who is Anakin's Skywalker's Father?

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Come on man

the two most powerful warriors in galaxy go into hiding, but Leia inherts a rebel alliance who had been fighting the Empire since before Episode IV, you wouldn't think these two Jedi would at least be apart of the rebel alliance coming up with strategy, you would think instead of HIDING LUKE, they would've took him somewhere safe and raised him to be a JEDI FROM BIRTH instead of relying on chance of ever meeting him again. It'S GARBAGE

Dooku was obviously way more powerful than Anakin he was shooting lighting and stood toe to toe with Yoda in the first duel.

Obi was obviously inferior to Dooku both times they fought, yet he he was pretty much even with Anakin when they fought the entire time.

there is no prophecy, why would the need a chosen one, the sith had been gone since forever

and I never understood how an army of jedi could be worried about two motherfukkers who are one the same side but want to kill each other shyt
shyt is dumb

the person who brought the balance to the force was the dumb ass engineer who put the catwalk over looking a bottomless pit in the throne room of the death star

be real the prequels contradict every thing the first trilogy laid down.

Jedi use to be a cool, like an underground society not to many people were aware of, only few could join

In A New Hope, they make it seem as if the Jedi were myth like people and many were skeptical the force existed or was real

go to prequels

now they're beat cops with glow sticks not to mention the majority of them get killed by droids and clones not Darth Vader

so after twenty something years they entire galaxy forget the Jedi were the Peace Keepers of the galaxy and are now some crazy cult of religous fanatics.

shyt was nightmare, he obviously never had a back story to this shyt, because it didn't need one, he should have just made some sequels to the first trilogy starting with a brand new crew of young heroes.

Maybe the sith just killed all opposition and believers.


Feb 13, 2013
TN (east)
Those wikis really do fill in the gaps, though. Everytime I glance at the prequels/sequels these days, I wonder what would such and such person do in a situation. Some of them folks were maniacs...:dahell:

Around the time of the prequels, you had games like KOTOR I/II and Battlefront I/II...I was :deadmanny: by the end.

Atsym Sknyfs

Oct 25, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Come on man

the two most powerful warriors in galaxy go into hiding, but Leia inherts a rebel alliance who had been fighting the Empire since before Episode IV, you wouldn't think these two Jedi would at least be apart of the rebel alliance coming up with strategy, you would think instead of HIDING LUKE, they would've took him somewhere safe and raised him to be a JEDI FROM BIRTH instead of relying on chance of ever meeting him again. It'S GARBAGE

Dooku was obviously way more powerful than Anakin he was shooting lighting and stood toe to toe with Yoda in the first duel.

Obi was obviously inferior to Dooku both times they fought, yet he he was pretty much even with Anakin when they fought the entire time.

there is no prophecy, why would the need a chosen one, the sith had been gone since forever

and I never understood how an army of jedi could be worried about two motherfukkers who are one the same side but want to kill each other shyt
shyt is dumb

the person who brought the balance to the force was the dumb ass engineer who put the catwalk over looking a bottomless pit in the throne room of the death star

be real the prequels contradict every thing the first trilogy laid down.

Jedi use to be a cool, like an underground society not to many people were aware of, only few could join

In A New Hope, they make it seem as if the Jedi were myth like people and many were skeptical the force existed or was real

go to prequels

now they're beat cops with glow sticks not to mention the majority of them get killed by droids and clones not Darth Vader

so after twenty something years they entire galaxy forget the Jedi were the Peace Keepers of the galaxy and are now some crazy cult of religous fanatics.

shyt was nightmare, he obviously never had a back story to this shyt, because it didn't need one, he should have just made some sequels to the first trilogy starting with a brand new crew of young heroes.

Anakin's problem was he was arrogant. He thought he was so nice he basically ended up out smarting himself every time, that why he got his hand got off and why OB1 handled him.

Luke asked Yoda and yoda confirmed the dark side is more powerful. But their problem is arrogance. which was basically anakins problem and just like he lost the sith lost.
May 15, 2012
Anakin's problem was he was arrogant. He thought he was so nice he basically ended up out smarting himself every time, that why he got his hand got off and why OB1 handled him.

Luke asked Yoda and yoda confirmed the dark side is more powerful. But their problem is arrogance. which was basically anakins problem and just like he lost the sith lost.

