Ghostface Trillah
God-level poster
this why the prequels pretty much ruined star wars for me
Anakin never displayed any power beyond any normal jedi
he's 1-2 in duels, got his hand cut off, then in the next movie got mutiliated some more
they never explained what the prophecy was or why was it so important
Yoda is pretty much evenly matched with Sidious, Obi-Wan is still in his physical prime, but instead of helping the Republic dethrone Sidious they go into hiding?
shyt just doesn't make any damn sense and you gotta be a Lucas dikk riding fanatic to try to reason this shyt
Theres easily a hundred things wrong with the prequels. The star wars name is the only thing stopping them from being called what they are. Sci-Fi channel movies of the week. Bad Acting in front of green screens
characters talk about stuff to other characters but it never gets explained to the audience and theres no fish out of water character that has to be brought up to speed(which brings the audience up to speed). Who deleted the planet from the archives? Why did the jedi not investigate that? Why do they all seem confused about who syfo dias is and a clone army? They find where general grievous is and only send one jedi when grievous is supposedly the key to ending the war. Theres video of sidious killing mace windu and turning anakin. Lets not show anybody or try to clear the jedi of any wrong doing and go try to kill them with no help. The whole thing is amazingly dumb