book has got to be the most boring shyt I've ever listened to. I can't imagine someone actually taking the time out to read that shyt. So many irreverent boring details about planets, species and the history of said planet/species
goddamn, laid down with the headphones on thinking I was in for a treat, that shyt put me right to sleep
The Darth Plagueis audio book has got to be the most boring shyt I've ever listened to. I can't imagine someone actually taking the time out to read that shyt. So many irreverent boring details about planets, species and the history of said planet/species
goddamn, laid down with the headphones on thinking I was in for a treat, that shyt put me right to sleep
Listening to a book is lame, just read it
well, for the longest time in sith history, the way they operated was by the "rule of two", which was basically, the master would take an apprentice, teach him everything, and when the apprentice was strong enough to kill the master, he would take his life, and get an apprentice of his own...and the cycle would repeat...but plagueis broke this cycle, after who knows how many thousand years lol, but he wanted master and apprentice to be equals, so he trusted sideous 100%...one night in his sleep, sideous decided it was time to kill his master, and he hit him with that lighting shyt for hours, torturing him until he died.
He doesnt have one. Kind of like the Jesus of the Star Wars universe. Midichlorians basically formed him spontaneously. It's why he was so powerful as well. Would have been even more powerful had he not lost many of his cells to third degree burns and became half machine. Star Wars nikkas can refine this post. I been away for a while.
From what I read he was a divine conception brought on by the force to counter the sith. I guess he's sort of like an evil Jesus that fell victim to Satan's temptations.