Up until that point, they were evenly matched the entire duel

Yoda never said the dark side is more powerful he said it's easier and a faster route
May 15, 2012
anakin was powerful but dooku had more experience the first time around and obi dueled against him in practice so much he knew what was coming and anakin made a tactical error during the high ground situation

the prophecy was about a powerful being who would bring balance to the force, of course nobody knew that would only happen after the jedi were almost destroyed by sidious

they had to go into hiding, almost all the jedi were dead and sidious had a vast army at his whim

You talking about practice? Obi was hanging with him the entrie fight before the higher ground shyt, which was really fukking stupid because he could have just jumped off the platform instead of doing a back flip over Obi's head for no reason.

It's one thing to go into hidiing, but the rebel alliance was fighting the empire why not them

the fact you gotta make up things outside the films to give explainations show how the story is fukked beyond repair now.

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Anakin's problem was he was arrogant. He thought he was so nice he basically ended up out smarting himself every time, that why he got his hand got off and why OB1 handled him.

Luke asked Yoda and yoda confirmed the dark side is more powerful. But their problem is arrogance. which was basically anakins problem and just like he lost the sith lost.

Yoda clearly says that the Dark Side is not more powerful

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Breh, It was Count Dooku. I thought that was pretty obvious. Dooku was an Ex-Jedi and mosty likely deleted that when he was still apart of the order .Palapatine/Sidous obvioulsy instructed him to delete kamino from the archive because they didn't want anyone to know they were secretly constructing a new republic army.

Obvious to who? If it was so obvious then why didn't they take two seconds to acknowledge it. The Jedi had a security breach that big and paid it no mind? The Jedi council just sat around and let shyt crumble around them? Like I said the dialogue is designed like every is already in the know and it leaves the audience out in the cold cause things don't get explained.

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
Obvious to who? If it was so obvious then why didn't they take two seconds to acknowledge it. The Jedi had a security breach that big and paid it no mind? The Jedi council just sat around and let shyt crumble around them? Like I said the dialogue is designed like every is already in the know and it leaves the audience out in the cold cause things don't get explained.

:mindblown: Obi Wan went to kamino and investigated who and why it was deleted from the archive. You call that paying it no mind? Once he arrived to Kamino he question Jango and followed him to Geonosis where he discovered Count Dooku(Ex-Jedi master) was in league with the seperatist. Once they discovered dooku was a sith it was no point in furthereing the investigation. I don't get how this is not understood?

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
:mindblown: Obi Wan went to kamino and investigated who and why it was deleted from the archive. You call that paying it no mind? Once he arrived to Kamino he question Jango and followed him to Geonosis where he discovered Count Dooku(Ex-Jedi master) was in league with the seperatist. Once they discovered dooku was a sith it was no point in furthereing the investigation. I don't get how this is not understood?

They never explain exactly what dooku is actually about. The make the reference to him being trained by Yoda(and being equal with Yoda in their fight,but that's a whole other story)and say he used to be a Jedi.Beside that what else do we know about dooku? There's two words that makes or breaks any story - CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. And we all know the prequels have none.

The jedi looked lazy and stupid for most of the prequels. Horrible character development. If killing grievous is the key to ending the war then why send one Jedi?

The prequels are bad movies living off the star wars name. Deal with it.

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
They never explain exactly what dooku is actually about. The make the reference to him being trained by Yoda(and being equal with Yoda in their fight,but that's a whole other story)and say he used to be a Jedi.Beside that what else do we know about dooku? There's two words that makes or breaks any story - CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. And we all know the prequels have none.

The jedi looked lazy and stupid for most of the prequels. Horrible character development. If killing grievous is the key to ending the war then why send one Jedi?

The prequels are bad movies living off the star wars name. Deal with it.

:heh: Character Development? This aint a TV show. Them dudes aint got time for you to fall in love with a character if it aint Anakin,Obi,Padme and Sidious.They told you all you needed to know about him:wtf:. He's an ex jedi who swithced to the dark side. He was Palpatine's apprentice. WTF else do you need to know. Your knitpicking ruining your experience breh . If you need to know a backstory on Dooku go read the book. Im sure there is one that goes into more detail on him. But to sit here and cry why they didn't develop Count Dooku's character in a 2 hour movie is reaching .

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
:heh: Character Development? This aint a TV show. Them dudes aint got time for you to fall in love with a character if it aint Anakin,Obi,Padme and Sidious.They told you all you needed to know about him:wtf:. He's an ex jedi who swithced to the dark side. He was Palpatine's apprentice. WTF else do you need to know. Your knitpicking ruining your experience breh . If you need to know a backstory on Dooku go read the book. Im sure there is one that goes into more detail on him. But to sit here and cry why they didn't develop Count Dooku's character in a 2 hour movie is reaching .

The fact that you don't think a movie(especially a trilogy) would need character development means you aren't qualified to have this conversation because you obviously don't understand how a story works. Enjoy the rest of your day.