who is Anakin's Skywalker's Father?

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
this why the prequels pretty much ruined star wars for me

Anakin never displayed any power beyond any normal jedi
he's 1-2 in duels, got his hand cut off, then in the next movie got mutiliated some more

they never explained what the prophecy was or why was it so important
Yoda is pretty much evenly matched with Sidious, Obi-Wan is still in his physical prime, but instead of helping the Republic dethrone Sidious they go into hiding?

shyt just doesn't make any damn sense and you gotta be a Lucas dikk riding fanatic to try to reason this shyt

Theres easily a hundred things wrong with the prequels. The star wars name is the only thing stopping them from being called what they are. Sci-Fi channel movies of the week. Bad Acting in front of green screens

characters talk about stuff to other characters but it never gets explained to the audience and theres no fish out of water character that has to be brought up to speed(which brings the audience up to speed). Who deleted the planet from the archives? Why did the jedi not investigate that? Why do they all seem confused about who syfo dias is and a clone army? They find where general grievous is and only send one jedi when grievous is supposedly the key to ending the war. Theres video of sidious killing mace windu and turning anakin. Lets not show anybody or try to clear the jedi of any wrong doing and go try to kill them with no help. The whole thing is amazingly dumb :mindblown:


May 2, 2012
this why the prequels pretty much ruined star wars for me

Anakin never displayed any power beyond any normal jedi
he's 1-2 in duels, got his hand cut off, then in the next movie got mutiliated some more

they never explained what the prophecy was or why was it so important
Yoda is pretty much evenly matched with Sidious, Obi-Wan is still in his physical prime, but instead of helping the Republic dethrone Sidious they go into hiding?

shyt just doesn't make any damn sense and you gotta be a Lucas dikk riding fanatic to try to reason this shyt

anakin was powerful but dooku had more experience the first time around and obi dueled against him in practice so much he knew what was coming and anakin made a tactical error during the high ground situation

the prophecy was about a powerful being who would bring balance to the force, of course nobody knew that would only happen after the jedi were almost destroyed by sidious

they had to go into hiding, almost all the jedi were dead and sidious had a vast army at his whim


Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
So you're saying this is Anakin's pops? :what:


and is manipulated in that context a fancy word for date raping Anakins moms?

manipulated midichlorians in her champagne, she ain't e n o :wow:
May 15, 2012
anakin was powerful but dooku had more experience the first time around and obi dueled against him in practice so much he knew what was coming and anakin made a tactical error during the high ground situation

the prophecy was about a powerful being who would bring balance to the force, of course nobody knew that would only happen after the jedi were almost destroyed by sidious

they had to go into hiding, almost all the jedi were dead and sidious had a vast army at his whim

Come on man

the two most powerful warriors in galaxy go into hiding, but Leia inherts a rebel alliance who had been fighting the Empire since before Episode IV, you wouldn't think these two Jedi would at least be apart of the rebel alliance coming up with strategy, you would think instead of HIDING LUKE, they would've took him somewhere safe and raised him to be a JEDI FROM BIRTH instead of relying on chance of ever meeting him again. It'S GARBAGE

Dooku was obviously way more powerful than Anakin he was shooting lighting and stood toe to toe with Yoda in the first duel.

Obi was obviously inferior to Dooku both times they fought, yet he he was pretty much even with Anakin when they fought the entire time.

there is no prophecy, why would the need a chosen one, the sith had been gone since forever

and I never understood how an army of jedi could be worried about two motherfukkers who are one the same side but want to kill each other shyt
shyt is dumb

the person who brought the balance to the force was the dumb ass engineer who put the catwalk over looking a bottomless pit in the throne room of the death star

be real the prequels contradict every thing the first trilogy laid down.

Jedi use to be a cool, like an underground society not to many people were aware of, only few could join

In A New Hope, they make it seem as if the Jedi were myth like people and many were skeptical the force existed or was real

go to prequels

now they're beat cops with glow sticks not to mention the majority of them get killed by droids and clones not Darth Vader

so after twenty something years they entire galaxy forget the Jedi were the Peace Keepers of the galaxy and are now some crazy cult of religous fanatics.

shyt was nightmare, he obviously never had a back story to this shyt, because it didn't need one, he should have just made some sequels to the first trilogy starting with a brand new crew of young heroes.

Chris Mauro

Jun 17, 2012
manipulated midichlorians in her champagne, she ain't e n o :wow:

its possible we could be getting a movie about dude since they said that there would be some spin off movies where characters got their own stories


May 1, 2012
Come on man

the two most powerful warriors in galaxy go into hiding, but Leia inherts a rebel alliance who had been fighting the Empire since before Episode IV, you wouldn't think these two Jedi would at least be apart of the rebel alliance coming up with strategy, you would think instead of HIDING LUKE, they would've took him somewhere safe and raised him to be a JEDI FROM BIRTH instead of relying on chance of ever meeting him again. It'S GARBAGE

Dooku was obviously way more powerful than Anakin he was shooting lighting and stood toe to toe with Yoda in the first duel.

Obi was obviously inferior to Dooku both times they fought, yet he he was pretty much even with Anakin when they fought the entire time.

there is no prophecy, why would the need a chosen one, the sith had been gone since forever

and I never understood how an army of jedi could be worried about two motherfukkers who are one the same side but want to kill each other shyt
shyt is dumb

the person who brought the balance to the force was the dumb ass engineer who put the catwalk over looking a bottomless pit in the throne room of the death star

be real the prequels contradict every thing the first trilogy laid down.

Jedi use to be a cool, like an underground society not to many people were aware of, only few could join

In A New Hope, they make it seem as if the Jedi were myth like people and many were skeptical the force existed or was real

go to prequels

now they're beat cops with glow sticks not to mention the majority of them get killed by droids and clones not Darth Vader

so after twenty something years they entire galaxy forget the Jedi were the Peace Keepers of the galaxy and are now some crazy cult of religous fanatics.

shyt was nightmare, he obviously never had a back story to this shyt, because it didn't need one, he should have just made some sequels to the first trilogy starting with a brand new crew of young heroes.

I love star wars...

But I have a hard time arguing against this.


May 1, 2012
ya always tripped me out how Vader and the Empire made the Jedi go from top 10 to literally not mentioned at all in such a short span. I think ppl knew they used to exist but the extermination was so calculated that it felt like they were never there.

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
fukk what ya heard, that "Order 66" scene had me :to:. Prequels were 50/50 on the awesome/awful scale. fight scenes were fukkin dope. seeing the galaxy at war in both small and grand scale,fukkin dope. Anakin's March on the Temple flanked by his personal death squad :birdman:, Mace lopping of Jango's dome piece...in front of boba :merchant:
Maul gutting Qui gon:ahh:

but Anakins and Padme's love scenes tho, cringeworthy:dahell:


Jun 7, 2012
I have been listening to the audiobooks while I'm at work over the last month or so...

The Darth Dane books were dope and I just finished the Darth Plageius book last week. Sh*t is major...

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
Theres easily a hundred things wrong with the prequels. The star wars name is the only thing stopping them from being called what they are. Sci-Fi channel movies of the week. Bad Acting in front of green screens

characters talk about stuff to other characters but it never gets explained to the audience and theres no fish out of water character that has to be brought up to speed(which brings the audience up to speed). Who deleted the planet from the archives? Why did the jedi not investigate that? Why do they all seem confused about who syfo dias is and a clone army? They find where general grievous is and only send one jedi when grievous is supposedly the key to ending the war. Theres video of sidious killing mace windu and turning anakin. Lets not show anybody or try to clear the jedi of any wrong doing and go try to kill them with no help. The whole thing is amazingly dumb :mindblown:

Breh, It was Count Dooku. I thought that was pretty obvious. Dooku was an Ex-Jedi and mosty likely deleted that when he was still apart of the order .Palapatine/Sidous obvioulsy instructed him to delete kamino from the archive because they didn't want anyone to know they were secretly constructing a new republic army.

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
People who dont read the books(like me) need to hit up them wiki's. I agree that the movies didn't explain everything but its no one's fault you didn't do the research. The Star Wars univierse goes beyond the movies so if you need to know something read the books or hit up the wiki's like i did.